
List of things at sea with a child

Both adults and children are looking forward to summer holidays. So that the meeting with the sea, sun and incredible, exciting adventures is not overshadowed by everyday troubles, you need to carefully and in advance prepare for a trip to the resort with your child. All that depends on you - your peace of mind, don't panic! And our article will help you collect everything you need and not forget anything. So let's start with the main thing.

Clothes and footwear

To be distracted from rest by washing, ironing and eliminating defects in clothing is unpleasant and uninteresting. Therefore, it is better to take care of everything necessary in advance. Some mothers tend to go to the other extreme - to take everything, "just in case," as a result, only a world champion in weightlifting can lift suitcases. So, we take only the necessary:

  • Underwear for yourself and your child. 5-6 sets of T-shirts and panties are enough for the kid.

  • Bathing suits. For my son - swimming trunks (2 pcs.), For my daughter - 2 swimsuits.

  • Sun hats. Panama hats or caps should ideally be made of natural fabric. One cap will not be enough, considering that a child may lose it on the beach or on a walk in the park. Take two.

  • Footwear. Take shoes separately for walking in the park or around the city (sandals, slippers, ballet flats), separately - beach shoes. It can be shale if you are planning a trip to a sandy beach. If you are going to a beach with rocky and pebble surfaces, you will need special rubber swimming slippers with thick rubber soles.

  • Warm clothes. In case of bad weather, cold snap and rain, it is better to take tracksuits and a blouse or sweatshirt. You can bring a raincoat or umbrella.
  • Basic clothing. For a child, this minimum looks like this - 6-7 T-shirts or light shirts and 4-5 shorts. For a girl, you can add 2-3 dresses or a sundress to this set. You do not need to take jeans, jackets - this is an extra load.
  • Pajamas or nightgown.

Documents, money

After the necessary clothes have been collected, it's time to check if all the necessary documents have been collected on the way. So, for rest we need:

  • Parents' passports. If you are traveling abroad, then additionally foreign passports, visas.
  • Birth certificate of the child. It is necessary even for trips across Russia, not to mention foreign tours.
  • Medical policies for each family member. Adults - additionally SNILS (small green "plastic" from the Pension Fund).
  • Travel documents. Train, plane, bus tickets.
  • Driving licenses, who has them.
  • If the child is taking prescription drugs take medical documents, appointments and a copy of the card, as not all medicines can be carried across the border.
  • Try to take money electronically, on a bank card. Cash is the minimum. If you travel abroad, try to exchange rubles in advance for the currency of the country where you are going, or for euros and US dollars.

And now Must have - from things at sea for a child. Everything came in handy!

First aid kit and sunscreen

This item is mandatory, because the child always goes through the process of acclimatization at sea. The younger your baby is, the more difficult it will be for him to change climate, time zones and other factors. For a first-aid kit, buy a special thermal bag in advance, which will facilitate the storage of medicines in hot conditions. You need to put drugs in it that are appropriate for the child's age:

  • Antipyretic (from high fever).
  • Painkillers (with severe pain syndrome, toothache).
  • Antihistamines (for allergies and insect bites).
  • Antidiarrheals and antiemetics, activated carbon.
  • A remedy for constipation, preferably in the form of a syrup.
  • Antiseptics (for treating abrasions, wounds, burns).
  • Antibiotic eye and ear drops.
  • Thermometer (preferably electronic), cotton wool, sterile bandage, elastic bandage, pipette, syringe without a needle (for rinsing the nose, if necessary), wet wipes, brilliant green, cotton swabs, plaster.
  • Sunscreens. For children with light skin from birth - with the maximum protection filter. You can take such a tool in the form of a cream, spray, aerosol. Today, there is a huge selection in children's stores and pharmacies.

And now let's hear from Doctor Komarovsky about what medicines you need to take with you to the traveler's first-aid kit.

Personal hygiene products

Cosmetics and care products, both yours and for children, are best folded into a separate small, closable bag. Do not take too much, all resorts have shops where you can always buy what is over. We take the most important thing:

  • Toothbrush and paste.
  • Baby soap, shampoo for adults, shampoo for children.
  • Baby cream.
  • Wet hand wipes with antiseptic.

Entertainment on the road

If you have a rather long train journey, make sure your child is not bored on the road. A kid who has an interesting activity will not harass the whole carriage and his own parents with whining. Don't take too much, just grab what the kid really loves:

  • Coloring. You can buy a coloring book with stickers, this is a double pleasure for a child.
  • The tablet. Even if you try not to accustom your child to gadgets, a tablet or smartphone with cartoons loaded into it may come in handy.
  • Pencils, album. Try to take objects for drawing that, even if accidentally opened, will not stain other things in the suitcase. Therefore, give preference to wax crayons and crayons over paints, gouaches and markers.
  • Book. There is no need to take the lion's share of the family library, one interesting book that the child knows and loves is quite enough.


While there are no children in the family, this item is completely unnecessary, but it becomes one of the most important when collecting a family with children on a trip. There is no point in taking the entire children's arsenal with you - it is heavy, voluminous and useless. It is enough to get by with one or two of your child's favorite toys.

Do not forget to take the teddy bear or elephant that your baby usually sleeps with. Without a familiar "friend" it will be difficult for him to fall asleep in a new place and on the road.

It is not difficult to understand what should be bought for a trip to the sea. This is a sandbox set that will make your child's beach holiday meaningful. Inflatable toys, a ball for the sea and a beautiful, bright lifebuoy.

Additional things for a trip with a baby

A seaside vacation with an infant is a special challenge for parents. But now we are not about how many nerves and forces it will take to cope with the acclimatization of the baby and establish his regime, but about the things that are necessary take for the smallest member of your family:

  • Diapers. It is not necessary to take a huge pack, take 15-20 pieces. For the first time this is more than enough, but on the spot you can buy more. There are pharmacies and chain stores in any city.
  • Stroller. The question of whether to take it with you is always one of the most controversial. In the presence of strollers-walking sticks, not bulky and light, there are certain advantages on vacation, but now there are alternative ways of transporting babies, such as "kangaroo" for mom, special hammocks for carrying babies. It's up to you to choose.
  • Feeding bottles and teats, pacifier, 5-6 diapers.
  • Something from a child's usual diet (mixtures, baby food).

Food on the road

If with adult food on the road, questions usually do not arise, then with babies who do not eat everything, the opposite is true. Take what you like so that the food does not go bad without a refrigerator during the journey.

Pour the adapted mixture into a thermos for an artificial kid. He can eat it within 6-9 hours. After that, the mixture will have to be prepared again. On the train, at the airport, you will probably find where to pour boiled water into a thermos. The further process is well known to all mothers.

To sanitize dishes on the road, grab a small bottle sterilizer. It works from the electrical network, takes up space like a glass. It is easy, even while at the station, to boil a bottle for baby food in it.

Other important things

This concept means various little things that are very much needed almost every day, without them the rest can be hopelessly ruined:

  • Phone charger.
  • Beach accessories. Beach mat, mat, towels. Almost all inhabited beaches, both in Russia and abroad, have equipment rental points for a comfortable beach holiday. But it doesn't hurt to have 1-2 bedding and a beach bag.
  • Combs. Adults and children's combs should not be packaged with care products and cosmetics. If only for the reason that they are needed more often, and each time you will have to open the entire bag with pastes and brushes. Put your combs in the "useful little things" section, you won't regret it.
  • Hair accessories. If you have a daughter, then you know how important it is to have hairpins, bows and hair ties on hand on time. It is advisable to put all these girlish "treasures" in a small box, for example, from under the eau de toilette, and place them in the compartment of "useful little things".
  • Toilet paper and paper hand towels. No comment here. I think it is clear that without these little things the trip will be unpleasant.


And finally, a few tips from me, as from a mother of many children, who quite often travels with her children of different ages:

  • Bring your local drinking water bottle with you. Wherever you go, it is better for a child to drink water for the first day after the climate change, to which he is accustomed from birth. This will help him to more easily survive the acclimatization at sea.
  • Even if the child has not been noticed in road sickness before, it makes sense to always put with you drugs for motion sickness. They are sold in any pharmacy, there are a great variety of them, it will not be difficult to choose the one that suits the price and form of release.
  • You shouldn't stuff all of the above into one large suitcase. Let each family member have their own small suitcase or travel bag, in which, according to our plan, you will put everything you need for each household, including children. Firstly, then it is convenient to look for something, there is no need to remember where you shoved it. Secondly, carrying several relatively light bags is always easier than one heavy suitcase.

See below for more details.

Watch the video: Learn about Sea Animals. Ocean Animal Compilation. Kids Cartoon. Dr. Panda TotoTime Season 2 (July 2024).