
"Vibrocil" during pregnancy: instructions for use

When a woman is expecting a baby, she becomes less resistant to viral infections and colds, which is why many pregnant women develop nasal congestion or runny nose. To alleviate the condition, they resort to various medications that are dripped or injected into the nose. However, not all of them are safe for the fetus, therefore, before using them, you should definitely consult a specialist.

This also applies to such a popular tool as "Vibrocil". Its independent use during pregnancy is prohibited by both the instruction for the medicine and the reviews of doctors. Let's take a look at whether it is permissible to treat a runny nose with such a remedy in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters, what are the contraindications for taking drops and what can be used to replace "Vibrocil" during pregnancy.

Features of the drug

Vibrocil is sold as an over-the-counter drug in three dosage forms. The most popular of these are dropswho are most often chosen for the treatment of children. They are available in glass bottles equipped with a pipette cap. Inside the bottle is 15 ml of a yellowish or colorless solution with an indistinct lavender odor.

The preparation contains a combination of two active substances. The first is phenylephrine at a dosage of 2.5 g per 1 ml, and the second is dimethindene maleate in an amount of 0.25 mg per 1 ml.

Among the auxiliary components of the drug there are sorbitol, methylhydroxypropyl cellulose, benzalkonium chloride, disodium phosphate, citric acid, lavender extract and purified water.

The second, no less popular form of "Vibrocil", is presented spray... This solution is almost identical to the drops in appearance, composition, and concentration of active ingredients. The only difference lies in the packaging - the spray is produced in 10 ml bottles, which have a special spray nozzle.

Another option "Vibrocil" is nasal gel... It is a homogeneous colorless or yellowish mass with a faint lavender aroma, packed in tubes of 12 g. Each gram of this gel contains 2.5 mg of phenylephrine and 0.25 mg of dimethindene. The inactive substances of a gel-like preparation are the same as those of a liquid one, but hypromellose is also added to them.

Operating principle

Phenylephrine, present in Vibrocil, acts on receptors in the walls of blood vessels, which causes their constriction... Since the agent is injected into the nasal passages, the activation of the receptors occurs in the nasal membrane and sinuses, as a result of which the swelling decreases, the nasal congestion disappears, the amount of discharge decreases.

Thanks to the second active substance - dimethindene - the drug is also able to affect other receptors that have histamine sensitivity. This gives the drug anti-allergic properties. The action of the ingredients is predominantly local, but when the dosage is exceeded, the risk of exposure to vessels other than those located in the nose increases.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

With regard to the appointment of "Vibrocil" to pregnant women, doctors are very careful. A sufficient number of studies that would confirm the safety of the drug for the fetus and the course of pregnancy have not been carried out, so the manufacturer added to the package insert to all forms of "Vibrocil" a phrase that treatment with such a drug is not recommended without a doctor's prescription.

Concerns are caused by the vasoconstrictor properties of the drug, because after getting on the mucous membrane, the ingredients of "Vibrocil" are quickly absorbed, therefore they can penetrate into the systemic circulation, affect the vessels of the placenta and the growing child's body.

However, if the drug is used at a low dose, this becomes unlikely, therefore in the 2nd trimester, "Vibrocil" can still be prescribed to a woman in a position if she has no problems with the course of pregnancy and there are no other contraindications.

In the early stages, it is better to refuse such a medication, like many others. It is impossible to guess exactly how the active substances of "Vibrocil" will affect the embryo, so the risk is often unjustified. Moreover, there are drugs against the common cold that are allowed in the 1st trimester. That is why in the first months of gestation, in most cases, "Vibrocil" is not prescribed.

As for the late terms, during this period, during the treatment with Vibrocil, increased caution is also required., especially if the woman has problems with blood pressure. In addition, such a remedy increases the load on the kidneys, which increases the risk of gestosis. Fetoplacental insufficiency can also be attributed to the dangerous consequences of the uncontrolled use of "Vibrocil" in the 3rd trimester. Due to such possible problems, the use of a gel, drops or spray is recommended only after a doctor's prescription.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

"Vibrocil" prescribed primarily for acute rhinitis, caused by a viral infection or a cold. He is no less in demand and with allergic rhinitis... The reason for using the solution or gel can also be a chronic rhinitis or vasomotor rhinitis... In addition, the medication is prescribed with acute and chronic sinusitis... For some patients, the doctor may prescribe "Vibrocil" and as an aid in the treatment otitis media.


The use of "Vibrocil" is prohibited in case of hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug.

The remedy is not prescribed for atrophic rhinitis, as well as for angle-closure glaucoma.

Increased caution in the appointment of "Vibrocil" is shown in relation to patients with heart rhythm disturbances, high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, epilepsy.

Side effects

Sometimes in response to the use of "Vibrocil" there are different negative symptoms, including discomfort in the nose, a burning sensation or excessive dryness. In some cases, the medication causes nosebleeds. If you use the drug for too long, then addiction develops - when the drug is canceled, patients begin to complain of a more severe runny nose and congestion.

Instructions for use

Treatment with "Vibrocil" of the nasal passages is recommended after clearing them from secretions. Drops enter, throwing the head back a little and holding it in this position for several minutes. Using spray the head is kept straight and the spray nozzle is positioned vertically upward. Gel lay in the nasal passages as deep as possible.

The frequency of application of "Vibrocil" is usually 3-4 times a day. The last time the medication is used is late at night, as this allows you to breathe normally during a night's sleep.

The number of drops, clicks on the sprayer or the amount of gel should be checked with your doctor. The duration of treatment with the selected form of medication is also determined individually, but most often the course of use does not exceed one week.


Women who were prescribed "Vibrocil" during pregnancy leave mostly positive reviews about it. Among the main advantages, they note a rather quick effect, ease of use, and a pleasant smell. According to expectant mothers, the tolerance of any form of "Vibrocil" is mostly good. The disadvantages of the drug include its high cost, short duration of therapeutic action and the risk of addiction.


If necessary, prescribe a remedy that has similar therapeutic effects to "Vibrocil", the doctor may recommend the following drugs.

  • Aqualor Extra Forte. The basis of such a spray is hypertonic sea water, combined with extracts of aloe and chamomile. The drug is prescribed for rhinitis, acute respiratory viral infections, sinusitis and adenoiditis both in the early and late periods of gestation.

  • "Pinosol"... Such a remedy is released in the form of a spray, drops and nasal ointment. The composition of the drug is represented by eucalyptus oil, tocopherol, pine oil and thymol. The drug is used at any stage of pregnancy with rhinopharyngitis and rhinitis, including chronic course.

  • Sanorin. The vasoconstrictor effect of such drops is caused by naphazoline. The drug is used in pregnant women to treat rhinitis, sinusitis or otitis media under the supervision of a physician, since there are many contraindications for such treatment.

  • "Nazivin"... The active ingredient in this medication is oxymetazoline. Such vasoconstrictor drops and spray can be used during pregnancy if prescribed by a doctor, strictly adhering to the dosage and treatment regimen.

  • "Aqua Maris"... This nasal spray contains purified seawater. The remedy is considered harmless to the fetus and can be used for rhinitis at any stage of pregnancy.

For more information about Vibrocil drops, see below.

Watch the video: Common cold PKA W1 (July 2024).