
ATVs for children from 12 years old

Previously, the kid could be pleased even with a scooter, which was driving only when the "driver" kicked off the asphalt. However, today children have become more demanding - this is the downside of technical progress. This is especially true for adolescents from 12 years old - they consider themselves to be adults in many respects, therefore they will not agree to "children's" transport. If you find a 12-year-old child who will not be delighted with a donated ATV, then we do not understand something about children. But you also need to choose the right vehicle so that it does not turn out to be a complete disappointment.


"Quadric" is a rather expensive "toy" to buy for a year or two, because in fact an ATV for children from 12 years old is often an ordinary "adult" model. The differences usually concern only the fact that children, in principle, do not take the most powerful samples - it will be difficult for a teenager to fit into turns on a colossus that is several times heavier than him.

Yes, and it makes no sense for a child to acquire a huge and expensive utilitarian capable of carrying a couple of centners in weight and hanging around with attachments.

In addition, many parents would not want their descendant to "fly" off-road at a speed of several tens of kilometers per hour, and on the track without a license it is still impossible.

So it turns out that a teenage ATV is usually a relatively inexpensive "adult" size and power model with fairly low baseline performance. Of course, it is necessary to choose such a unit so that the driver initially confidently reaches the steps and pedals (if any), but so that the knees in the future do not turn out to be higher than the ears as they grow. If a child, at the age of 12, has already almost reached its final growth, you can not invent anything, just choose a suitable model for adults.

Children usually take extremely easy-to-manage solutions, however, at the age of 12 it is no longer so important - consciousness and intelligence should be enough in order to manage something more interesting.

In most cases, the engine will be gasoline, with all the attendant difficulties in servicing, but this is useful for a child - then it will be easier to figure out his own car.

When choosing all sorts of electric starters, they usually no longer chase, but full-fledged equipment in the form of the same headlights, turn signals, and so on will not interfere - the teenager will soon grow up, get a license and still be able to drive on public roads. But remote parental control and specific limiters, as in children's models, are no longer in such "quadrics".

Model overview

There are quite a lot of ATVs for teenagers, and each buyer chooses a model according to his taste and in accordance with his own requirements. Our list of kids' models is a subjective rating that includes some of the popular ATVs.

  • Motax X-16 800W. If you're looking for a really cheap ATV, take this one - it literally costs 25 thousand. The low cost comes from the fact that it is a rather modest electric model with three 12-volt batteries. Formally, it is designed for children up to 12-13 years old, therefore it is suitable for a family where there are several children with a difference of one year, or they are very lightweight for their age. The unit is capable of carrying up to 60 kg of weight, it does not accelerate to more than 30 km / h. The power reserve, like all electric ATVs, is modest - only 30 km, but the charging is relatively fast - 5 hours.

  • ATV Classic 6. This petrol model of only 110 "cubes" is initially perceived by many parents as modest and not intended for racing. But in fact, this is just an all-wheel drive racing buggy - a small engine volume is enough for extreme sports, because the body is extremely lightweight. The model is great for training, and it is inexpensive compared to many competitors - about 45 thousand rubles.

  • Avantis Hunter 8+. If parents have money and are ready to pamper their baby, you should immediately pay attention to this model, which will cost a good 70 thousand rubles. Even in the name it is stated that it is suitable for drivers from 8 years old, but this is far from a modest unit - it accelerates to 60 km / h. At the same time, driving a vehicle is not difficult - here you have both an electric starter and an automatic transmission. Huge wheels with a diameter of only 8 "discs provide the model with excellent flotation.

Management rules

If suddenly the child already has experience in controlling an ATV, then the theoretical development of a new unit will take no more than 5 minutes, but the beginner will have to be taught, and for a rather long time. Parents should do this, because enrollment for training and the subsequent passing of an exam for a category can be no earlier than 16 years.

The first subtlety is equipment... "Quadric" does not even have the stability of the car, but they drive it on off-road and bumps. Do not expect responsibility from the child - you yourself make sure that his arms and legs are completely closed. A helmet for an ATV driver, especially an inexperienced one, is a must!

Learning always starts with teaching a child to turn on the parking gear - without this, you can get into an accident without even having time to start the engine. When this moment is settled the young driver is told about boarding: first, one foot is placed on the near footboard, and then the other on the far one, both feet are always on the footpegs, and both hands always hold the steering wheel. The driver's posture should be relaxed - there is no need to squeeze the steering wheel hysterically. Look forward, except when the vehicle is not going forward.

Next, go through the dashboard and control panel in detail.

Do not leave any buttons or levers without explanation - children are curious and will definitely experience everything they have no idea about, and the consequences of such experiments can be unpredictable.

When this is also passed, try in action all those controls, the work of which can be appreciated without moving away.

The first practical training is carried out on an open, flat area without any obstacleswithout even starting the engine - parents will have to push the vehicle. Training task - turns: first wide, and then gradually everything is narrower and narrower. If the child is disciplined and does well, allow him to drive himself, but at such a speed that the controlling adult can walk alongside. "Eight" Is one of the most important exercises for a beginner ATV.

When a simple site is bored, choose a location harder - already with a slope, visible bumps, trees. Little by little, let the child drive faster and faster.

Over time, the skills of confident control of the "quadric" will come, but it is important to remember that without the right to drive on public roads is a priori illegal.

Please note that since 2014, the license is required even for ATVs with an engine capacity of up to 50 "cubes", and you can get them only at the age of 16, so any meeting with the traffic police is a fine.

Watch the video how to choose an ATV for your child.

Watch the video: Right sized quads for the Right sized kids. (July 2024).