
Application of Smecta for diarrhea in a child

Diarrhea is a common occurrence in children from the first days of life. The causes of loose stools can be different, and often there is no time to figure them out: it is important to quickly give the child an effective and safe drug to stop diarrhea. This tool is "Smecta".

Release form

  • "Smecta" in the form powder for suspension with vanilla and orange flavors, available in 10 or 30 sachets per pack. Each sachet contains 3 g of powder. The powder has a dense, uniform consistency and a grayish color, reminiscent of flour. After adding water, it turns into a suspension - an aqueous solution with fine particles suspended in it.

  • Also "Smecta" is produced in the form of a sachet with ready-made suspension with cocoa-caramel flavor. The finished suspension is sold in packs of 12 sachets.


The active component of Smecta is dioctahedral smectite. It is a natural substance that contains compounds of aluminum and magnesium. Smectite is obtained from special grades of medical clay.

The suspension powder also contains auxiliary components. This sweetener is sodium saccharinate, as well as dextrose monohydrate, another natural substance obtained from starch. Its function is to replenish the lack of glucose in the body, it is also used in the food industry. Flavoring is also added to the powder.

Operating principle

Dioctahedral smectite is a type of natural sorbents that were used in Ancient Egypt. Avicenna also wrote about the existence of substances that can cleanse the body of harmful elements.

Smectite collects harmful substances and microorganisms. This substance also increases the amount of mucus, improves its protective properties against microorganisms, toxins, and salts. Smectite is able to selectively collect viruses and bacteria inside the digestive tract. The porous structure of the sorbent ensures its mild effect and biocompatibility.

Smectite "collects" on its surface the molecules of harmful substances and microorganisms and removes them from the intestines, showing the effect of detoxification.

It is important that when used correctly, smectite does no harm to the body. Aluminum, which is in its composition, is not absorbed into the blood.


The main indication for the use of "Smekta" in children of any age is diarrhea of ​​any origin. The drug helps in the acute form associated with eating disorders, eating poor-quality food, infections, as well as loose stools caused by allergies or caused by taking medications, such as antibiotics. Clinical studies have shown that smectite neutralizes up to 90% of rotavirus within 1 minute after their contact.

In addition, smectite helps with bloating, flatulence, heartburn and other unpleasant symptoms of various gastrointestinal diseases, such as irritable bowel syndrome.

At what age is it prescribed?

The natural composition and mild action of "Smekta" allow the use of this drug for young children and newborns. However, giving "Smecta", like any other medicine, children and especially babies need only as directed by a doctor.


Despite the high biocompatibility and natural composition of Smecta, children have certain contraindications to its use. First of all, it is an individual sensitivity or intolerance to the main or auxiliary components, including fructose.

You can not give children "Smecta" with intestinal obstruction, as well as such hereditary autoimmune diseases as glucose-galactose malabsorption and sucrase-isomaltase deficiency.

Use "Smecta" with caution in children suffering from chronic constipation, as this can provoke their strengthening.

Side effects

Constipation is the main, but very rare side effect when taking "Smecta". As shown by the results of clinical studies, to overcome this undesirable effect, it is necessary to change the dosage of the drug.

Sometimes there are manifestations such as hives, skin rashes. As a rule, they are associated with individual sensitivity to the drug.

Instructions for use

"Smecta" is taken orally. When using a powder to prepare a suspension, the contents of the sachet are dissolved in about half a glass of water - 100 ml. This amount of liquid can be added to porridge, baby puree, or juice for a toddler. It is convenient to drink babies from a bottle.

"Smecta" has a pleasant taste, so even the smallest children drink it with pleasure. The effectiveness of the drug does not depend on whether it is taken with food or separately.

Method of application "Smekta" describes the instructions for use.

  • For acute diarrhea newborns and children under the age of one year should be given a suspension prepared from one packet of "Smekty", dividing it into three parts. During the day, the suspension is given at intervals of 4 to 8 hours, unless the doctor has prescribed a different procedure for taking according to individual indications.
  • Children aged 1 year and older allowed to take one or two sachets per day. The duration of treatment should not exceed 7 days.
  • If the child is already 2 years old, then within 3-7 days he can be given a suspension prepared from 2-3 sachets.


When treating diarrhea in a child with the help of "Smekta", you must strictly follow the dosages of the medicine prescribed in the instructions or prescribed by the doctor. If the therapeutic dosage is exceeded due to age, it can lead to constipation.

If an overdose of the drug has occurred, for example, the course of treatment lasted more than 7 days, and the child has constipation, you must inform your doctor about it. Only a doctor will be able to prescribe adequate treatment, taking into account all the factors and the individual condition of the child.

Interaction with other drugs

Since "Smecta" is an effective sorbent, this drug, when taken simultaneously with other drugs, impairs their absorption, hence, the effectiveness of treatment. Therefore, between taking "Smekta" and another drug, it is necessary to observe an interval of at least 1 hour, optimally 2 hours.

It is not necessary to combine the reception of "Smekta" with other sorbents, for example, activated carbon and preparations based on it - "Lactofiltrum", "Filtrum", as well as "Enterosgel", "Polyphepam" and others.

Terms of sale and storage

"Smecta" is a safe preparation of natural origin, therefore it is sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. At home, the medicine should be stored at room temperature, not higher than 25˚С. The shelf life of the medicine is 3 years. Parents should make sure that Smecta is kept out of the reach of children in order to avoid uncontrolled intake of a pleasant-tasting medicine.


Doctors and parents consider Smecta a highly effective and practically indispensable drug for the treatment of acute diarrhea in children from an early age. Reviews of parents on specialized sites dedicated to children's health indicate that the drug always helps with diarrhea, and the effectiveness of the drug does not depend on the origin of the liquid stool in the child.

So, in case of acute food poisoning of the child, the mother used "Smecta" according to the instructions. Since the child refused to eat or drink, the mother came up with a way to give the child Smecta to drink through a special syringe for children's syrups. After the first intake, the diarrhea stopped, and after three times the intake disappeared and all other symptoms of poisoning.

Also, the reviews describe the experience of treating a 10-month-old child with "Smecta" with diarrhea of ​​unknown origin. Parents believe that rotavirus was the likely cause. Severe diarrhea stopped after the first dose of the medicine, on the second day the child was mobile, looked good, and ate with appetite.

The drug begins to act in the acute form only after 6 hours, with the usual form of diarrhea, the improvement of the condition occurs within 2 hours.

Parents also note that the convenient reception of "Smekta" together with any liquid food or drink familiar to the child facilitates the treatment process, and the suspension form is convenient during travel.

Some parents advise in case of severe diarrhea, when the child refuses to take medicine, any food or drink, do an enema with a suspension. Despite the fact that this method is not mentioned in the manufacturer's instructions, reviews write about its effectiveness. This means that there have been no clinical trials of the effect of the drug with this method of administration, and its effect is unpredictable. It is better for parents to adhere to the recommended route of administration and consult a doctor.


As for the active substance, "Smecta" has no analogues. According to the therapeutic effect, the analogs of the drug are sorbents such as activated carbon, Lactofiltrum, White Coal, Polyphepam, Enterosgel and others.

The advantage of "Smekta" over analogues is a milder effect on the child's body. Smectin has the ability to selectively affect substances in the gastrointestinal tract, absorbing only toxic substances and microorganisms. Other sorbents are less picky and remove not only pathogenic microflora and toxins from the intestine, but also beneficial bacteria.

At the same time, Smecta is an inexpensive drug. A package of powder for preparing a suspension costs about 150 rubles. Ten sachets are enough not only for the full course of treatment for the child, but also for other family members. In addition, a ready-made suspension of "Smecta" is sold, this form is very convenient to use when traveling.

For information on how to stop diarrhea in a child, see the next video.

Watch the video: Diarrhoea in Children Quick Treatment (July 2024).