
Drops "Prospan" for children: instructions for use

Ivy-based medicines are in demand for various diseases of the respiratory system, occurring with an unproductive dry cough. The representative of such funds is Prospan. One of the forms of this medicine are drops that can be given to a child to drink or used for inhalation. In what cases is this medication prescribed, how does it work and how is it dosed in childhood?

Release form and composition

Prospan in drops looks like a dark brown liquid that smells like fennel and alcohol. Usually it is transparent, but during storage it may become a little cloudy, or a precipitate may appear in it, which does not spoil the properties of the medicine, but requires shaking the bottle before each use.

The main ingredient of the medicine is an extract from dried ivy leaves. This extract is contained in 1 ml of the product (in 30 drops) at a dose of 0.02 grams. Additional drops include anise oil, purified water, peppermint oil, 96% alcohol, sodium saccharin, and fennel oil.

One bottle of the drug contains 20, 50 or 100 ml of liquid. It is made of dark glass and is equipped with a dropper stopper and lid.

Operating principle

The main effect that Prospan causes is an expectorant. Herbal base of the drug acts on phlegm in the respiratory tract, reducing its viscosity... This makes it easier to cough up her throat. Besides, the drug has a bronchospasmolytic effect.


Prospan is prescribed for children with a cough if the sputum is too viscous and difficult to separate. The medicine is in demand for bronchitis, ARVI, tracheitis, laryngitis and other pathologies.

At what age is it prescribed?

Prospan in drops is not prescribed for children under one year old, and inhalations with such a drug should not be given to patients under 2 years old, since at such an early age drops can provoke laryngospasm.


Prospan should not be taken orally if the child has an increased sensitivity to any of the components of the drops. Inhalation treatment is contraindicated in bronchial asthma and a tendency to laryngospasm.

If a child has brain pathologies or has suffered a traumatic brain injury, the medication is given only under the supervision of a doctor. The use of drops in children with liver diseases also requires caution.

Side effects

Treatment with Prospan causes an allergic reaction in some children. If it occurs, the remedy is immediately canceled.

Instructions for use

If the drops are prescribed by mouth, then they should be given to the child before meals. For the smallest patients, the drug is dissolved in a small volume of water, and older children can swallow the drops undiluted.

After shaking the bottle, the agent is given from 3 to 5 times a day in such a single dose:

  • 10 drops, if the child is from 1 to 3 years old;
  • 15 drops, if the patient is 4-7 years old;
  • 20 drops, if the child is over seven years old.

The duration of admission is determined by the doctor, but usually Prospan is prescribed for a period of at least 7 days. If symptoms worsen or the child's condition does not change, a doctor's examination is required to choose another medication. After the symptoms of the disease disappear, Prospan is recommended to be taken for another 2-3 days.

Inhalations with Prospan are carried out in a nebulizer after diluting the medicine with pure water 1 to 2. For one procedure, use 20-25 drops of the medicine, and the frequency of inhalations is 3 to 5 times a day.

Overdose and drug interactions

If a child accidentally drinks more drops than the doctor has prescribed, it will lead to nausea, loose stools, or vomiting. In such a situation, it is recommended to see a doctor and symptomatic treatment.

Prospan should not be given to a child who is taking any pro-tussive medication (this can worsen his condition).

Terms of sale and storage

Since Prospan in drops is an over-the-counter drug, it is freely sold in the pharmacy to everyone, but when treating children, it is recommended to first show the patient to a doctor.

The average price of a 20 ml bottle is 300-340 rubles. It is necessary to store the medication at home at temperatures below 25 degrees Celsius in a dry place. The shelf life of this Prospan form is 4 years.


The treatment of cough in children with Prospan is generally positive. The drug is praised for its natural plant base, the possibility of using it in children over a year old, and economical consumption. The advantages of drops also include a long shelf life, a good healing effect and a pleasant taste.

Side effects, according to moms, such a remedy often does not cause. Only in very rare cases did a child become allergic to its components, and then Prospan was replaced with another expectorant medication. The disadvantages of the drug include the presence of ethanol in its composition and the dark color of the bottle, due to which it is not visible how much solution is left inside.


Instead of Prospan, other ivy-based expectorants such as Gedelix drops or Herbion syrup can be used. In addition, if it is necessary to replace Prospan, the doctor may recommend another herbal medicine with a similar effect. It can be Bronchipret, Doctor Mom, Bronchicum, Pertussin, or another remedy.

Most of these medicines are sweet syrup, so they are easy to give to a child.

However, it is important not to forget that each of these remedies has its own contraindications, therefore, the selection of an analogue must be entrusted to a pediatrician.

You will learn useful information about children's cough by watching the following program of Dr. Komarovsky.

Watch the video: New restrictions on cough medicine in Florida (July 2024).