
The benefits of goat milk. Goat milk for babies

1. The benefits of goat milk

Do you want your child to get the healthiest baby food? Then this publication is for you!

Back in 1906, the World Congress of Pediatric Physicians recognized goat's milk as the best "milk formula" for newborns. Although by this time the first infant formula had already appeared, which was a mixture of powdered milk with flour and vitamins. This recognition confirmed the positive experience of consumption of goat milk accumulated by mankind.

Modern science confirms the benefits and exclusivity of goat milk.

1.1. Excellent digestibility and assimilation

Comfortable digestion of the baby is a guarantee of his good mood and mother's peace of mind. There is nothing better than breast milk. Unfortunately, breastfeeding is becoming increasingly difficult. When choosing formula milk, make a decision - do you prefer goat or cow milk for your child?

  • Compared to cow goat protein is more similar in composition to breast milk proteins... This makes the goat milk easier to digest.
  • Goat's milk is absorbed and digested almost twice as fast as cow's milk. It is very important to note that goat milk casein forms a softer casein clot in the stomach, which is digested faster and normalizes digestion, reducing the tendency to constipation.

1.2. Benefits and high bioavailability of goat milk

The chemical composition of goat and cow milk, although close to each other, differ in quality.

  • Goat milk fats... Up to 55% of the energy in a child's body under one year old comes from fats. So we are not afraid of this word! Goat milk contains more of the beneficial short- and medium-chain fatty acids needed for a baby's development. Goat milk fats also contain more unsaturated fatty acids. They are not produced by the human body, and therefore are among the vital components of nutrition.
  • Trace elements... Goat milk is distinguished by higher bioavailability of iron and calcium. The iron content in goat milk is higher than in cow's milk, and at the same time it is better absorbed. Compared to cow's, goat's milk contains almost twice as much copper, three times as much manganese and one and a half times as much molybdenum.
  • Vitamins. Goat's milk is richer than cow's milk in the content of vitamins C, A and D.
  • Nucleotides and oligosaccharides... Goat milk contains 4-5 times the content of natural nucleotides and oligosaccharides, which not only help maintain the balance of intestinal microflora, but also have a positive effect on the immune system.

Thus, daily consumption of goat milk, which is rich in natural ingredients, helps to reduce the consumption of their analogs. Goat milk and mixtures based on it is a natural and healthy product.

1.3. Good tolerance for goat milk

Goat milk is well tolerated, which is very important for babies who do not always tolerate weaning or supplemental formula feeding.

Poor tolerance or intolerance to cow's milk has a completely different nature from allergies and often depends on various functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, various non-allergic reactions, neurological diseases, etc. In this case, goat's milk is recommended, which, as is now known, is digested and absorbed faster and better than cow's milk.

Attention! For an accurate diagnosis, always contact your doctor, not the Internet! Know that with an established allergy to cow's milk protein (CMP), goat's milk is not recommended for nutrition - it can cause cross-allergy.

2. Disadvantages of goat milk

It would be unfair to describe exclusively the virtues of goat milk. Let's objectively talk about its shortcomings.

2.1. High price

Delicious and nutritious goat milk requires high standards of hygiene, nutrition and animal welfare. Only then will the goat's milk not specifically "smell like a goat". In some countries, farm goat breeding has a long history and today is brought to perfection ( In the Kingdom of the Netherlands, for example, the farming of goats dates back several centuries, and modern agricultural technologies make it possible to obtain milk of the highest quality. Milk from the Netherlands is considered one of the tastiest, sweetest and most nutritious in the world. Here you can watch a short video about goat breeding and mixture production.

2.2. Lack of availability of tasty and high quality goat milk.

It is very difficult to buy delicious goat milk not only in the store, but also from private owners. With the introduction of a ban on the import of Dutch and French goat milk, the choice has narrowed to a few producers, but the taste of such milk still lags behind the high standards of organoleptic properties. In general, you can buy goat milk, but it is for a very big fan!

3. Goat milk for babies

Should you choose goat or cow milk for your baby?

Of course, for children and adults, it is preferable to choose goat's milk. And if we are talking about babies and young children (up to a year), then we must be careful! The body of a child from birth is aimed by nature at the digestion of exclusively breast milk. Breast milk is very different from animal milk in terms of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. So much so that pediatricians do not recommend feeding children with plain milk until two years of age. If breastfeeding is not possible, then infant formula will always help out mom and baby.

3.1. At what age can children be given goat milk

It is preferable to give natural goat and cow milk to children from two years old. It is not recommended to give ordinary milk to babies and children under one year old, since its composition does not allow them to fully digest and assimilate this product.

3.2. Goat milk formula for newborns

Let's talk about the advantages of goat milk mixtures, and as an example, let's take the Kabrita® mixtures adapted on the basis of goat milk for comfortable digestion:

  • Kabrita® goat milk mixtures appeared on the Russian market in 2012. The blend is produced by a major international dairy producer in the Kingdom of the Netherlands. It is very important that the mixtures are made from environmentally friendly raw materials, in the most modern facility that guarantees product safety.
  • The mixtures are made from natural goat milk, which is known to be well tolerated and absorbed. According to the studies, 9 out of 10 mothers who fed their children with Kabrita® formulas noted the good tolerance of the formulas and their positive effect on digestion and functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (a decrease in the frequency and intensity of constipation, colic and flatulence).
  • The ratio of whey to casein in the mixture is the same as in breast milk - 60% casein and 40% whey.
  • Goat milk infant formula is enriched with the unique DigestX® fat complex, which facilitates digestion to complement the effect of goat milk.
  • Goat milk formulas are enriched with prebiotics and probiotics, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, 26 vitamins and minerals.
  • The mixture contains a large amount of natural nucleotides and oligosaccharides of goat milk, which makes it possible to reduce the introduction of their synthetic analogs into the product.
  • The mixture is distinguished by a mild creamy taste, this is important, because babies rarely refuse them, eat well and gain weight within the age range.

4. Conclusion

Such a modern and rich composition of milk formulas helps to establish digestion, which is very important for babies who switch from breastfeeding to artificial feeding. Indeed, during this difficult period, children very often suffer from constipation and colic.

Goat milk formulas help improve digestion comfort, leaving more time for joy and peace.

Watch the video: Benefits of Goat Milk (July 2024).