
Children's camps in Anapa

Summer vacation in Anapa is an excellent choice of how to spend summer holidays for a child in a fun and active way. After such a trip, the baby will certainly have only the brightest and most vivid memories. It is not for nothing that Anapa is considered one of the best Russian cities for children to relax.


Children's camps located in Anapa have been attracting little travelers from all cities of Russia for many years. And not by chance! After all, rest in such children's health institutions helps a child not only to recuperate for the school year, but also to meet new friends and even improve health for the whole next year.

The advantages of such children's centers include:

  • Closeness to the Black Sea. As a rule, camps are located directly on the sea coast. This arrangement allows children to swim a lot and have fun in the water. Bathing is definitely included in the daily routine of babies. During the entire stay of the child in the camp, the kids visit the sea and swim every day.

  • Great location. Children's centers are often located among green areas. Residential buildings, where children live, are surrounded by perennial strong pines and oaks. Wellness sanatoriums are also often located in such places. The beneficial sea air in combination with phytoncides of coniferous plants has a truly healing effect, making the child's body healthy.

  • Great climate. In summer, there are practically no storms and heavy precipitation in Anapa. The only exceptions are natural anomalies, which occur, as a rule, no more than once every hundred years. The water temperature in summer can warm up to 25-28 degrees. The entrance to the water is very smooth. There are practically no strong waves near the sea coast. Dangerous aquatic inhabitants do not swim to the shores and are only introduced far into the sea.

  • Active organization of leisure. The daily routine in the children's camp is carried out by a pedagogical team that has sufficient education in working with children. Without fail, teachers and counselors try to include active games, sports competitions, as well as various thematic evenings in the mode. Discos are organized for teenagers.

  • Regular meals. This point is given great importance in children's camps. They try to feed the kids fully and varied. Be sure to include dishes from poultry, fish, beef in the menu. Fresh vegetables and seasonal fruits are on the children's table every day. For an afternoon snack, babies are given baked goods or dairy products. Meals are mainly five times a day.

  • Relatively low cost of the voucher. Relaxing in a children's camp, which is located in Anapa, will be much cheaper than organizing a child's trip to Europe or other countries of the world. Every year the centers try to offer discount programs or promotional offers.

  • The possibility of new acquaintances. Kids who love communication easily make interesting friends in the children's camp. Even after the end of the voucher, the children remain good friends with each other. They easily communicate with new friends via social networks or call back. Some guys even come to camp together next year.

Rest in a children's camp is an excellent choice for spending summer holidays. A huge number of advantages of such a stay on the Black Sea makes staying in a children's center memorable for every child. Kids, as a rule, fondly remember their vacation in the Black Sea children's camp for many years.

Preparing for the trip

The organization of such a children's trip is a rather troublesome task. Every mom starts to worry: did she put all the things the baby needs with her on the road? Don't panic! Before you send your child on vacation, be sure to take a notebook and plan everything that the child will need on the trip.

When planning the essentials, remember to:

  • A certificate from a medical institution that the baby does not have contagious diseases and a list of his vaccinations. Such medical documents are issued by the district pediatrician. This is necessary so that epidemic outbreaks of infectious or infectious diseases do not occur in the children's camp. If your baby has diabetes mellitus, be sure to check the presence of a glucometer, test strips, and “quick” sweets in your bag. The child may need them on the road in case of hypoglycemia.

  • Warm clothes. Don't try to stuff your travel bag with a lot of sweaters, jumpers, and wool socks. Limit yourself to a couple of warm and not heavy clothes. In summer, a cool wind can blow on the Black Sea coast in the evening. A light, but at the same time warm sweater is sure to be needed by the baby at such a time.

  • Several sets of underwear. Try to keep the products from natural materials. Don't go for synthetic ones. Make sure the boys have their swimming trunks and the girls have a swimsuit. Choose items made from quick-drying materials.

  • Towels. Better to put two. One is for general hygiene, the other is for the face. As a rule, towels are provided at the children's camp. However, they often may not be enough. It is better that the baby has personal towels with him. Choose products that absorb water quickly and dry easily. They should not be bulky and fit easily into a suitcase.

  • Psychological preparation of the child for rest. If the baby is going on such a trip for the first time, be sure to gradually prepare him for this. Try to talk to your child like a friend. Tell us how the other guys had fun there, how they enjoyed having a rest at the children's camp. In your story, emphasize the advantages of the center: what kind of entertainment is organized, how many attractions are there, how delicious food is in the dining room. Do not put pressure on the child under any circumstances! Try to get him interested in this trip in a playful way.


You can choose a children's camp from a huge variety of options. In each center, the organizers try to make the rest for the little ones truly exciting and interesting. Children's centers, which are located in Anapa, for many years have specialized precisely in organizing excellent leisure time for kids of different ages.

All children's centers can be divided into several types.


In such centers, the organization of active games plays a leading role. Numerous sports competitions and various competitions are organized for kids. The winners are guaranteed prizes and souvenirs.


In them, kids not only have fun and actively spend their summer holidays, but also can improve their health and strengthen their immunity. Such centers are located, as a rule, in picturesque and beautiful places. Specialist doctors provide treatment for different types of diseases. Many centers accept babies from the age of three. Mother-child tours are organized for younger children.


It can be military, orienteering camps, historical, labor. As a rule, they are aimed at adolescents and children over 10 years old. Leisure in such centers is organized according to the thematic focus. The rest will be interesting for curious children who are actively interested in history or geography.


They conduct various trainings and educational programs to correct adolescent behavior and establish communication links. Suitable for teenagers and children who find it difficult to meet new people.


They combine not only children's rest, but also passing a course or training in the study of any subject. Most often this is teaching a foreign language. During his stay in such a children's center, the baby improves his knowledge of English or German. All events are usually held in a foreign language. This immersion in the program allows you to achieve good success in the study of the subject in a fairly short time.


They are quite innovative among other children's centers. Organized for children who love programming or computer games, as well as various techniques. In these centers, kids can learn something new about advanced techniques in the field of computing.

How to choose

Choosing a summer vacation spot for children is a rather difficult and responsible task for their parents.

For babies who have health problems, it is better to choose a sanatorium. In them, the child can have a good rest and improve his health.

Various themed children's centers are perfect for teenagers. Resting in such a place, the child will not be bored and will have fun with his vacation.

The cost of vouchers

Prices for rest in children's centers in Anapa vary considerably. The hottest and busiest month for all leisure organizations is June. Tours from the beginning of June are usually the most expensive. On average, rest for 21 days of stay is about 20-25 thousand rubles. The price can vary and even reach 50-60 thousand rubles.

Popular camps

The list of the best all-Russian children's centers is quite large. Many centers, which are located in Anapa, have a good reputation for recreation for children of different ages. The choice of an institution for a child's summer vacation is up to the parents.


The center is open throughout the year. The camp doors are open to children from seven to 17 years old. Each room usually accommodates from 2 to 4-5 people. Food is organized for kids 5 times a day, taking into account the physiological needs of each age of the child. A variety of sports and leisure activities are held.

Pearl of Russia

Located in a beautiful natural area. For the little ones, not only is the entertainment program well organized, but also the necessary treatment is provided. All residential buildings of the children's center are well equipped and in good technical condition.


Provides a huge number of health treatments for babies with various diseases. More than 1,500 children can rest in the center at the same time. Toddlers can be active in well-equipped sports fields.

Energy drink

It is famous for its fascinating organization of leisure activities for little vacationers. Interesting excursions and geographical research are often organized. Competitions and thematic events are held for kids. Rest in this children's camp leaves a lot of memories and positive emotions for the kid.


It is a wellness center. As part of the treatment, a variety of therapeutic programs are organized for a huge range of chronic diseases. There are round-the-clock security on the camp territory. Interesting leisure activities are organized.


The center is located on Pionersky prospect. All events are held in a playful way. Children are placed in groups that are divided by age. Professional counselors and educators who have a pedagogical education are engaged with the kids.


On the territory of the children's complex there are numerous sports grounds, including those for playing basketball and volleyball. An open pop studio is working for conducting vocal competitions. Various themed contests and events are organized for kids.

Zori Anapa

Interesting leisure activities are organized for the little ones, as well as treatment. Children usually live in 3-6 people in each room. Baby meals are organized 5 times a day. Fresh pastries and seasonal fruits are always on the tables.


The center is located in close proximity to the sea. Various author's leisure programs are held for kids. Children undergo various teaching classes in a foreign language, and also participate in numerous competitions and festivals.

Polar dawns

Little vacationers live in three-storey residential buildings. All rooms are equipped with bathrooms. The menu is designed taking into account the physiological needs of children of every age. Interesting events and creative contests are organized for kids.


The center is located in a green area. The beach is sandy. Swimming in the sea is mandatory in the daily routine. The sea water temperature is strictly controlled. Various entertainment activities are organized for the little ones in the evening.

Ural gems

Sports competitions and active games are held for kids. Children live in 3-5 people in each room. There is regular hot water supply. Meals in the camp are five times a day. Medical personnel are always on duty on the sandy beach.

Happy childhood

Accepts children from 7 to 16 years old. The children's center has its own beach. Numerous entertainment programs are organized for the little ones throughout the holiday.


Offers an excellent entertainment program and a complex of wellness procedures. The children's center was awarded with certificates of honor and medals for organizing excellent treatment for kids. Arrivals are held in the summer.


Offers a huge number of educational programs for young travelers. The kids are introduced to the flora and fauna of the Black Sea region. Numerous interesting excursions and hikes are organized.


Before sending your child to a children's camp, study all the information about him on the Internet. The official page usually contains all the contact information. If you have any questions, you can easily contact the administration of the center and clarify everything.

Reviews about summer vacations in children's camps in Anapa are mostly good. Negative statements include an insufficient amount of fruit or old furniture in residential buildings. The organization of leisure, as a rule, pleases most of the children who have rested there.

Summer vacation for every child is the most awaited throughout the year. The children's center in Anapa is a good choice to spend a great vacation for kids of almost any age.

Watch the video: Kids In Camps Refugee Documentary. Real Stories (July 2024).