
The subtleties of rest in Alushta with children

On the one hand, Alushta is not a world famous resort, where everyone dreams of coming, on the other hand, you need to rest every year. Children need this almost more than adults, if the family budget does not allow taking kids to recognized resorts, it is worth bringing them in the summer at least to Alushta.

Crimean city

A description of Alushta should begin with the fact that this small town (with a population of up to 30 thousand people) is located on the southern coast of Crimea, some 30 kilometers from the more famous Yalta - the generally recognized pearl of this tourist region. Here, vacationers will find a convenient location between the sea and the mountains, and the local authorities, realizing all the attractiveness of the city for visitors, have done a lot over the past few decades to create an appropriate tourist infrastructure.

The local climate should be called transitional: from temperate, steppe to subtropical. The mountains that protect the sea coast to the south-west of Alushta have two passes at once, ensuring constant mixing of air masses from the central regions of Crimea with those that come from the sea. As a result, conditions are quite pleasant for relaxation, since the summer is hot and dry here (with dry air, the heat is perceived more easily), and the bulk of precipitation falls on the winter season.

The swimming season here is considered the period from May to October, but for vacationers with children it is better to limit it to the period from June to September, because babies are known to be more prone to colds.

Of course, due to the beaches alone, Alushta would not become so famous. Numerous attractions located in the vicinity help it attract tourists. First of all, we are talking about the numerous picturesque places in the surrounding mountains, which attract visitors almost more than the sea.

The Chatyr-Dag, Demerdzhi and Kastel mountains, as well as the famous Valley of Ghosts, will surely appeal not only to adults, but also to children. Shots of some of these places can be seen, for example, in the well-known "Caucasian Captive".

Alushta is an ancient city, on the territory of which representatives of the Byzantine Empire and the Khazar Khaganate, Genoese and Turks with Tatars crossed. It is not surprising that a huge number of historical sites remain here, which may be of interest to teenagers who are fond of the history of conquests. For those who love to learn about culture, Christian and Muslim religious sites will be interesting.

In Alushta, there are many museums of various kinds, some of which might interest teenagers, for example, the Museum of Water Disasters. Alushta Aquarium, Dolphinarium and Crimea in Miniature Park could be a great place for a family visit.

The intercity trolleybus, which can be used to get to Yalta, can also be called a peculiar attraction. It is not often possible to find places where the "horned" would drive out of town and travel tens of kilometers through dense mountain forests. Yalta itself, by the way, can help out pretty well if Alushta sights for some reason do not arouse proper interest.

Where to stay: options

The best hotels with catering, private pool and beach are located in the very center of the resort, next to the Embankment, which is also a very beautiful place for walking. If you are already inspired and decided to settle in Alushta, an important clarification should be made: with children under 3 years old, you should not settle here at all, and in principle, kids in this city may be uncomfortable. The fact is that this part of the city, as the most popular place, has a fairly high level of constant noise, so young people should like it more than married couples with kids.

A significant part of such tourists come to Alushta to settle in a sanatorium or a boarding house. Local conditions make it possible to consider this city a climatic resort, since Botkin wrote that the climate here is much healthier than in Yalta. This is facilitated by the constant circulation of air masses. You need to choose a sanatorium in such a way that it is as close as possible to living with children, because the specificity of such institutions just presupposes the creation of all the necessary conditions for family living.

At the same time, not all sanatoriums are designed for the arrival of kids, so when choosing, you must familiarize yourself with all the conditions in advance, and if something is not clear, then call the boarding house to ask a question of interest.

Traditionally, rented housing is considered the cheapest, and in Alushta there are more than enough offers to settle with locals. At the same time, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons, for example, the significant cheapness of housing can automatically mean the need for self-catering, which also saves money, but cannot be considered a complete rest.

You should also choose your accommodation carefully - it should be located in a quiet area from where it would be easy to get to the sea. For living with children, the center and the so-called Professor's Corner are best suited.

The outskirts and suburbs offer affordable prices at all, but it can be too quiet and boring there, so you need to either have a personal car with you, or stock up on money for public transport.

Children's camps

If there is no opportunity to get out to the sea with children, you can send them to a health camp on your own, without being accompanied by their parents. Alushta is perfect as a place for children's rest. It abounds in numerous camps, and at least some of them deserve more detailed consideration.

  • "Coast". This children's camp is located in the so-called Big Alushta. It is located far from the city center, so it offers more privacy. It's stupid to complain about the location, because, on the one hand, the territory has direct access to the beaches of small pebbles, on the other, the above-mentioned Castel Mountain begins. In addition to the standard set of camp activities and interesting hikes in the mountains, children are also offered catamarans riding.

The administration monitors safety very thoroughly - the camp staff includes not only swimming instructors, but also rescue sailors.

  • "Cypress"... The main feature of this children's camp is its unique location on a sandy cape slightly protruding into the sea, surrounded on all sides by mountains and coniferous forests. The result is a unique atmosphere of sea, mountain and forest air at the same time, which has a very positive effect on the health of children on vacation. At the same time, the recreation center is located within the boundaries of Alushta proper, so getting to it is not difficult.

  • "Gull". This children's boarding house was considered an impressive camp back in Soviet times. Then the project, designed and implemented specifically for children's recreation, even received the State Prize for Architecture. The creators of the boarding house placed the buildings right in the subtropical park, so such a beautiful camp like this one still needs to be looked for.

Recreation presupposes all-round development of the child - sports grounds for team sports and a library have been built. Creative kids will also not be left without a stage for performances, because the territory has its own cultural center for 450 spectators, so that all other vacationers can also enjoy the art.

Excursions and entertainment

Parents tend to be more interested in spending time on the beach than their children, especially those who have not yet reached adolescence. It is not surprising that visiting tourists have a natural need to recharge themselves with additional emotions by going on an excursion. Since Alushta is a rather small city, and all of its described sights can be seen while hiking, excursions usually involve leaving a considerable distance from the city with a visit to other cities on the southern coast of Crimea. There are quite a few such routes, so a trip to each city should be considered separately.

  • Yalta. If the kids are bored, you can bring them here to ride a real cable car high up Mount Ai-Petri, from where you can enjoy a beautiful view of the city. The smallest will not be allowed here, but kids from 7 years and older will have a wonderful opportunity to feast on tea and sweets upstairs, but adults will not be disappointed either.

Do not expect that the procedure will go quickly - first you will have to stand decently in line, since the attraction is very popular.

  • Jur-Jur waterfall, located in the Crimean mountains, for many it can become the highest waterfall in life, because its waters fall from a height of about a hundred meters. However, this excursion should be combined with something else, otherwise there may be few impressions.
  • Alupka famous for its palaces and luxurious villas. The main attraction is the famous Swallow's Nest. Experienced travelers note that the local architecture is not only appreciated by adults, but also takes the spirit of children, making them believe in a fairy tale that has come true. When traveling here, it is usually recommended to take the most complete tour.
  • Crimean nature reserve good because it is one of the few remaining corners of wilderness, not only in Crimea, but throughout Eastern Europe. Here you can look at real animals and listen to interesting stories of the guide about how they live, so the children will definitely like it.

Reviews: impressions of the rested

To be honest, comments about family vacations with children in Alushta can be found very different. Commentators can be broadly divided into two categories: those who have known these places for many years and have not really rested anywhere except Crimea, and those who have something to compare with. The former are predictably optimistic. They love the local climate and the many attractions in the surrounding area. For less affluent families from Moscow, where prices are traditionally high, local prices seem to be quite reasonable, so they advise coming here with children.

Those who have seen many resorts are usually very critical. It is noticeable that the region has been subsidized for many decades - the infrastructure is noticeably lame, and the locals are somehow not used to solving their problems without outside help. They see tourists only as a source of immediate enrichment, so as not to worry about life after the end of the holiday season. This has some effect on their attitude towards visitors, who literally owe them.

Most likely, a lot also depends on the place of settlement and the nature of the tourist, but in general, Alushta is a middle-class resort for not the richest compatriots.

The whole family can relax in comfort in many hotels in Alushta. In the next video, see an overview of one of the city's hotels.

Watch the video: Dr. Gordon Neufeld- What Makes a Child Easy to Parent (July 2024).