
Examples in mathematics for grade 1

Learning math is much easier if you practice your skills every day. The example generator suggests tasks for 1st grade students: the simulator allows you to improve the skills of addition and subtraction up to 20. Arithmetic operations with integers must be mastered by each student. It is this knowledge that is basic for further study of mathematics.

It is not advisable for first graders to spend a lot of time at the computer, so all assignments can be downloaded and printed. It is very convenient that the generator shows different examples each time the page is run. This gives parents access to an unlimited number of assignments. Optionally, you can print your answer sheet to spend less time checking.

After mastering simple arithmetic operations, you can proceed to more complex ones. Teachers recommend mastering multiplication and division at the next stage. The simulator is designed in such a way that 1st grade students can handle all the examples on their own. Do not overload the child too much, the maximum amount is 1 sheet per day.

Watch the video: Subtraction With The Help of Stories. Maths Concept For Kids. Grade 1 (July 2024).