
Sandboxes "Polesie"

Sandbox games are a favorite pastime for kids. An exciting activity in bright plastic sandbox from "Polesie" will help preschoolers improve coordination, develop fine motor skills and imagination, relieve stress.


Children's plastic sandbox from manufacturers from Belarus "Polesie" will become an excellent choice for a summer residence, a country house, as well as a kindergarten. Such models are used not only for outdoor games, they are also suitable for indoor activities. Usually, the products are complemented by various sets of plastic figurines and toys for playing in the sand.

Segmental products are very popular, they amaze with a variety of types. The configurations of these models are different. No brute force is required when assembling the structure, as the parts are simply attached. Assembling the finished structure is very simple, it will take just a few minutes.

When disassembled, they can be quickly packed into a large box and stored or used for transfer or transport to another location. Sandboxes "Polesie" are an excellent choice for little fidgets. Sand can be poured inside the structure itself and used to build castles, sand figures, etc. In some models, a special gutter is provided on top that allows water to flow.

In addition to the models, you can purchase all kinds of sets of plastic toys that will appeal to both boys and girls. Boys will be more delighted with the "Cars" or "Spider-Man" sand set. For girls, the "Little Mermaid", "Frozen" or "Princess" set is suitable.

Sandbox games will be a wonderful and useful entertainment for kids:

  • sand classes will help develop fine motor skills;
  • putting it in molds will help the child train coordination, instill accuracy and accuracy;
  • the creation of various figures and buildings will allow kids to develop imagination, fantasy;
  • active games in mobile constructions have a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of children;
  • being in the sandbox of several children will allow them to playfully teach them the basics of collective life.

Parents shouldn't worry about the safety of their babies. Such products are made of high quality dense plastic. Their parts do not have sharp corners that could injure a child.

Model overview

Children's goods "Polesie" will become irreplaceable helpers for parents in raising children. A well-organized space will allow kids to spend a lot of time in nature, playing active games. For collapsible structures, only modern high-quality materials are used. Modular products allow you to get models of different sizes and shapes, using a different number of parts.

When choosing products for an active baby, you should pay attention to the most popular models:

  • Sandbox Constructor Wader;
  • "Ring" 136 cm with Wader water set.

The material from which all construction details are made is safe for children. It does not contain harmful impurities. It does not fade in bright sunlight, it tolerates temperature changes well. Such an exciting pastime in the Polesye plastic sandboxes is absolutely safe even for the smallest children. The presence of large parts and the absence of sharp corners will be a reliable guarantee in this.

Sandbox Constructor Wader will be a great gift for children to play at home, as well as for interesting leisure time in kindergartens. Such designs do not take up much space when folded. The constructor is very quick and easy to disassemble and fold. Place it for storage in a compact large box.

It will be very interesting and comfortable for little tomboys to play in a sandbox constructor made of large-sized multi-colored parts. Product features:

  • it is used as an ordinary constructor, and in the form of a sandbox, and in the form of a dry pool;
  • such structures are easy to install, they are very easy to disassemble.

The model is in high demand, because this is an excellent 2-in-1 set, which serves as both a place for the game and a constructor. Such an educational game will allow the child to assemble a sandbox or pool, as well as use the fragments to build various structures. Thanks to the large bright details, developmental activities will be more exciting for the child and at the same time absolutely safe. A similar product can be installed indoors by choosing plastic balls instead of sand as filler.

Not less popular is considered model "Ring" with a set, which is a perfectly organized playground for kids to play on their own. The design is presented in the form of eight isolated multi-colored elements, fastened together in the form of a circle. Each of the elements has a special recess for placing toys in it; there is also a special hole for a canopy or umbrella.

Along the length of the structure, a special gutter with partitions is provided for the passage of water. The set includes a variety of toys in the form of small cars and boats that the child can launch on the water. The set includes a mill, which is installed on the trough. Contemplation of how the mill works will give the kid a lot of pleasure. This structure can be installed both outdoors and indoors, turning the model into a dry pool. Plastic balls are used as filling for such a pool. The product is made of high quality durable plastic and has bright saturated colors.

The model is designed for children from 1 year old. Included:

  • blocks - 8 pcs;
  • fixing screws;
  • sealant;
  • cars - 4 pcs;
  • ship - 1 piece;
  • gateways - 3 pcs;
  • water mill with funnel - 1 pc.

The outer diameter of the sandbox is 136 cm, and the inner diameter is 92 cm. The sides are 22 cm high and 15.5 cm wide. The product weighs 4 kg. The child will be happy to play in such a sandbox with water on both sides or arrange an impromptu race there with small cars.

Precautions in the sand

Unable to be in a separate sandbox, many children spend their time playing in the sand in the playgrounds. Kids can take sand in their mouths, throw them, which leads to undesirable consequences. In common areas, there is a high probability of catching some kind of infection, since animals run in these places, people throw garbage, cigarette butts. The beach can become a place for active games on the sand. Direct sunlight kills many viruses, which will reduce the likelihood of getting sick or catching worms. Mobile sandboxes "Polesie" will allow kids to enjoy their rest as much as possible.

When playing in the sand with other children, babies must adhere to certain rules:

  • they should not throw sand or toys at their friends, break sand buildings;
  • for the game to be fun, it is better to conduct it under the supervision of adults, otherwise there is a possibility of quarrels and even fights between children;
  • after playing with sand, the child should definitely wash his hands with soap and change his clothes into clean clothes, wash his shoes;
  • in the event that the child has open wounds, it is not recommended to conduct classes in the sandbox in this case.

It is advisable to regularly take tests for helminths in order to detect their presence in the early stages. This will allow you to treat the child without consequences for his health. It is better to buy sand for a sandbox in a store or collect it near a reservoir.

Before pouring it is sifted from small debris, stones. It is recommended to cover structures at night for isolation from animals.

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