
How long can you feel the movement of the baby during the second pregnancy?

There is no big difference what kind of child a woman is carrying - during any pregnancy, the first movements of the baby are the most anticipated sensations. Many women are interested in when the expressed fetal movements begin in re-pregnant women. In our material you will find answers to your questions, we will figure it out together and find out what terms can be considered optimal for multiparous.

When to expect perturbations?

Disputes about the time period of the beginning of the crumbs' movements often sound not very correct, because the baby begins to make movements long before the expectant mother feels these shocks. At about the eighth week, whether it is the first or not the first pregnancy, the baby tries to make movements with his limbs, at 11-12 weeks he perfectly masters somersaults and coups. The length of the umbilical cord and the size of the uterus allow him to do this completely unnoticed by the mother.

By the 16th week, the baby is growing up, and his movements become more controlled by the brain, and therefore more conscious. He can already reach the umbilical cord, pull on it, play with it, he sucks on the fist and has fun with movements inside the fetal bladder. Sometimes it touches the walls of the uterus.

The movements that a woman feel are special signals from the central nervous system that are sent by nerve receptors in the peritoneum. Axons and neurons will be able to respond to the movement and changes of the baby in the mother's abdomen only when the internal influence is strong enough. They are not able to catch weak touches at the initial stages of gestation.

It is believed that during the first pregnancy, fetal movements are felt later than during the second. And there is a grain of common sense in this. Multiparous usually begin to notice the baby's movements a little earlier. Medicine does not distinguish between pregnancies. In obstetrics, there are average periods that are valid for both the first pregnancy and the second. It is believed that a woman should begin to feel movement in the range from 18 to 22 weeks.

With 2 pregnancies and each subsequent child, the mother usually begins to noticeably move in the womb a couple of weeks earlier than in primiparous. This means that you can feel the light, almost weightless touches of the baby already at 17-18 weeks. Some argue that they began to feel crumbling tremors and coups at 15-16 weeks and even before that period. Pregnant women who carry twins usually note that they felt the first movements after 14-15 weeks.

Second child - features

The main distinguishing feature of not the first pregnancy is the experience gained earlier. It is he who is lacking in primiparous, in order to recognize in time the tender and light first movements of his baby, in order to distinguish them from the fermentation of gases in the intestines during digestion. The first tremors are difficult to describe in words; most often, to characterize a woman, they use comparisons such as “touching the fin of a fish”, “movement of a butterfly's wing”, etc. But no matter how difficult it is to describe these feelings, they are no longer forgotten by a woman.

Therefore, a pregnant woman who has previously borne the baby and felt his movements will well remember these indescribable sensations. Often, women who have had a chance to give birth earlier even experience these sensations in a dream, reliving them anew, even if there is no pregnancy.

Re-pregnant at the physical and moral level is ready for certain sensations, she is open to them, and therefore recognizes them earlier than a woman who is going to become a mother for the first time and does not yet know exactly what sensations to expect.

During the third pregnancy, the sensations of movements are already so well known that a woman is able to catch even the very initial touches of the crumbs from the inside, therefore many pregnant women expecting a third or fourth baby claim that almost from 14-15 weeks they began to feel their child.

There are features in physiology and anatomy. After the first birth, the muscular walls of the uterus are thinner and more elastic, the uterus grows a little faster, the tummy appears a little earlier - accordingly, it is easier for the nerve receptors of the peritoneum to pick up the "signals" that the fetus sends.

It would be wrong to say that all of the above is true for 100% of re-pregnant women. When movements begin to be felt, it depends on many different factors, on individual sensitivity, on the characteristics of a particular pregnancy. And only a combination of factors determines when exactly a woman will be able to feel the long-awaited touching and delightful sensations, indicating that the contact between the mother and her baby is now established.

Influencing factors

Primarily, the physique and weight of a woman affects the time of the onset of sensations of movements. The more fat deposits in the abdomen, the longer a pregnant woman may not feel the movements of her baby. The point is the sensitivity of nerve receptors, which we talked about above. Accordingly, slender and thin, as well as women of normal weight, have a chance to feel the baby's movements earlier.

Much in this matter is given to the share of personal sensitivity. Everyone knows that the pain threshold is different for everyone - one woman suffers from unbearable pain as a result of an ordinary cat scratch, and the other calmly accepts dental treatment without anesthesia. It is this feature of the nervous system of a particular woman that determines the earlier or later perceptible onset of fetal movements.

A mother's feelings are influenced by her lifestyle. A woman who is busy in the morning, works, studies, drives or takes public transport, communicates with others, experiences stress that is invariably associated with work or study, may begin to feel her child later than the expectant mother, who leads a leisurely home life and has all the possibilities to lie down and relax at any time.

Most often, the first perceptible movements come in the evening and at night, when the expectant mother goes to bed, completely relaxes. At this time, the perception of nerve impulses by the brain is exacerbated, and the expectant mother may well feel the light movements and touches of her baby for the first time.

The size of the fetus and its location in the uterine cavity are also important for predicting the timing of the first movements. When the placenta is attached to the posterior wall of the uterus, fetal movements and kicks usually occur just in the anterior wall of the uterus, which is sensitive to the receptors of the peritoneum. Then the movements of the woman "open" earlier. When the placenta is located along the front wall, the fetal movements will be directed inward, towards the mother's intestines - accordingly, mom will be able to feel them a little later, when the baby becomes larger.

If the doctor claims that there is a tendency for a large fetus and the size of the baby on an ultrasound scan exceeds the norm by 2 or more weeks, the woman will be able to feel the baby earlier than the one carrying a miniature baby. Ladies with a narrow pelvis have long-awaited sensations earlier than those with a wide pelvis.

First shocks - characteristic

The first movements of the baby, perceptible to the mother, are irregular and somewhat chaotic. It is known that by 20-22 weeks of gestation, babies perform up to 300 movements per day, but no more than 5% of the total number of episodes of physical activity can feel and realize a pregnant woman. Re-pregnant women know that the first kicks and thrusts do not need to be counted or recorded until they become regular.

As a rule, this happens only by the 28th week of pregnancy, and until then there is no need to register movements. It will be quite enough if a woman feels her baby every day.

In the early stages, it is quite difficult to determine any complications of pregnancy and disturbances in the condition of the fetus by the nature of the movements. At some moments, babies may be more active, and at other times they will spend most of their time sleeping and feel great at the same time.

With each week, the first movements will become more and more tangible and distinct. So, at 27-28 weeks, not only the mother, but also those around them can notice and feel them - when the baby starts tossing and turning or stretching, the stomach can visually change its shape, individual parts of the body of the crumbs can be clearly distinguishable through the skin of the abdomen.

From the 26th week of gestation, the son and daughter begin to react more consciously to sounds, to mother's songs, fairy tales, to touching the stomach and bright light directed directly to the stomach. From 28-29 weeks, it is recommended to start counting daily episodes of crumbs activity. This becomes one of the important diagnostic indicators of the condition of the pregnant woman herself and the well-being of her baby.

When should i see a doctor?

Sometimes children are in no hurry to establish contact with their mother through movement. Most often, multiparous begin to be perplexed if by 18-19 weeks they do not feel any movements. Neither at 18 weeks, nor at 20 weeks, you should not wind yourself up and bother the doctor if there is no movement within the specified time frame. Remember that the average obstetric rate is up to 22 weeks.

And therefore, you should not worry, focus on the experience of other pregnant women, which they generously share on the Internet.

You should consult a doctor for a planned or unscheduled appointment if, during the second or third pregnancy, the first movements do not begin after 22 obstetric weeks. The pregnant woman will undergo an unscheduled ultrasound scan to assess the development of the fetus and its condition.

Pathological reasons that can lead to the absence of perturbations may lie in a frozen pregnancy, in which the fetus has stopped its development under the influence of unfavorable factors or genetic pathologies, malformations. Also, the reasons may lie in a significant delay in fetal development due to its diseases, pathologies of the placenta, disorders of the uteroplacental or placental-fetal blood flow.

But such reasons are not so common. If the fetus has total abnormalities, it most often dies and is rejected in the first trimester, and a number of pathologies with a high degree of probability can be diagnosed as early as 12-13 weeks of pregnancy, when the woman undergoes the first prenatal screening.

It is possible that there is no perturbation due to an error in establishing the gestational age, that is, the actual period is less than that indicated in the exchange card. This can also happen relatively rarely - mainly in women with menstrual irregularities, as well as in women who have never had an ultrasound scan before 16-18 weeks of pregnancy. Remember that the doctor would definitely pay attention to the discrepancy between the size of the fetus and the declared gestational age.

Do I need to inform the doctor about the absence of movement? Of course you do. This may indicate the presence of fetal hypoxia. Chronic oxygen starvation of the baby, which is manifested by a decrease in the intensity of movements, can accompany Rh-conflict, placental abnormalities, and addictions of a pregnant woman. A consultation is needed to identify and find the causes of fetal distress and eliminate them - in most cases, with hypoxia, it is possible and necessary to help the child.

In any case, it is worth raising the question of an examination no earlier than 23 weeks of pregnancy.

Useful Tips

Simple and effective advice that women are passed down from generation to generation will help you feel the movements earlier. To feel the crumb, if he is in no hurry to make himself felt, and the time has come, a woman needs to rest more often. In the evening, before you lie down on the sofa, drink a glass of warm milk or eat a piece of chocolate, children are noticeably more active from the sweet.

Listen carefully to your feelings, especially in the evening. It is possible that you are so busy during the day that you simply do not realize the slight movements with which the baby makes itself felt.

Evening walks in the fresh air before bedtime, oxygen cocktails, and good nutrition will help. It should be remembered that in cloudy and rainy weather, babies move less often and less than in sunny and clear ones. If the mother is in a good mood and positive mood, the chances of feeling the baby are higher, because the baby becomes more active under the influence of serotonin, the hormone of joy produced in the mother's body. Stress hormones produced when a woman is nervous, worried, overwhelmingly affect the movements and activity of children in the womb.


Women's reviews about the timing of fetal movement during the second pregnancy are different. Some argue that they felt the obvious movements of the baby after 13 weeks, others do not feel anything at 19 weeks. Most often, women call the 16-17 week the most likely to register the first movements.

Many people note that the first weak tremors happened at the most inopportune time for this - in the store, at work, in transport. Therefore, women are advised to be more attentive and careful. All, without exception, note that the attitude towards the child after the manifestation of his activity changes - it becomes more tender and quivering, it is with the appearance of movements that a woman begins to feel her responsibility for the baby in full.

About when the baby begins to make the first movements while in the womb, see the next video.

Watch the video: Fetal movements at 13 weeks gestation (July 2024).