
Winter envelopes for the stroller: a variety of materials and tips for choosing

Every mother tries to give her baby the best. This is reflected in caring, love and protection from external factors. With the arrival of cold weather, the question of choosing a winter envelope for a stroller arises. In the modern market for such products, you can find a lot of options for every taste and wallet. However, the choice of such a product has its own nuances.


The concept of "winter envelope" is associated with the appearance of a product designed to wrap up a baby from the cold. Outwardly, this is a kind of warm diaper, the sweep of which in the classic form is a rectangle. More advanced models are distinguished by a complicated design, have sleeves and a hood. Depending on the type of product, it can have a hard bottom and serve not only as a warm cocoon that protects the baby from the cold. Some varieties include baby carrier functions.

Envelopes are designed to meet existing safety standards and regulations. The child is comfortable and free in them. Such products do not imply tight swaddling, they can be transformable, which is convenient when the child is very small and allows you to quickly wrap him up in an envelope. The kid will not have time to get scared, since there is no need to thread the product over his head. It is enough to put the child on the envelope and close the cocoon.

Winter models of envelopes in a stroller differ from summer and demi-season counterparts in the degree of insulation. In most cases, fur is located inside them. For this reason, some of them do not fit in the car seat and may cause some discomfort while doing so. You have to take into account the size of the stroller, as well as its variety.

Today, winter envelopes are used not only for traditional strollers: they are also suitable for walking options.

Such products are presented in a wide range on the modern market. Parents have the opportunity to choose a model for a girl or a boy, taking into account different shades of winter envelopes. If you wish, you can buy an envelope in a neutral color, for example, orange, turquoise, yellow. You can choose an option that will match the shade of the stroller. Sometimes parents take into account the effect of color on perception.

For example, they try to avoid strong red and blue colors so that it does not affect the mood of the baby, replacing them with pink and blue.


In the production of such products, materials are used on a natural and synthetic basis. Natural textiles are considered more environmentally friendly and warm, so most parents prefer just such options for products. Along with natural fabrics for winter envelopes, high-quality synthetics with water-repellent properties are used. It eliminates the risk of allergies and chafing on delicate baby skin. The upper textiles are not electrified, do not change their structure and do not creak in the cold.

For the hard bottom of the models, polycarbonate is used. Top textiles can be polyester, nylon, microfiber, velveteen or thick cotton raincoat fabric with water-repellent impregnation. Flannel or fur can be used as a lining between the insulation and the upper textiles.

Both the insulation and any other envelope material undergo special processing without the use of chemicals. Therefore, the materials are harmless to the delicate skin of the baby.

Woolen insulation, in addition to warming properties, has a healing effect, since they contain lanolin. They maintain the desired level of heat, eliminating overheating of the baby in the envelope.


Today, brands are responsibly approaching the issue of environmental friendliness of raw materials, offering customers high-tech fillers for envelopes (for example, refined cotton). To prevent the filler from seeping outside the envelope after washing, manufacturers pack it in special fixing bags. At the same time, during the production process, the filling also undergoes pressure cleaning. Inside the envelope, brands use different insulation.

Most often, Australian merino wool is used for insulation, as well as artificial fur and medical sheepskin. In addition, down, synthetic winterizer and micro-fluff are used in production. Each type of material has its own characteristics and is suitable for the specific climatic conditions of the region. For example, fluff is good in any cold, in such an envelope the baby is not afraid of any temperature outside. The weight will not make the product heavier, while even at a temperature of -40 the baby will not freeze inside a warm cocoon.

However, indoors, a child in such an envelope will be hot. For this reason, parents often give preference to insulated products with sheepskin fur. These options warm the baby due to the "dry" heat, so overheating in them is excluded. The synthetic winterizer cannot be called the best insulation, since after the very first wash it will bunch up in a heap, in some places it will not be in the envelope, which cannot be said about the fur analog.

In addition, it is not so warm, which is especially noticeable in winter with windy weather. A good analogue of natural fur insulation is bamboo fiber. It is easy to wash, has high heating performance and is safe for the baby. Such a product is not inferior in performance characteristics not only to a sheepskin, but also to a down envelope.


Today, all existing varieties of a baby envelope in a stroller for the winter can be divided into several types.

  • With a hard bottom. A modern version, produced for certain models of strollers, including those intended for sleds. Depending on the type of stroller, they are equipped with special fasteners (seat belts, buckles).

  • Bag envelopes. Products original in design and easy to use. Can be fitted with a coir mattress to support the correct spine position. They keep warm well, but have age restrictions for use.

  • Overalls. The top of such envelopes resembles ordinary overalls, however, the lower part of them is deaf (no legs). This is an alternative to a bag envelope with the difference that it does not hinder the child's movements so much, it frees the baby's hands and allows use from a year.

  • Transformers... The product is based on a jumpsuit, in which the legs are united by a zipper. As the child grows up, the zipper can be opened, which will provide maximum freedom for the baby.

  • Foot couplings... These products are intended for children under one year old. They are notable for the fact that they can be worn over a jumpsuit. Such products can serve as additional protection for babies from the wind and cold in strollers that do not have a cape for their legs. The products are interesting, but when putting them on a winter overalls, they can create difficulties in a stroller.

  • Blanket envelopes. Such products can be used not only as a warm cocoon. If desired, they can replace the warm pad under the baby's back. This will extend the service life and additionally insulate the bottom of the stroller.

According to the manner of fastening, winter envelopes for babies can be fastened with buttons or zippers. Options with two zippers are considered convenient. They allow you to wrap your baby up quickly and do not interfere with the baby's sleep if he fell asleep during a walk. The blankets can then be used as a rug. They will come in handy when the baby learns to sit.

Such products can be made by hand, for example, by crocheting the model. It will not take much time and it is quite possible for the expectant mother to do it while waiting for the baby.

To simplify the work, you can use various patterns, choosing the desired option. If you have skills in the sewing industry, you can also sew such an envelope by choosing an envelope taking into account your own taste preferences.

How to choose?

When buying a winter stroller bag, there are several factors to consider.

Age and ease of donning

In theory, such a product is intended for children from one to three years old. However, not every child who has mastered the skills of crawling and walking will agree to lie quietly inside the cocoon. In most cases, such a product is more often used as additional insulation for a stroller. This should be reflected in the design of the envelope.

The best product for newborns is a product with two zippers, transformable into a blanket and has a hood. Older children should not shackle their hands. However, the fabric should be close to the wrist to keep cold air out. If the product is planned for all three years, and the budget is limited, you can buy a transformable version with a detachable bottom and legs. This will allow you to put on your shoes.


When the product does not provide for a complete transformation into a jumpsuit, envelopes with slots for seat belts are needed. Preference should be given to five-point options. When buying, you should carefully inspect such a product: the holes must be protected by special valves from blowing. Sometimes on store shelves you can buy envelopes with additional fasteners for connecting to a stroller.

According to European standards, children's envelopes are simultaneously equipped not only with double-sided zippers, but also with holes for belts.


The fastening system can be different. This will allow you to navigate the weather and not overheat the child when the severe frosts have passed. In a good envelope, you can unfasten the hood and lining on the fur. In addition, products can be additionally equipped with summer envelopes, winter blankets, insulated covers for a bottle of milk.

In addition, there are several nuances worth paying attention to.

  • The best envelope linings are fur and holofiber. Wool and down options are contraindicated for babies prone to allergies.
  • A quality envelope doesn't come cheap. Such a product will lose its appearance after the first wash, which will affect the color and insulation.
  • Children of the first year of life grow up quickly. An envelope 80-90 cm long is not suitable for a baby after a year of life.
  • When purchasing an option with a hard bottom and carrying, a certificate with compliance with the standards for attaching the product to a stroller or car seat is required.
  • The best upper textile is water-repellent fabric. Inside the product, fleece can be located between the insulation and the upper fabric.
  • The seams of the product should not create discomfort for the baby. Their assembly and relief are excluded. Excessively tight elastic bands or cuffs on the sleeves are unacceptable.

  • Ease of care and practicality matter. It's good if the product can be machine washed. Light options are easily soiled, when the baby learns to walk, they will have to be replaced with products of more practical shades.
  • If your budget allows, you can buy an option with a pillow under your head, which can be removed if necessary.
  • As a budget option, you should pay attention to models that are adjustable in length as the child grows.
  • In order not to run into a fake, it is worth making a purchase in a trusted store from an official supplier of a certain company. This will allow you to buy really cleaned fur or packaged synthetic filler that will not shag and get on the baby's face, provoking itchy skin.

For an overview of the winter envelope in the stroller, see the video below.

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