
"Oscillococcinum" during pregnancy: instructions for use

Colds are common in expectant mothers, especially if the gestation period was in the fall or early spring. At the same time, it is undesirable to take many medications, and some are even dangerous. Because of this, pregnant women often turn to homeopathy, because such drugs are not prohibited while waiting for the baby.

One of the homeopathic remedies in demand for colds and acute respiratory infections is Oscillococcinum. But before taking it during pregnancy, you should learn more about the drug itself and consult with your doctor.


The product is produced in France by the well-known company "Boiron" and is granules that dissolve quickly as soon as they combine with saliva or any liquid. They are spherical in shape, white in color and do not smell, but taste sweet. The drug is packaged in portions in white plastic tubes, which are closed with a polyethylene stopper. Each such tube contains 1 gram of granules, which corresponds to one dose of "Otsillococcinum".

Tubes are sold in 3 pieces in one blister, and the package contains 6-30 tubes. At the same time, you do not need a prescription from a doctor to buy a drug. Store it at home sealed (in its original packaging) for 5 years from the date of issue. Storage temperature - no higher than +25 degrees.

The active component of the product is represented by an extract obtained from the organs of the barbarian (also called musky) duck. For the manufacture of granules, take the heart and liver of this type of ducks. For quick dissolution and a sweet taste, lactose and sucrose are added to the multi-diluted extract.

The drug is most in demand in the treatment of moderate or mild influenza, but it can also be prescribed for other acute respiratory viral infections.

Why is it prescribed for pregnant women?

A decrease in immunity is noted in most expectant mothers. This physiological response is required for the normal carrying of a child, but it inevitably increases the rate of colds. Because of her, a woman is more susceptible to virus attack both in the early stages and in the 2nd or 3rd trimesters.

At the same time, the main problem is the ban on many antiviral drugs. And even if the doctor prescribes medications allowed during pregnancy, taking them in the 1st trimester is not recommended so as not to disrupt the initial growth of the baby. However, it is impossible to ignore the symptoms of a cold while waiting for the baby.

A prolonged rise in temperature, severe cough and other symptoms of acute respiratory infections can affect the fetus and even lead to termination of pregnancy or premature birth.

For example, if a mother-to-be "catches" the flu in the first 12 weeks of gestation, it will significantly increase the child's risk of nervous system defects. And therefore the use of homeopathy is quite in demand.

There are a lot of positive reviews about such treatment, because homeopathic medicines (including Oscillococcinum) are considered harmless for pregnant women. They contain minimum dosages of active elements that do not provoke developmental pathologies in the baby and do not in any way affect the contractile ability of the uterus.

When is it used?

The use of "Otsillococcinum" during pregnancy is both for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, if the expectant mother has already become infected, and for the prevention of colds, which is especially important during the season of viral infections (winter-autumn period). The doctor may prescribe such a remedy if there is a high risk of influenza or other acute respiratory infections, for example, if someone is sick in the pregnant woman's family or the woman is forced to visit places with a large crowd of people... Reception of "Otsillococcinum" for prophylactic purposes is possible at any stage of pregnancy.

It is recommended to use the drug for treatment at the first symptoms of a cold.when a woman felt a sore throat, chills, headache, body aches and other signs of an incipient disease. The sooner you start taking the granules when you feel unwell, the higher the effectiveness of the remedy and the faster it will work.

In many cases, the rapid start of the use of "Otsillococcinum" helps to stop the development of the disease at the initial stage.

If it was not possible to avoid infection, the active component of the granules will contribute to an easier course and prevent dangerous complications. Taking the drug is indicated for both prolonged ARVI and advanced forms of influenza. In such cases, it is included in the complex of treatment, combining with other drugs.

In the responses of expectant mothers who drank Oscillococcinum with ARVI, a decrease in the duration and severity of the infection was noted. According to them, taking such a remedy helped to lower the temperature and improve the general condition. However, sometimes there are complaints about the low effectiveness of the drug or the absence of any improvement after its use. Such negative reviews are usually associated with high expectations or individual characteristics (the remedy did not suit a particular patient).

Do not expect homeopathy to be as effective as many anti-inflammatory and antiviral drugs.... They do not act so strongly, but they do not harm the woman's body either. And in case of pregnancy, the ability to at least slightly alleviate the symptoms of ARVI will be beneficial and preferable to treatment with more serious medications.

Anyway, drink "Otsillococcinum" while carrying a baby should only be prescribed by a doctor... At the same time, specialist advice is required not because of the possible negative effect of the drug on the fetus, but because of the high risk of various complications of acute respiratory infections in expectant mothers.

Taking granules does not cause any side effects, and an overdose of such a drug has not previously been encountered. In addition, "Oscillococcinum" does not interfere with the therapeutic effect of other drugs. However, due to the presence in the composition of milk sugar and sucrose, such a remedy is prohibited in case of lactose intolerance, a lack of lactase in the body and some other pathologies associated with the absorption of carbohydrates.

How to apply?

A single dosage of "Otsillococcinum" both in the first trimester and in the later stages will be the same. In addition, it is not affected by the patient's age and weight. At one time, take granules from one tube. It is recommended to take the drug 15 minutes before meals. If the expectant mother is going to drink such a remedy after eating, you should wait about 1 hour.

The frequency of taking "Otsillococcinum" is determined depending on the symptoms and stage of the disease... If fever, chills, muscle pain and other signs of acute respiratory infections have just appeared, the remedy is taken 2-3 times a day with an interval of 6 hours. If you start drinking the drug at the height of the disease, then the granules are used twice during the day. For the prevention of influenza, it is recommended to take 1 dose 1 time per week.

The duration of taking the granules also depends on the reason for the appointment and the course of the disease. In most cases, with ARVI, the drug is taken for only a few days. If "Oscillococcinum" is intended to protect against infection with influenza and other viruses, then the drug can be used for several months in a row - during the entire dangerous period.

By pressing on the blister and taking out one tube, it is opened, and the contents are poured into the oral cavity. The granules are kept under the tongue while they are absorbed by saliva.

It is also permissible to dissolve them in water and drink the resulting solution, but adults use this method less often (it is in demand among infants).

What to replace?

One of the most common complaints about the drug is its high price. Indeed, six tubes of Otsillococcinum cost about 250 rubles, a box with 12 tubes costs 600-700 rubles, and the cost of a pack with 30 doses reaches 1400 rubles. For this reason, many women are interested in cheap analogs. In addition, the need to replace "Oscillococcinum" may also be due to its intolerance or weak therapeutic effect.

Instead, other homeopathic remedies can be used, for example, "Ergoferon", "Anaferon", "Viburkol", "Influcid"... They come in different forms, including tablets, granules, drops, syrups, suppositories, and so on. The harmful effects of these funds on the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy are not noted, but women who are expecting a baby should be taken with caution.

It is recommended to select among them a suitable analogue for the expectant mother together with a doctor who will assess the expected benefits and take into account all the risks.

Interferon-based drugs can also replace Oscillococcinum in ARVI. They boost the immune response, help the body fight viruses, and speed up recovery. One of these means is "Viferon", which is represented by candles, ointment and gel. Expectant mothers are prescribed it from the 14th week. Another popular medicine is Grippferon. These nasal drops can be used at any stage of pregnancy.

Among medications with antiviral effect during the waiting period for the baby oseltamivir preparations can be used, such as Tamiflu or Nomides capsules... Such drugs have the ability to directly affect viral particles, thanks to which they effectively prevent the flu or help cure it faster if a woman does get sick.

These drugs should be prescribed to pregnant women by a doctor.

An overview of the drug "Oscillococcinum" is presented in the following video.

Watch the video: Dr. Joe Schwarcz: Hes no quack (July 2024).