
Examples for multiplication and division by 6

In primary school, especially in grades 2-3, children often face difficulties in solving examples for division and multiplication. Such tasks seem to them more difficult than usual addition and subtraction. In many respects, the difficulty in studying the topic is due to the lack of the necessary amount of practice. Teachers, especially in large classes, do not have time to work with each child individually.

In order for the child to keep up with the school curriculum and study it in due time, it is recommended that parents work with him. Using the example generator, you can get a huge number of tasks for multiplication and division by 6. With each new opening of the page, new tasks will appear on the screen. They can be printed and solved with the child in paper format (you can download the answers for a quick check). This approach allows the student to fill in all possible gaps and understand the essence of math problems.

Having mastered the examples of multiplication and division by 6, you can easily move on to more complex math tasks with other actions that will help develop the child's intellectual abilities. With the help of parents, a calm home environment, the child will certainly have a desire to learn such a subject as mathematics.

Watch the video: Examples relating multiplication to division. 3rd grade. Khan Academy (July 2024).