
Complementary feeding broccoli: what to consider and how to cook?

Broccoli attracts parents with its rich vitamin and mineral composition, so the question of introducing this vegetable into the baby's diet always appears during the period of the baby's acquaintance with vegetable dishes. When can you cook such a cabbage for crumbs and how to choose the best vegetable for baby food?


  • From such a vegetable, the child will receive a lot of valuable substances. Broccoli contains a lot of vitamin C, as well as folic acid, carotene, magnesium, calcium, iron, vitamin A, potassium, and other beneficial compounds.
  • The use of such a vegetable has a positive effect on bones and the cardiovascular system, as well as on the baby's immunity and his appetite.
  • This cabbage is considered one of the least pesticide contaminated vegetables.
  • Broccoli is also considered a hypoallergenic vegetable.
  • The presence of fiber in broccoli helps prevent constipation when consumed regularly.
  • The high protein content of broccoli makes it a preferred food for toddlers who don't like meat.
  • Due to its low calorie content and a quick feeling of satiety from dishes with broccoli, such a vegetable is also advised to be given to children who are overweight.


  • Broccoli may increase gas production in a baby.
  • Your baby's digestive system can react to such a vegetable with both diarrhea (caused by soluble fiber) and constipation (caused by insoluble fiber).
  • If a child gets an excessive amount of broccoli, then a large amount of natural nitrates found in such cabbage will enter his body.
  • Broccoli should not be given to children with pancreatic diseases.
  • Broccoli broth cannot be used in food, since some low-toxic compounds from this cabbage pass into it.

At what age can you give?

For the first time, it is advised to cook broccoli for a baby from 6-8 months, when a child begins to try a variety of vegetable supplements.

From 8-10 months, the child is recommended to be given a vegetable soup, including broccoli. After a year, the baby can be offered a casserole or an omelet with this vegetable.

Introduction to the diet

A teaspoon of broccoli puree is the first serving of this vegetable for any baby. Only in the absence of any negative reactions of the baby to such cabbage, it can be given in larger quantities.

Cooking methods

Broccoli should not be given to babies in its raw form, since such cabbage will be difficult to digest. Plus, raw broccoli can be choked on.

Pretreating this vegetable involves thorough washing and removing any debris that might get stuck in the buds. To be on the safe side, you can also soak broccoli in water for 20 minutes. For the first samples of such cabbage, it should be boiled or steamed.

How much to cook?

It is not necessary to boil broccoli in water for very long - 5-7 minutes is enough. It is impossible to digest such cabbage, as this will affect both its nutritional value and color. If you are steaming this vegetable, then the optimal processing time will be 15 minutes.

How to make mashed potatoes?

To make mashed potatoes, you need to boil broccoli, and then grind the vegetable thoroughly so that no solid particles remain. To make the consistency of the dish tender, you can add water or milk (mother's or mixture). It is also worth adding vegetable oil to the finished puree, as it will improve the absorption of carotene.

If the child liked the mashed potatoes from such a vegetable, add broccoli to other vegetable dishes, for example, you can make crumbs of broccoli, carrots, peas and cauliflower puree.

For kids who don't like the taste of broccoli, try a mixture of this vegetable with pear or applesauce, boil broccoli with raisins, or grind cabbage with rice. Also, a tender broccoli dish goes well with mashed meat.

How to freeze for the winter?

Many mums freeze kale for use in the winter, but this processing degrades the taste of broccoli.

If you decide to prepare cabbage for vegetable purees, the vegetable should be cut into inflorescences, and then blanched for 3-5 minutes. Dip the still hot cabbage in ice water, dry it and send it to the freezer. Broccoli can be stored frozen for up to 6-12 months. Frozen cabbage is recommended to be steamed.

Tips for choosing

Broccoli, which gets on the table for a small child, must be of high quality.

It is best to buy a vegetable with a diameter of 11 to 16 cm. Depending on the variety, broccoli inflorescences can have a dark green or purple color. Choose darker kale as it has more carotene. Do not buy cabbage with a yellowish tinge or small yellow flowers for your child - these are signs that the vegetable is overripe.

Try to get your baby only green and young cabbage, as the nutritional value of broccoli decreases over time. Pay attention to the stem - it should not be sluggish and "rubbery". And when you break off the inflorescences, you should hear a crunch.

Store purchased cabbage in the refrigerator for up to 4 days, while broccoli should only be washed before cooking. Do not put broccoli in the same place as tomatoes, carrots or apples, as this will speed up the spoilage of the cabbage.

Find out if your child's weight is normal using the following calculator.

Watch the video: Baby-led weaning basics (July 2024).