
"Allohol" during pregnancy: instructions for use

While waiting for a child, a woman's digestive system is under increased stress. Many expectant mothers are worried about flatulence, heartburn, nausea and other uncomfortable symptoms. In addition, an exacerbation of chronic pathologies that bothered a woman even before conception is often observed.

For the treatment of a pregnant woman, choleretic agents may be prescribed, for example, Allohol. If a doctor prescribed such a drug to the expectant mother, it is worth carefully reading the instructions for use and clarifying whether it is possible to take it in the early stages, how it affects the body, what possible side effects can provoke and other nuances.

Features of the drug

"Allohol" is presented in pharmacies pills convex round in shape with a dense yellow or white shell. One package can hold from 10 to 50 tablets. This drug can be purchased without a prescription.

The action of "Allochol" on the digestive tract is due to a complex of four ingredients... One of them is dried bile, the source of which is cattle. The amount of bile in each tablet is 80 mg. The second active substance is Activated carbon. Its dosage for 1 tablet is 25 mg.

In addition, "Allohol" also has an extract from nettle leaves (5 mg per tablet) and an extract from garlic (40 mg per tablet).

The inactive components of the drug are presented calcium stearate, talc, starch, dyes and other substances.

Operating principle

The main therapeutic effect that Allohol possesses is choleretic... Under the influence of the animal bile present in the tablets, reflex stimulation of the secretory function of hepatocytes occurs. The inclusion of a sorbent (activated carbon) in the preparation ensures the binding of harmful and toxic substances.

Nettle extract has choleretic and anti-inflammatory action. Garlic extract also stimulates the choleretic function, and additionally affects the motility of the gastrointestinal tract.

Thanks to the reception of "Allochol", both the secretion of bile and its outflow are activated.

The drug eliminates stagnation of bile, ensures its measured production during the day, normalizes the rhythm of contractions of the gallbladder, and also prevents putrefactive and fermentative processes in the digestive system.

The medication facilitates the penetration of water and electrolytes into the hepatic cells, which facilitates the flow of bile through the hepatic ducts. it's the same helps to reduce the activity of the inflammatory process, if there is one in the biliary system. And since bile moves at a fast pace, Allochol additionally prevents the appearance of gallstones.

Other organs of the gastrointestinal tract under the influence of pills too improve their secretory function... As a result, digestive enzymes are produced more actively, food is absorbed better, bloating and constipation are eliminated. Since Allochol has and antispasmodic action, under the influence of the medicine, pains in the right hypochondrium also disappear, which are often disturbing with cholecystitis and biliary dyskinesia.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

Allochol can be used during pregnancy if the expectant mother has indications for such treatment, and the remedy will help improve her condition. However, despite the fact that the drug is plant-based, its independent use during the period of bearing a child is unacceptable. The doctor should examine the pregnant woman, making sure that she really needs a choleretic drug, and then determine the optimal dosage regimen. It is not worth taking pills without consulting a specialist, because in some cases, Allohol is able to bring harm rather than benefit.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

The reason for the use of "Allohol" during pregnancy can be:

  • violation of the motility of the biliary tract, called dyskinesia;
  • atonic constipation;
  • inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • cholangitis;
  • symptoms after removal of the gallbladder.

In addition, the drug can be used to relieve the symptoms of early toxicosis, which can bother a woman both in the first weeks of gestation and throughout the pregnancy.


Treatment with "Allochol" is avoided in case of hypersensitivity to any of the active or auxiliary substances of the drug. In addition, the remedy is contraindicated in acute hepatitis, acute inflammation of the pancreas, peptic ulcer, acute enterocolitis or enteritis. If large stones (more than 1 cm in diameter) are found in the gallbladder of the expectant mother, or one of them has blocked the biliary tract, taking Allochol is also prohibited.

Side effects

During treatment with Allochol diarrhea, heartburn, bloating and belching are possible. In some patients, the drug causes allergic reaction. If such negative symptoms appear, you should consult with your doctor and replace the tablets with an analogue that will not provoke side effects.

Instructions for use

Allochol is taken after meals, since the drug stimulates the production of digestive juices, and use on an empty stomach increases the risk of gastric ulcers. A small snack, such as a banana or a sandwich, is also considered food. The tablet is swallowed with water.

A single dose, duration of treatment and frequency of pills are determined individually.

One tablet is often used at a time, but in some cases it is required to take 2 tablets at once. The most common frequency of administration is 3 times a day, the duration is 3-4 weeks.


There are mostly good reviews about the use of Allohol while waiting for a child.... In them, women emphasize the rapid action of the drug. According to them, the tablets effectively relieved abdominal pain, constipation, bitterness in the mouth, bloating, and other uncomfortable symptoms. Among the main advantages of the drug are its natural base, affordable cost and small tablet size. In this case, the drug provokes side effects extremely rarely.


If it is necessary to replace Allochol with a similar medicine, the doctor may prescribe other medicines.

  • "Hofitol". Such a drug is made from artichoke leaves in tablet form and in the form of a solution. It refers to drugs that are safe during pregnancy and is often prescribed to expectant mothers not only for choleretic action, but also to improve blood flow in the placenta. Since "Hofitol" has a good diuretic effect, it is also prescribed during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester in case of edema, when the risk of gestosis increases.

  • Flamin... Such tablets contain flavonoids, essential oils, sterols and other active substances obtained from the immortelle. The drug affects the production and secretion of bile, has an antispasmodic effect, stimulates the formation of gastric juice. It can be used instead of Allohol during pregnancy under the supervision of a physician.

  • "Holosas"... This is another plant-based choleretic agent made from rose hips. The drug is a syrup prescribed for non-calculous cholecystitis and hepatitis. During pregnancy, it can be used with caution and only on the advice of your doctor.

For the drug Allochol, see below.

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