
Plastic sandboxes with lid

The time spent in the sandbox should by no means be considered useless - on the contrary, child psychologists have long seen in their favorite children's entertainment a benefit for development in various directions. A broad gesture on the part of parents who decided to purchase an individual sandbox for their baby is not just a gift to their beloved child, but a full-fledged investment in a future successful person.

At the same time, a modern plastic model with a lid can have the most positive effect on the hygiene of games and save parents from the need to frequently replenish their sand supplies.


Many parents are still wary of plastic toys, remembering that this material in many cases is criticized for harmful fumes and the likely negative impact on human health. At the same time, most of modern plastic sandboxes with a lid today are made from certified materials that have undergone numerous studies., and did not reveal any negative effect. At the same time, blindly hoping for harmlessness is still not worth it, especially in the case of cheap Chinese products - it makes sense to ask the seller about the presence of Russian safety certificates.

Likewise, you can talk about strength - today there are varieties of plastics that are distinguished by impressive strength, and durability has always been the strong point of plastics. In this case, the situation is the same as with security: there are models made of too thin and fragile material, which cannot be relied on. But what plastic sandboxes with a lid are uniquely good at is their colorfulness, variety of design options and relatively low cost.

If we talk specifically about models with a lid, then they are relevant in any case, and for a summer residence they are practically no alternative. The reason is very simple: you cannot control the state of an open sandbox at a distance, and it, believe me, will not get better during your absence.

  1. Neighboring cats can enter the territory, and it is hardly necessary to explain how these animals usually react to sand.
  2. The wind will lift the sand into the air and gradually carry it away from the sandbox, and such sides that would effectively solve the problem and at the same time be easily overcome for children have not yet been invented.
  3. The same wind will throw fallen leaves and other debris into the sandbox. They will become a bait for bacteria and insects, and instead of a cozy and safe place, the sandpit can become part of the wild with all the dangers that lie in wait.

The cover is exactly that constructive solution that can solve all the described problems and, at the same time, practically has no effect on the cost of the game shell.

Model overview

In recent decades, humanity has realized that factors such as a happy childhood and a conscious desire to engage in educational games are a very promising contribution to raising a successful young generation. Since the child in the sandbox is not just indulging in, but acquiring useful skills, responsible parents should make sure that such an attraction is not only safe and comfortable, but also aesthetically pleasing. Children love bright objects that look like toys, so many models of plastic sandboxes with a lid are implemented in this vein.

In most cases, designers are inspired by animals that are considered kind and harmless. The product in the form of a ladybug or a turtle looks absolutely perfect: when the lid is closed, the convex back is complete and believable, and when the lid is open, the child is usually already in the sandbox and cannot evaluate the appearance of his location from the outside. According to a similar principle, and shell-shaped sandboxes.

Among other popular stories, it should be noted children's models in the form of a bee, butterfly or even a hippo. Elephant shape allows you to make the shell more versatile, because the ideas of children and adult designers coincide: a long, semi-curved trunk turns into a small slide combined with a sandbox, and the whole complex becomes, albeit a small, but a full-fledged play town where you can spend several hours every day ...

Plastic sandboxes with a cover of the "male" theme are also produced especially for boys: we are talking primarily about imitations of a car, although variations on the theme of a pirate ship or boat are also possible. In the case of a car, the concept is based on a truck, in which only the body is a sandbox - it is covered with a lid in the event of a long absence of the small owner. At the same time, the cockpit is organized as a play location, because it is no secret that a violent children's fantasy in a game must be supported by at least some kind of imitation of reality. For any boy who has always dreamed of driving like a dad, such a gift will be very useful - in the back you can make a sandy town with roads for cars, and in the cockpit you can imagine yourself as a driver.

At the same time, manufacturers regularly come up with something new to surprise consumers and force them to make a choice in favor of the products of a particular company. All the variety of options for a plastic sandbox with a lid will not fit into any review, so do not be lazy to look through catalogs in search of the perfect model - maybe there is not just a good model, but your child's dream sandbox!

How to choose?

It is necessary to consider who will use the sandbox you purchased... It is clear that it will be more pleasant and interesting for a girl to play at a location decorated as a beautiful flower or a ladybug, while boys are more interested in various types of transport. If the buyer has children of different genders, it is wiser to choose some neutral "animal" solutions without being tied to gender, otherwise it is possible that one of the children will ignore the home sandbox or even be offended, believing that this is not a gift for him.

Besides, it is important to determine the number of children that the future purchase should accept, because its size greatly depends on this... If for some reason you expect that the kid will always play with sand alone, then even 1.5 m 2 will be enough for him. However, you need to pay attention to much larger models if there are many potential users in the family, or adults are not against the communication of their child with other children, as long as this happens under their supervision.

Since we are choosing a model with a lid, special attention should be paid to this detail. The accessory should completely cover the area covered with sand, effectively preventing it from being blown out by the wind. There should also not be large enough gaps for small animals to get inside. The weight of the cover must be adequate so that even the mother, or even the children themselves, have the opportunity to access the closed sandbox.

It is assumed that the height of the sides of the sandbox should not exceed 25 cm, regardless of the age of the children who play in it. It is generally accepted that even the smallest children must have access to such locations, and they will not overcome a higher barrier on their own.

The opposite principle must be adhered to if the design of the product provides for canopies of any kind, such as the same truck cab. Here, on the contrary, even the oldest, tall children should confidently fit without touching the ceiling with their heads. The requirement is quite logical, given that during the active games loved by kids, children often forget to carefully look around, so ignoring the criterion will sooner or later lead to the fact that someone will hit the overhanging ceiling painfully. Finally, the surface of the products should be flat and smooth, without sharp edges and burrs.

For information on how to choose the right plastic sandbox with a lid, see the next video.


Watch the video: Building the Sandbox Boat (July 2024).