
"Faringosept" during pregnancy: instructions for use

If the expectant mother begins to have a sore throat or a dry cough, the doctor may prescribe a local remedy with antiseptic properties. One of them is "Faringosept"... Such a medicine is popular for the inflammatory process in the oropharynx, but you should not rush to buy and dissolve it during pregnancy. So that the drug does not harm the fetus, you need to check with the doctor about the possibility of its use in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters, as well as learn how to properly take "Faringosept" for pregnant women, what contraindications it has, and what is written about such a medication in the review of reviews.

Features of the drug

Faringosept is manufactured by Ranbaxy in one dosage form. These are pills that must be sucked. They are round, with a smooth surface, brown-yellow in color, with a cocoa flavor.

Lemon tablets are also produced, on one of the surfaces of which you can see the letter "L". The drug is sold without a prescription, 10 or 20 tablets per pack.

The main ingredient of the product is ambazona monohydrate... One tablet contains 10 mg of it. Additionally, the drug contains lactose, gum arabic, sucrose, polyvidone and some other substances that provide density and sweet taste. The shelf life of the medication is 4 years.

Operating principle

The active substance of "Faringosept" is able to slow down the growth of pathogenic bacteria, including streptococci and many other microbes that often affect the tissues of the throat and oral cavity. Thanks to this bacteriostatic effect, the activity of inflammation decreases, and microorganisms cease to spread to neighboring areas, as a result of which the inflammatory process is localized and soon fades away.

This is facilitated by the fact that during resorption, the formation of saliva is activated. It softens inflamed tissues and additionally acts on bacteria due to natural antimicrobial substances (primarily lysozyme). At the same time, "Faringosept" does not affect the natural microflora of the mouth and digestive tract, which reduces the risk of side effects during treatment with this remedy.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

There is no pregnancy in the list of contraindications for the appointment of "Faringosept", but using this medication while the child is waiting is allowed only as directed by a doctor. The effect of the drug is local, therefore doctors consider it relatively safe for the fetus and is often prescribed to women in position.

However, in the 1st trimester in relation to "Faringosept", as to any other drug, increased caution is shown. If it is possible to avoid using it in the first weeks of gestation, doctors prefer not to prescribe it.

But with the appearance of severe sore throat and severe discomfort, a specialist can prescribe "Faringosept" even at an early date to prevent the spread of the infection. In this case, you should not take the pills yourself.

In the second trimester, which is called relatively calm, the use of "Faringosept" is allowed, but it is important to follow the scheme prescribed by the doctor. In the third trimester, such a drug is also not prohibited, because it has no effect on the state of the uterus, therefore it is unable to affect labor. Application at a later date is fully justified, since infections in the mother's body during this period are very harmful to the child.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

"Faringosept" is in demand for infections that have struck the mouth and throat. The drug is used in the treatment of pharyngitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, gingivitis and laryngitis. The risk of any of these diseases during pregnancy increases, since the woman's immune system in the position works in a special mode, and protection against bacteria, viruses and other harmful factors decreases.

At the same time, it is by no means possible to start the disease. Leaving her unattended, the pregnant woman risks getting a chronic process or various complications.

That is why local remedies such as "Faringosept" will be a good choice to fight the first signs of infection, such as sore throat, soreness, and dry cough. The medication can also be prescribed prophylactically after dental procedures in order to exclude bacterial complications, for example, if a pregnant woman had to remove a tooth. In such a situation, the active substance "Faringosept" will prevent wound infection and thereby protect the expectant mother and baby from the need to be treated with antibiotics.


The use of "Faringosept" should be abandoned by those women who have an intolerance to any ingredient of the drug... Since the tablets contain sucrose, they are not recommended for diabetes mellitus, and the presence of lactose in the composition makes such a drug undesirable for lactase deficiency and various hereditary disorders of carbohydrate metabolism.

Side effects

An allergic reaction may occur to the tablets in the form of itching, skin rash, swelling of the facial tissues and other symptoms that may appear both when using the first tablet and after a while. This forces you to immediately stop using "Faringosept" and consult a doctor so that he picks up an analogue that a woman will tolerate normally. The medication often does not cause any other side effects.

Instructions for use

The tablet is not swallowed, but placed in the mouth and held until it is completely dissolved. It is recommended to do this after a meal, so that the drug remains in the oral cavity longer. After resorption for 2-3 hours, it is better not to eat or even drink.

The standard single dosage is one tablet, but it is better to check the frequency of use with a doctor, as well as the duration of treatment. Usually, the drug is prescribed in a 3-5-day course, and the frequency of resorption can be from 3 to 5 times a day.

However, for each expectant mother, the treatment regimen will be different, because the nature of the disease, its severity and the condition of the mucous membrane affect it.

If on the third or fourth day of the use of the tablets, no improvement is observed, this should be immediately reported to the doctor. Consultation is also required if any alarming symptoms appear.


The use of "Faringosept" during pregnancy is generally responded positively. The tablets are called effective for angina, stomatitis and many other diseases. Their advantages include sweet taste, a short list of contraindications, low cost and safety for the fetus. The portability of the agent is assessed as good, since side effects during treatment with Faringosept occur in isolated cases.


If necessary, replace "Faringosept" with a drug with a similar effect, the doctor may prescribe the following drugs.

  • Strepsils. Such pastilles with different tastes work due to two antiseptic substances. The drug softens the mucous membrane, eliminates pain, inhibits bacteria, viruses and fungi. During pregnancy, it is used as directed by a specialist.

  • "Tantum Verde"... These green candies contain benzydamine, a compound with a pronounced anti-inflammatory and some antiseptic effect. The medication is in demand in the treatment of angina, glossitis, periodontal disease, laryngitis and other pathologies. The product is also available in the form of a solution and spray. Expectant mothers "Tantum Verde" are prescribed with caution after a doctor's examination.

  • "Lizobakt"... These tablets contain lysozyme, to which vitamin B6 has been added. The drug is classified as harmless to the fetus, therefore, it is prescribed for pregnant women even in the early stages. It is used for tonsillitis, gingivitis and other diseases of the oropharynx.

  • "Hexalysis"... This is another pill with lysozyme, but it was combined with an antiseptic component and with another substance that can suppress inflammation. The medication is prescribed to expectant mothers at any time, but only after a doctor's examination.

For the drug Faringosept, see below.

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