
9 weeks pregnant: what happens to the fetus and the expectant mother?

The third month of pregnancy begins. The condition of the mother is no longer in doubt: the woman has blossomed, pregnancy for many at this time to face, even if there is toxicosis. What happens to the baby and mom this week, we will tell in this material.

How many months is it?

The 9th week of pregnancy means that two obstetric months have ended, which last for 4 weeks, the third has begun. In total, pregnancy lasts 10 obstetric months, and therefore even a third of this long and interesting path has not yet been passed.

According to world practice, obstetricians count the time of gestation not from conception, as women themselves do, but from the first day of the last menstruation. In other words, obstetric differs from the real term by about 2 weeksbecause ovulation usually occurs in the very middle of the cycle.

The 9th week of pregnancy by obstetric standards is 7 weeks from the date of conception, the baby lives inside the mother's belly for a little over one and a half months, and during this time he has changed a lot and has grown a lot. In order not to get confused in terms, a woman should understand that all medical documentation in the consultation, all examinations, ultrasound and analyzes are written out and carried out with an indication of the obstetric term only. Now it is 8-9 weeks according to medical standards and 6-7 embryonic weeks.

If a woman has 9 weeks from the delay, then we are talking about a completely different period - this is 11 weeks from the date of conception and 13 obstetric week.

Baby development

The kid has grown noticeably. Now, from the tailbone to the crown of his head, his height is about 20 mm, and he already weighs more than 3 grams. The baby looks like a pea pod, since it has not yet gotten rid of the tail, which is characteristic of humans during embryonic development. After this week, the baby will officially change his status.

From conception to 9 weeks, he was considered an embryo, after 9 weeks he will officially be called a fetus, since the fetal period of pregnancy begins.

The embryo is trying very hard to acquire a human shape, and this week it is actively unbending, ceasing to resemble a tadpole or a comma. The embryonic tail will disappear very soon.

Brain and nervous system

At this time, the brain is actively developing. Its establishment was successful earlier, and now the period of growth and establishment of functions begins. Some researchers argue that the baby is already able to send impulses from his brain to the mother's nervous system. This is what some are trying to explain the change in appetite and eating habits of a pregnant woman.

However, official medicine does not have sufficient evidence of this process. This is just a hypothesis. But expectant mothers are not forbidden to fantasize a little and imagine that it is the baby who makes her want a cake or a piece of chalk.

The cerebellum is forming this week. Motor abilities, or rather their coherence and coordination, will depend on it. The pituitary gland develops, and soon this part of the brain will begin to actively participate in the process of producing the first independent hormones necessary for the normal growth and development of the baby.

The child's nervous system is already working, but its development does not stop for a second... This will continue throughout the pregnancy, and then the process will continue after childbirth. 8-9 weeks are extremely important for the correct development of the nervous system, because right now the cranial nerves, cranial nerves and intervertebral nerve connections are being formed.

Any failure in this process can lead to serious diseases of the central nervous system, therefore, the expectant mother at this time should follow all the recommendations and protect her baby from any negative influences from the outside.

Internal organs

At week 9, the middle layer of the adrenal cortex is formed, which will take an active part in the synthesis of various hormones. The heart and blood vessels are already formed, they are working. This week, the heart of the baby "acquires" an interatrial septum.

The formation of almost all internal organs has been completed, and now they are "debugging" their work.

This week, the sex of the child has already been determined, the development of the internal genital organs is in full swing, the formation of external ones begins, but so far it is just a genital tubercle, which looks the same in both boys and girls.

The formation of lymph nodes begins, the development of mammary glands in children of both sexes. This week, the thyroid gland begins to work, and the kidneys do not stand aside - they already remove fluid from the body of the crumbs.

Child's appearance

The kid is becoming more and more like a person, but he still looks a little strange. The embryo has a large head, small short arms, a small tummy.

The head is now the largest part of the body. The face begins to gradually acquire human features, the baby ceases to be like an alien. At week 9, the eyes begin to gradually converge, sliding closer to the center of the face. The short mouth begins to lengthen, and sponges form. Even now, the baby is trying to build faces, but so far, due to insufficiently developed facial muscles, he is not very good at it.

But at the 9th week, a semblance of a neck begins to appear, very soon the baby will be able to twist his head around. The formation of auricles continues, this week the earlobes are actively being laid.

At this time, limbs begin to lengthen, fingers grow on the handles. The handles themselves acquire elbows, and the lower limbs acquire already quite similar to real feet. Nails, or rather their prototypes, are being formed this week, but not on the toes, on the palms and feet, gradually they will "slide" into place.

The formation of the muscular system continues, the bones begin to grow stronger, and now there is a need for a sufficient calcium content in the blood of the expectant mother. The shoulders and forearms stand out, the volume of the chest and abdominal cavities has increased, the heart no longer protrudes.

What can a baby do?

The main achievement this week is writing. Now the baby swallows amniotic fluid and empties the bladder with enviable regularity. There is no need to worry - the waters retain their sterility, since they are renewed every 3-4 hours.

By the way, swallowing should be mentioned separately. At this time, the baby learned to swallow perfectly, since the swallowing reflex is one of the first that is formed in a man in the embryonic period.

At 8-9 obstetric weeks, the child is able to move the limbs, although such movements are still more reminiscent of chaotic flapping, the nervous system and the brain are not yet able to coordinate motor functions.


The "child's place" is replacing the chorion, and this week the placenta begins to gradually take over the functions of the corpus luteum, which has not yet ceased its activity. The young placenta gradually begins to connect the mother's body and the body of the baby. The umbilical cord becomes longer and thicker.

Your child is on ultrasound

An ultrasound scan at week 9 is usually not prescribed, since there is still time before the first screening study. But there may be different indications for diagnostics. In addition, today any pregnant woman at her own request can do an ultrasound in a paid clinic, just to see how the baby has become and how much he has grown.

Medical indications for ultrasound scanning at this time are as follows:

  • pathology of pregnancy;
  • discrepancy between the size of the uterus when viewed obstetric period;
  • clarification of the gestational age and the number of fetuses;
  • monitoring the development of pregnancy after IVF.

The doctor of ultrasound diagnostics at this time, if the permission of the apparatus and the circumstances allow, will be able to show the mother the first movements of the baby, which she cannot yet feel - the baby is small, it is free in the uterus. At this time, the main parameters are measured, which make it possible to judge the correct development of the child. These parameters include SVD - the average inner diameter of the ovum and CTE - the coccygeal-parietal size.

What they should be normal is not an easy question, because each pregnancy is unique in its own way. On average, the norms are as follows.

The average inner diameter of the ovum at 9 obstetric week of pregnancy

KTR - table by days of the 9th week of pregnancy:

Heart rate, that is, heart rate, this week is perfectly audible during ultrasound scans. On average, it is 175 beats per minute. However, different options are possible - indicators from 155 to 195 beats of a small heart per minute are considered normal.

It is still difficult to measure the arms, legs and head - the baby is so miniature that the scanner cannot capture the exact parameters of the limbs or individual body parts.

The sex of the child cannot be seen at this time. The genital tubercles are identical in boys and girls. To find out what gender to expect, it is better to go to the ultrasound diagnostic room later - after about 16 weeks of pregnancy, as the external genitals will be fully formed, and the scrotum in boys will be noticeably different from the labia of girls.

How does mom feel?

At 9 obstetric week, the feelings of expectant mothers can vary significantly. Some have toxicosis with all the "delights" of this condition, while others flutter and feel great. At this time, the hormone progesterone "leads" everything. It is produced in large quantities for the sake of preserving the life of the baby - it creates suitable conditions for its development and, to some extent, inhibits maternal immunity so that it does not reject the fetus as a half genetically alien object.

Under the influence of progesterone, a global restructuring of the whole organism begins after conception. By 9 weeks pregnant, symptoms and signs of pregnancy are obvious.

Menstruation is absent, the woman's appetite rises, in the evenings a slight temperature may rise, from which not a trace remains by the morning.

All the processes that take place in a woman's body now consume a fair amount of energy, energy reserves and potential are depleted. Therefore, a woman can feel tired and overwhelmed right in the morning. She gets tired faster, doing normal daily work, she almost constantly wants to sleep.

Sometimes they feel dizzy, some feel sick, and from smells and tastes that were previously liked or were tolerated. In the evenings, many have headaches. Constipation and loose stools may occur. All this is a side effect of progesterone, which ensures the normal development of pregnancy.

If a woman suffers from severe toxicosis at this time, there is little left to endure - closer to 12-13 weeks, the symptoms of early toxicosis usually recede.

If your chest hurts badly now, then you should also be patient - all the main changes in the structure of the mammary gland, which is preparing for feeding the baby, occur mainly in the first three months of pregnancy, then it will be somewhat easier.

Many women at this time note that their breasts have increased by about 1.5-2 sizes, which is usually appreciated by their husbands. The size of the uterus has now doubled from its original state, its weight is about 100 grams for women who are going to become mothers for the first time, and about 200 grams for those who decided to give birth to a second, third or next baby.

Well-being at the beginning of the 9th week may be clouded by the appearance of a cold. In fact, nasal congestion at this time is almost never related to colds, SARS, acute respiratory infections or other diseases. In the absence of other symptoms of these ailments, we are talking about physiological rhinitis of pregnant women.

The mucous membranes swell due to the accumulation of fluid in the body, as a result of which nasal breathing is impaired. These are also the consequences of the work of progesterone, and there is no need to treat such a cold. If your nose is not breathing at all, you should consult your doctor.

Because of malaise, nasal congestion, many pregnant women cannot get enough sleep. The paradox of 9 weeks is that during the day a woman really wants to sleep, but with the arrival of night, sleep does not come, no matter how the expectant mother tries to count the lambs and sheep. This phenomenon is temporary, mainly hormonal. The situation will stabilize a little later.

Externally, pregnancy is objectively not yet noticeable... Only a very careful look can determine the increase in waist circumference and chest size. However, at this time, something elusive appears in the appearance of the expectant mother, some kind of mystery, spirituality appears in the appearance of a woman, her eyes shine, many note that they have become more beautiful and attractive.

Changes in the body

Inside the woman, cardinal changes take place. The level of the hormone that is produced by the chorionic cells continues to rise. It was he who allowed at the beginning of pregnancy to establish its fact - hCG in a certain concentration "stains" the second strip on the test, and is also determined in the analysis of venous blood.

Now the level of hCG is not yet maximum, it will reach its peak by 12-13 weeks of pregnancy, and then it will gradually begin to decline.

The uterus is already beginning to be felt. It is similar in size to a good grapefruit. In any case, on examination, the gynecologist will not have doubts - the pregnant uterus is already noticeably different from the non-pregnant one. For many women, under the influence of hormones, the skin begins to smooth out, it becomes cleaner, more beautiful, well-groomed. Dark spots may appear on the nipples.

If in the first two months the expectant mother often ran to the toilet due to little need, then from the 9th week the urge to urinate becomes more rare, which is perceived by women as a significant relief. In connection with the formation of the placenta, the volume of blood circulating in the body increases, this makes the kidneys, heart, blood vessels and liver of the mother work in an enhanced mode. therefore even minor physical activity can cause rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath.

The body, on the "order" of progesterone, began to store fat for future use, which is a source of energy for the female body and the growing baby. In addition, fatty deposits on the abdomen, waist, hips are very upsetting for many slender girls, who state that the waist has already increased by 3-4 centimeters, and there has been a 2-3 centimeter increase in the hip line.

The baby now needs a sufficient amount of fluid, and he will take it from the mother's body.

9 weeks pregnant skin and hair may become drier. It is this week that the risk of developing anemia appears.


The amount of discharge this week remains, as it was weeks earlier, increased. More vaginal secretion is produced due to hormonal changes that the entire female body is experiencing. Normally, they are transparent, light, for example a light yellowish color. Healthy discharge during uncomplicated pregnancy at 9 weeks does not have a smell, impurities, impurities.

Discharge pink, orange, with blood impurities are considered alarming signs. They can talk about the threat of miscarriage, problems with the cervix (erosion, for example). The secret, which has a brown color, and smears, is similarly evaluated.

Green and brown discharge with an unpleasant odor may indicate the presence of an infection, including genital. Infection of the fetus, the development of miscarriage can be avoided if you consult a doctor in time with complaints of atypical discharge for this period.

The appearance of itching at the same time as white thick discharge, which has the consistency of cottage cheese, smelling of yeast or sour milk, may indicate that a woman has thrush. This ailment is a frequent companion of pregnancy. Be sure to consult your doctor about the methods of treatment and medications allowed for pregnant women.

Since pregnancy for each woman proceeds quite individually, then the discharge can be quite specific. For one woman, pinkish discharge will be the norm, while for another it will become possible with pathology.

All discharge, except for light ones, is assessed by quantity, smell, and accompanying symptoms. If they do not bother a woman, nothing hurts her, then daub in some cases is just an individual feature. But the doctor must answer the question, norm or pathology, who will rely on diagnostic data, anamnesis and the results of analyzes of a particular woman.

If blood suddenly starts flowing, it does not bode well, because in 99% of cases it speaks of a high probability of miscarriage, of an onset miscarriage, the so-called miscarriage. In this situation, the woman should get to the hospital as soon as possible. It is advisable not to waste time and call an "ambulance".

In about 60% of cases of bleeding at a given gestation period, with timely and correct medical care, pregnancy can be preserved.


Abdominal pain of different intensity during this period is not the norm. The uterus is not yet large enough to exert physiological pressure on neighboring organs, and it is still far from childbirth for pains to be caused by the expansion of the pelvis and the preparation of the muscles. therefore any abdominal pain at such an early stage should not be ignored. You should definitely tell your doctor about it, because often pulling pains precede a miscarriage.

The stomach can also hurt due to digestive problems. Constipation, diarrhea, increased flatulence, which can be observed at this time, do not contribute to a painless stomach. To distinguish the pain that occurs with the threat of spontaneous abortion from the pain inherent in indigestion, you need to carefully listen to the nature of the pain:

  • With the threat of termination of pregnancy, they are pulling, aching, almost constant, radiating to the lower back, accompanied by abnormal discharge.
  • With digestive disorders, the pain is sharper and more short-lived, it is localized only in the abdominal region, mainly in the upper abdomen. No pathological discharge is observed.

This week, a woman may start to feel that her back hurts. There is nothing surprising in this. All the same pregnancy hormone - progesterone - causes softening of muscles and ligaments, in connection with which pain and aches may appear. The abdomen is still small and the center of gravity is not displaced, but in the evening a woman can feel aching pain in the lower back.

Pain at the beginning of the third month of pregnancy in the back and lower back can be an exacerbation of chronic, pre-existing ailments, for example, kidney disease or osteochondrosis. The reason is that the woman's body already at the initial stage of bearing a baby is experiencing serious stress, in which the first "surrender" are those organs and systems in which there were "problems".

Headaches at week 9 indicate that the amount of blood has increased, and the pressure on the vessel walls has increased slightly. This type of pain is especially noticeable in women who have a tendency to hypertension - high blood pressure.

When headaches appear, blood pressure should be monitored.

The pressure is measured on two hands in turn, it is impossible to keep silent about the facts of the increase - the doctor should know that the woman has a chance of developing gestosis - a condition dangerous for both the baby and the woman.

Pregnant women at 9 weeks frighten not only the presence of pain, but also its absence. For example, in a situation where the chest suddenly stopped hurting and the signs of pregnancy disappeared, which were a day ago. In this case, we can talk about a non-developing, frozen pregnancy. If the fetus died, then the woman's body stops developing according to the "pregnant scenario." You need to do an ultrasound and make sure that the baby is alive.

Sometimes the disappearance of nausea, aches and drowsiness, as well as pain in the chest, says only that the time of toxicosis and restructuring of the mammary gland is over. Now the pregnancy will be easy and relaxed, at least until the third trimester.

Possible problems

The first trimester of pregnancy, which includes week 9 by obstetric standards, is considered the most dangerous in terms of preserving the baby. The baby is still so weak and vulnerable that anything can negatively affect him - from a woman's health status to environmental and psychological factors.

Most of all miscarriages, according to medical statistics, occur in the first three months of gestation. Although the range of problems that may lie in wait for the expectant mother and her baby at this time is not limited only to the threat of spontaneous abortion. Details are below.

Retrochorial hematoma

There is such a pathology to one degree or another in every fourth pregnant woman for up to 11-12 weeks. Retrochorial hematoma is the accumulation of blood between the chorion and the membranes, if there is a slight detachment.

The most common pathology occurs in women who suffer from infectious diseases, inflammatory ailments of the reproductive system, working in hazardous industries, where there is exposure to strong vibration. Various diseases of the endocrine system, autoimmune diseases, in which the mother's body produces antibodies against the fetus, can also cause a hematoma.

Retrochorial hematoma is often observed in women experiencing severe stress in the early stages, as well as in women who perform quite heavy physical work (lifting weights, for example). Smoking and drinking alcohol, as well as severe toxicosis, if a woman has a place to have it, can lead to a hematoma.

In a mild form, the pathology is asymptomatic, the expectant mother only learns about the presence of such a hematoma during an ultrasound scan. A more extensive and serious hematoma is characterized by cinnamon smearing from the genitals.

A hematoma is a great danger for maintaining pregnancy. If the brown discharge is replaced by blood, experts recommend that you urgently go to the hospital in order to exclude the likelihood of sudden growth and increase in hematoma, extensive detachment and death of the baby in utero.

Treatment is most often aimed at stopping the growth of hematoma and its resorption. It can be inpatient or outpatient - it all depends on the size of the hematoma and the degree of threat to bearing a child.

Risk of miscarriage

Up to 70% of pregnant women, to one degree or another, face the threat of early termination of pregnancy; in most cases, pregnancy can be maintained if the causes of the threatening condition are not associated with genetic disorders in the baby. Unfortunately, in case of chromosomal abnormalities, when the fetus is not viable, nature itself conducts natural selection. Medicine is powerless in this matter.

Among the other reasons why a threat may develop at 9 weeks of pregnancy are a history of miscarriages, the woman's age (the older the expectant mother, the more likely an unfavorable outcome), smoking, severe and prolonged stress, taking certain medications, caffeine, exposure to an unfavorable environmental background , chronic diseases of women, including those of a gynecological profile. The likelihood of a miscarriage increases if the previous pregnancy ended in an abortion.

After IVF, the probability of a miscarriage at 8-9 weeks of pregnancy is approximately 24%, with an early Rh-conflict, this probability rises to 60%. Modern medicine has many ways to maintain a pregnancy if a woman asks for help in a timely manner.

Symptoms of the threat are pulling pains, atypical discharge, mainly with the presence of blood or ichor. Self-medication is unacceptable here.

Non-developing pregnancy

This pathology is also called a failed miscarriage, since the baby, who for some reason stopped growing and died, remains in the uterine cavity for some time, and the woman may not be aware that the irreparable has happened. This can happen at any time, but the most dangerous in terms of the likelihood of fetal freezing are three periods: 3-4 weeks, 8-10 weeks and 16-18 weeks... Thus, the 9th obstetric week is entering a period of increased risk, and a woman should be very attentive to her well-being.

The most common cause of such a pathology is genetic disorders - the baby has inherited an extra chromosome in one of the pairs or a pathological mutated gene has formed. Very often, such children are not only unviable, but also cannot grow and develop normally while still in the mother's womb. That is why the embryo, after cleaning the uterine cavity, is taken for genetic testing.

The data obtained will help the couple to plan pregnancy in the future, taking into account the likelihood of genetic disorders. A geneticist will help them with this.

The second most popular reason for fetal freezing, stopping its development is infectious diseases in mothers. It can be both genital infections and TORCH infections. Sometimes in the pathology there is a share of "fault" and the woman's partner, for example, with teratozoospermia (violation of the morphological properties of spermatozoa), pregnancy can occur, but it ends in the overwhelming majority of miscarriage at an early stage. Mom's travels during this period can affect the fetus if they are associated with a sharp change in climate, as well as bad habits.

The likelihood of fetal freezing is higher in women who have had several abortions before.

Pathology is usually detected on an ultrasound scan, since the doctor does not see signs of fetal activity. Often, obstetricians-gynecologists are the first to "find" undeveloped pregnancy, since the size of the uterus is noticeably behind the expected period. If the examination was not carried out, then the first symptoms may be bloody brown discharge, pulling pain in the lower back, characteristic of a miscarriage, since 2-4 weeks after freezing, the fetus begins to be rejected.

There is no cure, the uterine cavity must be scraped out. Antibiotics are prescribed. The next pregnancy should be planned with a doctor, much depends on the reasons that led to the death of the baby.

Ectopic pregnancy

They say about such a pathology when the ovum is fixed not in the uterus, but outside it - in the cervix or in the tube. Such a pregnancy is doomed to be terminated by surgery, since the child cannot grow and develop normally outside the uterus, and the risk of death of the woman herself increases, for example, due to rupture of the fallopian tube under the influence of a growing embryo.

It is possible to detect such a pathology at 9 weeks only if an ultrasound scan has not been performed before and there has been no examination by a gynecologist. Some women, having made a test in the first days of the delay, and making sure that there are two stripes on it, are in no hurry to get up at the registration consultation. They have a higher risk of late detection of an ectopic pregnancy. When contacting a doctor, for example, at 8-9 weeks, the uterus will not correspond to the deadline in size, the doctor will immediately send the woman for an ultrasound scan, and the diagnostic somnologist will not be able to find the ovum in her.

By week 9, an ectopic pregnancy may already have its own symptoms - fever, pain in the shoulder, especially when a woman takes a horizontal position, nausea, diarrhea and abdominal pain - in the right side or in the left (it all depends on the specific place of attachment of the ovum) , the appearance of bloody discharge from the genitals.

Sharp pains, cutting, which are difficult to endure, with simultaneous pressure on the rectum and a keen desire to empty the intestines right now, may at 9 weeks indicate that there has been a rupture of the fallopian tube. The woman needs emergency surgery and her life is in danger.

Modern methods of surgical response in most cases allow you to save the pipe (with the exception of rupture), the likelihood of getting pregnant again and carrying the baby successfully is great.

The most unfavorable prognosis is cervical pregnancy, when the ovum is attached in the cervix. In this case, most often it is necessary to remove the entire reproductive organ completely.

Intrauterine growth retardation

Usually, such a diagnosis is made at more significant stages of pregnancy, when the doctor has the opportunity to measure various parameters of the baby's body using ultrasound. At the 9th week of pregnancy, the diagnosis can also sound, but only if we are talking about a true primary delay in the development of the baby. Usually it is associated with gross pathologies of the development of the embryo, and the prognosis is poor.

In other words, if a child at 20 weeks lags behind the norms for a given period by 1-2 weeks in ultrasound, they talk about a delay in intrauterine development of the first degree, if for 3 weeks - then about the second degree. And at 9 weeks, the very fact can be diagnosed without indicating degrees.

Example: at the 9th week of pregnancy, the CTE of the fetus and the size of the ovum correspond only to 6-7 weeks, while the timing of pregnancy is known for sure, there can be no mistake, and the fetus shows signs of vital activity, that is, it continues to develop. There may be another option - the ovum will correspond to the gestational age, and the CTE of the fetus will lag significantly.

Anyway delayed baby's development requires an individual approach from doctors. Most often, the reasons lie in a chromosomal and non-chromosomal anomaly, in which life is preserved in the baby, but multiple malformations of internal organs do not allow him to eat normally, grow, develop.

About 20% of children with early developmental delay symptoms are born dead or die within a few hours or days after birth.

Other reasons include negative environmental factors, diseases of the mother, infections, her bad habits, and insufficient nutrition. With such reasons, doctors can help by starting to administer vitamins and drugs to a woman, uteroplacental blood flow improves. The kid will be able to grow on them to the desired size.


This pathology inflicts a strong moral and psychological trauma on a woman if it is detected at a period of 8-9 weeks. After the test, enough time has passed, the woman managed to get used to the idea of ​​a future child, she may have already come up with a name, looked after a stroller, chose booties and a suit for discharge. How unexpected and traumatic can be the doctor's verdict that there is no trace of an embryo!

This is usually, like an ectopic pregnancy, at this time is found in women when the expectant mother first visits a doctor at 9 weeks. Ultrasound shows the growth of the ovum, but there really is no embryo in it. Such pregnancy is a type of non-developing pregnancy in which the implantation was successful, but the embryo did not develop.

The causes of a strange phenomenon are almost always rooted in a genetic abnormality - an extra chromosome, a mutated gene, etc. Sometimes at the earliest possible date, immediately after implantation, a woman is exposed to radiation, poisons, toxins, experiences severe stress, takes illegal drugs, smokes, her hormonal background changes dramatically for unknown reasons. At 9 weeks, if anembryonia is detected, it is most likely no longer possible to establish the true causes.

The woman undergoes surgical curettage, followed by anti-inflammatory treatment, after which, with the permission of the doctor, it will be possible to try again to get pregnant.

Colds, flu, ARVI

Against the background of a decrease in immunity, which is suppressed by pregnancy hormones in the name of saving the life of a little man growing inside a mother, many women fall ill during this period. If the expectant mother gets sick with a viral infection, for example, flu or SARS, be sure to call a doctor at home and tell him about your "interesting" situation. After the prescribed treatment, it is imperative to conduct an ultrasound control, make sure that everything is in order with the baby.

An early miscarriage, a frozen pregnancy is not provoked by the virus itself, but by the high temperature with which the disease is associated, improper treatment with the use of illegal medicines.

A cold does not need special treatment. It is enough to keep quiet, take sick leave, lie down and drink warm tea with cranberries. Seeing a doctor is desirable in this case as well.

Examinations and analyzes

If a woman registered earlier, then no special examinations at the 9th week of pregnancy are expected. If it is for this week that a visit to the consultation is scheduled for registration, the woman will receive a large list of directions for various tests.

Blood is donated for general and biochemical analysis, general urine analysis, coagulogram (blood clotting test), a smear from the vagina and scraping from the cervix are taken, colposcopy (examination of the cervix with a colposcope) is performed.

In addition, blood is taken from a woman for infections, including sexual infections, for hepatitis B and C, syphilis, HIV status and TORCH infections. According to individual indications, they can conduct an ultrasound scan, take blood for hormones, determine the level of hCG.

The latter may be needed to confirm multiple pregnancies, exclude or confirm the fact of non-developing pregnancy, the threat of miscarriage.

When carrying twins, the concentration of the hormone is 2 times higher, and for all threatening conditions and the death of a baby in the womb, it is significantly lower than normal.

Recommendations for expectant mothers

Recommendations will help to bear and give birth to a healthy baby, following which at the 9th week of pregnancy will help to avoid unpleasant complications of pregnancy.


Even if a woman has toxicosis, this is not a reason to eat only, for example, cucumbers during this period. In any case, nutrition should be balanced and correct, because problems with digestion against the background of raging progesterone are aggravated precisely by errors in the composition of the diet.

It is recommended to eat during this period at least 6 times a day in small portions, making an extreme meal at least 2.5 hours before going to bed.

Carbonated drinks, coffee, strong tea, cold cuts, processed cheeses, sausages, bacon, fried pork chops, smoked fish and canned food must be ruthlessly thrown out of the refrigerator so that no temptations arise.

They should be replaced by fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meat (veal, beef, rabbit, turkey, chicken), cereals, herbs, vegetable oil, whole grain bread (in small quantities). Such a menu will allow the baby to receive everything necessary for its growth and development from the mother's blood, and the woman herself will become noticeably easier - diarrhea and constipation will stop, the stool will normalize, and the attacks of nausea will decrease.

You should talk with your doctor about taking a multivitamin for pregnant women. Soon, the baby will have an increased need for calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, already now there is a need for a large amount of folic acid. Depending on the season, time of year, region of residence, vitamins can be prescribed from the earliest dates. If the woman does not take them yet, it's time to ask this question to your doctor.


Regardless of the time of year, the clothes worn by a woman at an early date should be made from natural fabrics, in which the skin should not overheat and sweat (synthetics contribute to this in the best possible way).

At 9 weeks, you may need to change your bra. It's time to replace the usual model with a special maternity bra with a wide "belt" and more fixed support for the mammary glands.

Daily regime

Maternity leave is still very far away, and a woman cannot skip work and school. Therefore, it is in her interests to establish the most optimal daily routine for herself right now. If night sleep is disturbed, you should, in consultation with your doctor, start taking light herbal sedatives that have a sedative effect (motherwort, valerian tablets). This will allow a woman to calm down and survive difficult hormonal "riots" with minimal losses.

If possible, you can rest during the day, but not to the detriment of a night's sleep. It is during a night's sleep in the body that many hormones and enzymes are produced, protein substances necessary to ensure normal life.


Sex at 9 weeks is not contraindicated if there is no threat of termination of pregnancy. Moreover, most women emphasize that sexual desires at this time are at their peak. This is quite understandable - there is no belly yet, nothing bothers partners and does not cause anxiety, the need to protect oneself or, conversely, “catch” ovulation, has also disappeared.

Now is the time to relax and enjoy full, harmonious intimate relationships.

In addition to the obvious benefits for the body, there is from sex at this time and benefits for the psychological mood of the pregnant woman - the woman becomes more balanced, calm, harmonious.

Precautionary measures

A woman should give up bad habits and make sure to stay as far as possible from closed rooms where people smoke. Passive smoking causes irreparable harm to the baby, who is now going through the most important processes of forming organs and systems.

If week 9 falls on the season of mass incidence of influenza or ARVI, you should not visit crowded places. Women, whose work involves communicating with many people, during the peak of the incidence should consult a doctor with a request to grant sick leave in order to spend this time at home safely. Many doctors are happy to take such a measure, because they understand that it is better to prevent than to treat the patient later at risk to mother and child.

Walking in the fresh air is useful and necessary at this time, regardless of the season, weather. The baby needs oxygen. He gets it with his mother's blood, and his mother can enrich her blood with oxygen by taking walks and drinking oxygen cocktails.

Reviews of expectant mothers

Expectant mothers about their 9th week of pregnancy in various forums on the Internet have left very different reviews. Some suffered during this period from severe toxicosis, others enjoyed their new position. Some mothers at this time started "pregnancy diaries", in which they entered general data for each day - their weight, blood pressure, basal temperature level, a detailed description of all alarming symptoms.

Such diaries are recommended by the obstetricians themselves, because the woman's records between scheduled appointments allow the doctor to evaluate not only the changes that have occurred since the last visit of the pregnant woman, but also to see possible complications, some features of pregnancy that manifested themselves between visits.

You can see what happens at the 9th week of pregnancy in the next video.

Watch the video: 9 Weeks Pregnant: Understand Surprising Growth of Your Fetus! (July 2024).