
"Rennie" during pregnancy: instructions for use

Women in a position often go to the doctor with such a very unpleasant ailment as heartburn. According to experts, the cause of this symptom is reflux of stomach contents, when gastric juice enters the esophagus and irritates the mucous membrane. Expectant mothers suffer from heartburn quite often, which is caused by a change in the hormonal profile, and changes in the diet, and an enlarged uterus.

Most often, the problem is physiological and ceases to bother after childbirth. To get rid of heartburn while the baby is still in the womb, drugs that are safe for the fetus can be used, among them Rennie. Before taking such a remedy, you need to consult with your doctor, clarifying with him the features of admission for pregnant women and contraindications, and then read the review of the reviews.

Features of the drug

Rennie is available in tablet form. These are square, white or beige colored tablets. Their surfaces are concave, on both sides are marked with inscriptions with the name of the medicine. The drug is sold without a prescription for 6 or 12 tablets in a blister, one carton usually contains 12 or 24 tablets.

The medicine is presented in several flavors - tablets are orange, menthol and mint. In addition, Rennie is produced with a cooling flavor. The preparation contains two active ingredients:

  • calcium carbonate at a dose of 680 mg per tablet;
  • magnesium carbonate in the amount of 80 mg in each tablet.

Menthol, orange, and cooling tablets also contain sucrose, starch, magnesium stearate, flavors, talc and liquid paraffin. The orange medicine additionally contains sodium saccharinate, and Rennie, with a cooling taste, contains xylitol with polydextrose.

Mint tablets are produced without sugar, so the sucrose in their composition has been replaced with sorbitol.

Cooling tablets are available with both sucrose and sorbitol (sugar free).

Operating principle

Rennie's ingredients are able to neutralize excess hydrochloric acid in gastric juice. The drug works already 3-5 minutes after chewing, as it dissolves well and contains a large dosage of calcium carbonate. Due to the decrease in acidity, the agent increases the protective function of the stomach lining, eliminates various unpleasant symptoms, including heartburn, belching, heaviness in the abdomen, flatulence.

After contact with gastric juice, Rennie's active ingredients become soluble salts. Calcium is absorbed from them in an amount of up to 10%, and magnesium, depending on the dosage, in an amount of up to 20%. Some of the salts formed are excreted in the urine, but most of them become insoluble salts in the intestine, leaving the patient's body with feces.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

In the annotation to the tablets it is noted that the use of "Rennie" does not affect the condition of the fetus in any way, so the drug is allowed during the gestation period. However, this does not mean at all that it can be used uncontrollably, on its own initiative.

Firstly, there are certain contraindications for the treatment of Rennie, the absence of which must be checked by the attending physician.

Secondly, the drug can affect the absorption and action of some other drugs. Therefore, when prescribing "Rennie", the specialist will definitely specify which tablets, syrups or capsules the expectant mother is already taking.

Thirdly, after assessing the condition of the pregnant woman, the doctor will prescribe the optimal dosage regimen, which will quickly improve the woman's well-being.

Therefore, if you experience heartburn or any other symptoms of dyspepsia, a pregnant woman should consult her doctor and follow his instructions, instead of buying Rennie at the pharmacy on your own and drinking at your own discretion. Doctors often prescribe this antacid agent to expectant mothers, because it does not contain aluminum, drugs with which can provoke constipation.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

Application of "Rennie" shown with various pathologies and ailments, manifested by heartburn. The medication is prescribed for women with gastritis, esophagitis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer disease, diaphragmatic hernia and other diseases. Tablets are also in demand in cases where the cause of heartburn is inaccuracies in the diet or some drugs.

Women in the "Rennie" position are prescribed for heartburn, which leads to an increase in the uterus (because of it, the internal organs are displaced), as well as hormonal changes and changes in diet. Such an uncomfortable symptom, which is often combined with a feeling of fullness in the abdomen after eating and sour belching, usually occurs in the third trimester. And therefore, "Rennie" is most often prescribed for pregnant women at a later date.

In the first months of gestation, the medication is also in demand to combat heartburn, nausea and toxicosis. In addition, in the early stages, such treatment is resorted to in case of exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases.


The drug should not be used in women with hypersensitivity to any component of the tablets. In addition, "Rennie" is not used in patients with kidney disease, if the excretory function is impaired, as this will lead to an increase in the concentration of the drug ingredients in the blood.

Banned for hypercalcemia and low serum phosphate levels. It is also not prescribed for kidney stones. Sucrose tablets are additionally contraindicated in glucose-galactose malabsorption, isomaltase or sucrase deficiency, fructose intolerance and diabetes mellitus.

Side effects

In some expectant mothers "Rennie" provokes an allergic reaction. If shortly after taking the pill, itching occurs, a rash or any other symptom of allergy appears, you should immediately cancel the treatment and consult a specialist.

Instructions for use

The drug, in the dosage prescribed by the doctor, is placed in the mouth and chewed. Another acceptable use is by sucking in the mouth until the Rennie ingredients are completely dissolved. Most often, the medication is taken when unpleasant symptoms occur, and if the condition does not improve, then the reception is repeated after 2 hours.

The maximum number of tablets per day, as well as the duration of the use of "Rennie", the expectant mother should check with her attending physician, since the scheme during pregnancy will be individual.


There are mostly positive reviews about the use of "Rennie" while waiting for the baby. Expectant mothers who have chewed these pills to fight heartburn, nausea or belching call the drug effective and confirm that it has a fairly quick effect.

The main advantages of the drug include an easy-to-use form and an affordable price. The agent is tolerated, judging by the words of women, well. Allergic reactions to the drug occur in rare cases. Most pregnant women confirm that taking "Rennie" helped them relieve heartburn, without affecting the baby's condition in any way.


To replace "Rennie" can be used and other drugs from the group of antacids, with which you can quickly get rid of heartburn. The doctor may prescribe.

  • "Gastal". Such tablets based on magnesium and aluminum hydroxides reduce acidity, eliminate dyspepsia and improve the protective function of the gastric mucosa. They can be used as prescribed by a doctor at any stage of pregnancy.

  • "Gaviscon". This medicine contains sodium alginate, combined with sodium bicarbonate and calcium carbonate. After entering the stomach, such components become neutral by reaction with the gel, which prevents the contents from being thrown into the esophagus. This drug is safe for the fetus, produced in the form of a suspension and tablets, therefore it is prescribed in the 1st trimester, as well as in the last months of gestation.

  • "Almagel". The basis of this suspension is magnesium compounds such as algeldrate and hydroxide, so the drug is able to neutralize gastric juice and envelop the mucous membrane. According to the official instructions, this remedy is contraindicated during pregnancy, but its short course is permissible as prescribed by a doctor, in the presence of serious indications, for example, in acute gastroduodenitis.

  • Maalox. The composition of such a medicine contains the same active substances as in "Almagel", so taking the drug will create a protective layer on the mucous membrane, lowering the acidity of the stomach contents. The tool is presented not only as a suspension, but also as chewable tablets. Its use during pregnancy is allowed only under medical supervision.

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