
Why does the child have low blood pressure and what to do?

Various disorders leading to a decrease in pressure in babies can lead to various adverse consequences. Such conditions cause many uncomfortable symptoms in children, which significantly disrupt their well-being.

What it is?

The blood pressure level changes. Each age has its own norms... Low blood pressure in a child is called hypotension. This condition can be caused by various reasons. A severe drop in blood pressure can be dangerous. In this case, urgent treatment is required.


Various factors that lead to low blood pressure include:

  • Genetic predisposition. Most common in girls. If the mother suffers from hypotension, then in 50% of cases, the child may also experience similar symptoms.
  • Severe stress and psycho-emotional trauma. Lead to a violation of the tone of the blood vessels, which contributes to the development of hypotension.
  • Physical exhaustion. Insufficient body weight or pronounced thinness contributes to the development of low blood pressure.
  • Hormonal imbalance. It occurs during adolescence. The surge in hormones affects the elasticity and diameter of the blood vessels.
  • Chronic diseases of internal organs. Diabetes mellitus, inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, as well as pathology of the thyroid gland are often the causes of low blood pressure.
  • Brain trauma and concussion.
  • Anemic conditions.

How does it manifest?

Most often, babies with low blood pressure complain of headaches. It usually does not have a clear epicenter. It can occur throughout the day, but intensifies after various psycho-emotional stress or anxiety. The pain is pressing or bursting, often radiates in the temples or descends to the area of ​​the eyes and forehead.

Dizziness and impaired perception may occur. Kids complain about clouded consciousness and the fact that it is difficult for them to concentrate on a particular subject. Children who attend educational institutions may have learning problems due to a violation of the general condition.

Babies become more lethargic. They may have decreased appetite and sleep. They try to limit the load, play less outdoor games. Symptoms tend to get worse with changes in atmospheric pressure and different weather conditions. Changes in the geomagnetic field and magnetic storms can also provoke increased headaches and weakness.

What to do?

First of all, you need to understand the reason that caused a persistent decrease in pressure. If, after eliminating psychoemotional stresses and reducing all loads, the child still has manifestations of hypotension, then you should definitely show the baby to the doctor. Additional tests and analyzes may be required.

In order to normalize blood pressure at home, first of all, the child needs to rest. Place the child on the bed and make him comfortable. With a strong decrease in pressure, adaptogens can be used. These plant substances contain a large amount of biologically active components that return pressure readings to normal.

Infusion of lemongrass or eleutherococcus will help improve the well-being of the baby. When combined with a high heart rate, it is better not to use these funds, as they contribute to an increase in heart rate... Prescribed drugs for a course reception, usually 2 times a day after meals. Accepted first half of the day.

In the absence of contraindications, the doctor may recommend the use of medications based on caffeine or cinnarizine. These funds improve blood pressure indicators and have a positive effect on the functioning of the brain. Blood tests and an ECG are required before prescribing drugs... This will reveal hidden contraindications.

Normalization of the daily routine and adequate sleep also contribute to the normalization of blood pressure. To recover from school, a student must sleep at least 9 hours. Lack of adequate sleep negatively affects the state of blood vessels and contributes to the development of hypotension.

Babies with low blood pressure should definitely spend sufficient time outdoors. Active walks and games on the street help to normalize the nervous system, and also help to normalize blood pressure levels.

For more information about blood pressure in children, see the next video.

Watch the video: Low Diastolic Blood Pressure. Consequences, Meaning, Treatments u0026 Causes Of Low Diastolic Pressure (July 2024).