
"Lugol" during pregnancy: instructions for use

During pregnancy, the woman's immune system becomes less active in order to ensure normal gestation. This leads to the fact that the body of the expectant mother becomes more vulnerable to colds and infectious diseases. At the same time, many drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women, therefore, with inflammation of the mucous membranes, doctors resort to drugs with local action.

They practically do not get into the bloodstream, therefore, they pose a minimum danger to the fetus. However, not all of these funds can be called completely harmless. For example, a well-known local medicine such as "Lugol", causes controversy even among experienced professionals. The use of a spray for pregnant women in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters is decided individually and requires increased caution.

Features of the drug

"Lugol" is one of the most popular antiseptics, acting due to iodine... The drug is released in liquid form with an active substance concentration of 1% or 1.25%. It is a translucent, viscous liquid of brown-reddish color with a rather pungent odor and taste.

In addition to molecular iodine, the preparation contains glycerol for a softening effect, purified water and potassium iodide.

The medicine is sold in dark glass bottles. Depending on the manufacturer, one package can contain from 25 to 60 ml of solution. The bottle usually has a spray nozzle that allows Lugol to be sprayed onto affected skin or mucous membranes.

Operating principle

Due to molecular iodine in the Lugol solution it has antiseptic properties. Contacting pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria, the drug causes their death. It also affects Candida fungi. Destroying the causative agent of infection, the drug stops the inflammatory process and speeds up recovery. In addition, due to the local irritant effect, "Lugol" enhances the production of mucus, which helps to cleanse the affected surface from pathogens.

Pathogens sensitive to iodine do not get used to this medicine, so they do not develop resistance, which allows using Lugol many times. However, some bacteria do not lend themselves to such a drug, so the solution is not used against them. Among such pathogens, staphylococci are noted (for their destruction, very long-term use is required) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

In the annotation to the drug, you can see information that "Lugol" is contraindicated during childbearing... However, the opinions of doctors regarding this medication are radically different.

Some experts are sure that this is an outdated drug, instead of which it is worth prescribing safer modern means for expectant mothers. They claim that iodine present in the solution can accumulate and affect the condition of the fetus... TO disadvantages "Lugol" also includes the risk of mucosal burns, as a result of which a pregnant woman may develop a reflex cough, which is highly undesirable while waiting for the baby.

Other doctors do not share the concerns and classify "Lugol" as a medication allowed during pregnancy. Sore throat is more dangerous than treating it with this topical remedy, they said.

In addition, many pregnant women are deficient in iodine, which is more harmful than an excess of this element. Experts who prescribe "Lugol" to their pregnant patients assure that if the instructions are followed, no harmful effect on the development of the fetus is observed.

At the same time, they also focus on such a nuance - although the therapeutic effect of "Lugol" is mainly local, but iodine still penetrates into the blood in a certain amount. The percentage of the absorbed element will be higher if a large area of ​​the mucous membrane or skin is to be treated. That is why during pregnancy, treatment with "Lugol" is resorted to in cases where it is required to smear small inflamed areas with a solution.

As for the gestational age, then in the first trimester this drug is discarded whenever possible, as with most drugs. Second trimester considered a relatively safe period during which "Lugol" can be used in accordance with medical recommendations. In the third trimester treatment is permissible under the supervision of a physician.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

The most common indication for Lugol treatment is sore throat... The use of the solution is in demand for pharyngitis, tonsillitis or laryngitis of a bacterial nature. The drug can also be used for leather processing, for example, if a woman has an infected burn, boil, or purulent wound.


The use of "Lugol" is prohibited in case of hypersensitivity to iodine and other components of the solution. In the presence of kidney or liver disease, the agent is used with increased caution. Patients with thyroid diseases deserve special attention. If a woman has thyrotoxicosis, it is impossible to use "Lugol".

Side effects

Sometimes symptoms appear after smearing with a solution allergies or such local reactionslike a sore throat, burning or tingling sensation. In case of hives, itching and other allergic manifestations, the use of "Lugol" is immediately stopped.

As for the discomfort after spraying, they are usually caused by the irritating and drying effect of the drug.

If such manifestations do not disappear soon after treatment, but bother for a long time, a doctor's consultation is needed.

Instructions for use

"Lugol" is applied topically on the inflamed and painful areas until complete recovery. If the medication is prescribed for the throat, then the doctor sets the frequency of treatment and the duration of treatment individually. During spraying, the bottle is held vertically, directing the end of the spray tube to the area to be sprayed with the treatment solution.

During spraying in the throat, a woman needs to hold her breath to prevent particles of the drug from entering the bronchi. After using the spray, you should not drink or eat anything for 30 minutes, so that "Lugol" remains on the treated area for this period, and its effect is sufficient.

It is permissible to treat the skin with a medicinal solution in several ways, depending on the location and severity of the inflammation. If the wound is small, and the inflammatory process is not too active, then "Lugol" is sprayed onto the previously cleaned surface and allowed to be absorbed for 30 minutes. In case of severe inflammation or extensive lesions, the spray is applied to wipes, which are applied to the skin, and then replaced with new ones.


You can find different reviews about the use of "Lugol". AT positive The drug is widely recognized as effective, inexpensive and easy to use. AT negative - complain about an unpleasant taste and irritating effect. Some patients noted the appearance of allergies, bronchospasm and other side symptoms.


Other topical medications can be used to replace Lugol for throat problems to help relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and eliminate bacteria.

  • "Tantum Verde"... The active substance of this drug is benzydamine, which has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. The drug is available in the form of lozenges, spray and rinse solution. It is prescribed for women expecting a baby in 2-3 trimesters.

  • Miramistin. This remedy is considered safe for pregnant women, therefore, it is prescribed for expectant mothers even in the 1st trimester. The solution helps with bacterial, viral or fungal infections of the mucous membrane. It is also often prescribed for skin lesions, runny nose, eye inflammation and many other diseases.

  • Strepsils. These antiseptic lozenges can be taken under medical supervision during pregnancy to relieve sore throat. The action of the drug is caused by the combination of amylmetacresol with dichlorobenzyl alcohol. Separately released "Strepsils Express", which contains the local anesthetic lidocaine.

  • "Hexoral"... The antimicrobial component of this solution, hexetidine, is also capable of killing candida and some viruses. The tool is used throughout pregnancy for throat irrigation and gargling, but only as directed by a doctor.

How to use Lugol's solution correctly, see below.

Watch the video: My Keto Pregnancy First Trimester of Keto And Pregnancy W. LCHF (July 2024).