
"Combilipen tabs" for children: instructions for use

"Kombilipen Tabs" is a multivitamin remedy, because such a medicine contains a combination of very important vitamin compounds for the body. Since they have a positive effect on the state and function of the nervous system, such pills are most often prescribed for adults with nerve damage. But some neurologists and pediatricians prescribe this drug in childhood.

Release form and composition

As the name implies, "Combilipen Tabs" is produced in the form of tablets, which have a white, dense shell and a convex round shape.

It is impossible to divide such a tablet into parts, as this will damage the film and affect the effectiveness of the medicine, and may also increase the side effects.

The product is packed in blisters of 15 tablets and sold in carton packs of 2-4 blisters.

The active substances of Combilipen Tabs are three vitamins, which are included in group B.

  • IN 1 in a fat-soluble form called benfotiamine. Its dosage in each tablet is 100 mg.
  • AT 2 in the form of pyridoxine hydrochloride. One tablet also contains 100 mg of it.
  • AT 12also called cyanocobalamin. The dosage of this vitamin per tablet is 2 μg.

In the core of the drug, in addition to such vitamin compounds, there is MCC, talc, sucrose, povidone, calcium stearate, polysorbate and sodium carmellose, and the drug shell is made from macrogol, titanium dioxide, hypromellose and talc.

Operating principle

Since "Kombilipen Tabs" contains a vitamin complex, then the effect of such a drug on the body is associated with the effects that each of the components causes.

  • Without vitamin B1, various metabolic processes and enzymatic reactions do not occur, protein synthesis, fat metabolism and carbohydrate metabolism are disrupted. Thiamine is also important for the normal transmission of impulses through nerve synapses.
  • Pyridoxine also acts on the central nervous system and on the peripheral. Having turned into a coenzyme, it is involved in the metabolism of amino acids and affects the work of many enzymes in nerve tissues. In addition, vitamin B6 is needed for the synthesis of neurotransmitters, including dopamine and GABA.
  • Vitamin B12 has an important role in blood formation and the formation of red blood cells. In addition, without such a substance, various biochemical processes do not occur that affect cell reproduction and growth. Cyanocobalamin is essential for protein metabolism and nucleic acid synthesis.

Thanks to all these properties, "Combilipen Tabs" has a positive effect on the patient's nervous system, improving cell metabolism and nutrition of nerve tissues.


The drug is in demand in the treatment of neuritis and neuralgia, as well as plexitis, radicular syndrome and other pathologies in which nerves are affected. In addition, Combilipen Tabs can be prescribed for nervous tics, stuttering, urinary incontinence and other neurological disorders.

These tablets are also recommended after severe infections or surgeries to speed up the body's recovery.

Are children prescribed?

The instruction for the drug contains information that "Combilipen Tabs" is not used in childhood, since the safety of such a drug for the body of babies has not been studied.

Indeed, each tablet contains rather high dosages of vitamins, which are medicinal, therefore, the medication should not be used in children of any age if it has not been prescribed by a doctor.

At the same time, the vitamins included in the tablets do not settle in the tissues of the body and provoke an overdose only with prolonged use. For this reason, "Combilipen Tabs" can be prescribed to a teenager or even a younger child, if there is a reason for such treatment, for example, the patient has developed neuritis of the facial nerve.


The drug is not used in patients with hypersensitivity to any compound included in the tablets, as well as in serious heart diseases that have led to heart failure.

Side effects

Sometimes while taking Combilipen Tabs, you may experience nausea, itching, increased sweating, tachycardia or rash. With these and other side symptoms, the drug should be canceled by contacting a doctor to choose an analogue.

Instructions for use

Combilipen Tabs should be swallowed with water. The medicine is given to the patient after eating in the dose prescribed by the doctor. The duration of use and the frequency of administration are also determined for each patient individually.

Terms of sale and storage

To buy Combilipen Tabs in a pharmacy, you must first take a prescription from a neurologist or other doctor. The average price of 30 tablets is 290-320 rubles.

The shelf life of the medicine is 2 years. Until its completion, the medication should be stored at home at a temperature not higher than +25 degrees, placing the box in a place inaccessible to moisture and babies.


In most reviews, "Combilipen Tabs" is called an affordable and effective neurovitamins that help cure neuritis and strengthen the nervous system. Side effects when taking them are rare.


Instead of Combilipen Tabs, the doctor may prescribe similar medications, for example, Milgamma, Binavit, Neuromultivit, CompligamV or Neurobion. They are presented as tablets in a shell and solutions for injections, but children's age is indicated in contraindications to all these medicines, so their use without a doctor's prescription is prohibited.

Complete instructions for Combilipen Tabs and its analogs are shown in the following video.

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