
Constipation in a baby with artificial or mixed feeding

Young parents, whose babies are fed with formula, often face such an unpleasant digestive problem - constipation. What are the signs that you can tell if a baby is constipated and how can you help your baby?


Constipation in an artificial baby is quite common. To make sure that the baby is really constipated, it is important to take into account not only the frequency of bowel movements, but also the behavior of the baby. If the baby has not pooped for 2-4 days, refuses to eat, does not sleep well, when he tries to poop he cries and pushes, and the baby's tummy is swollen and tense, then these are signs of constipation.

If the child rarely poops, but his feces are not dry, and the baby does not exert extra effort to empty it, then most likely the baby does not have constipation.


The main reason for constipation in artificially fed crumbs is the use of milk formula, in which, unlike human milk, various artificial additives are present. It is difficult for the digestive tract of babies in the first year of life to adapt to the digestion of such a product. The digestive process takes place more slowly, and difficulties often arise with emptying.

Other causes of constipation in a child who receives a mixture as the main food are:

  • A sharp change in the type of food (rapid introduction of the mixture or a sudden change in the usual mixture).
  • Lack of fluid.
  • Feeding several mixtures at once.
  • Allergy to milk protein.
  • Dysbacteriosis.
  • Early introduction of complementary foods.

Is the mixture to blame?

Constipation in formula-fed babies is not always associated with the formula used. Although, due to the higher amount of protein and less fiber (when compared to human milk), the mixture does digest more slowly in the immature gastrointestinal tract of babies. In addition, improper proportions when preparing a portion of the mixture, as well as overfeeding the baby, are factors that contribute to the development of constipation.

Nevertheless, more often mothers forget that the artificial baby must be supplemented with water. Forgetting your baby's drinking regimen, you will likely find it harder to poop.

If the mother still suspects the cause of constipation is the mixture, she needs to consult a pediatrician and change her diet.

How to help?

Before directing all efforts to eliminate constipation in an artificial child, it is advisable for the parents of the baby to visit the pediatrician. He will help in identifying the causes of difficulty with bowel movements, and will also recommend effective ways to relieve constipation.

To help your baby, you should:

  • Establish a diet. Give your child the right amount of formula at the right time. You should not feed the baby a formula on demand, since this product is absorbed longer than breast milk, and very frequent feedings are a factor provoking constipation.
  • Place the baby on the tummy often to relieve gas and to stimulate peristalsis.
  • Give the baby a belly massage. The movements should be circular (move your arms clockwise).
  • Give your baby enough fluids. Artificial babies are recommended to be supplemented between feedings.
  • If dysbiosis is detected, take funds to normalize microflora.
  • After consulting a doctor, transfer the baby to a special mixture for constipation. These mixtures contain prebiotics such as lactulose. Also, mothers of artificial babies suffering from constipation are often recommended to transfer the child to fermented milk mixtures.

Watch the video: Is it okay to breastfeed during the day and formula feed at night? (July 2024).