
A child hits children for no reason

anonymously, about a boy, 1 year old

Good day! My child (3.5 years old) does not adequately respond to other children on the playground, in the park, in the hospital - he can come up and hit for no reason. How do you advise us to respond to this behavior?

Hello, here you must definitely figure out why your child is showing aggression. After all, the main reasons for children's aggression are indifference and criticism from parents, the use of physical punishment and insults in education. Also, young children very often copy characters from famous cartoons and films. Sometimes parents do not notice the beginnings of aggressive manifestations in their children (children at an early age bite their parents or throw objects when they are angry). And by about three years, such aggression can be redirected to peers.

Basically, children are in conflict in order to prove themselves, to show their dominance, and some simply do not know how to communicate. Therefore, they can hit on the head with a toy, bite, push. Later, as they grow up, they will, of course, learn to control themselves and their emotions, as well as internalize social norms.

What to do? It is very good if the parents turn out to be wise and offer the child other ways to express their state at the moment of aggression: you can beat the pillow, tear the paper, play games where the child will either fight with a negative character, or portray him. If this is not done, then the emotion will "go inside" and subsequently manifest itself in the form of stubbornness and disobedience.

If you still did not manage to switch the baby and found him in a situation where he hits the child, try to intercept the blow, stop the child's hand. Explain to him that the other will be hurt and he will cry. If the blow has already happened, tell the child that it hurt, show how upset he was and cried. It is necessary not only to say that you cannot fight, but to explain why (because it hurts, it is unpleasant).

Offer your child another way out of the situation: what did you want to ask him? This can be done with words, not by fighting. If your child pushes, beats just like that, show how you can interact: don't hit, but hug, stroke, take by the handle, lightly touch. Typically, small children stop and begin to gently pat another's head. If your kid continues to fight, take pity on the offended child, and take yours away. Take it in your arms and carry it to a distance of several meters from the offended. It is necessary to show that in this way the game will not stick together, that children who fight play independently.

Aggressiveness in children usually builds up throughout preschool age and decreases only towards the first grade. Psychologists associate this with the fact that by this age the child already knows how to resolve conflicts in a different way, he already has the experience of "letting off steam" in play situations. All the best!

Psychology and Psychiatry, anonymously (about a girl, 1 year old), 26 December 2018

My granddaughter is a year and a half. She often confuses emotions. For example, when she is waiting for me, she stands at the door, smiling happily. And when he sees me, he cries, runs into the room, can lie on the floor. But after a couple ...

Psychology and Psychiatry, anonymously (about a girl, 1 year old), 03 July 2017

Natalia, hello! With the birth of my second daughter, with a difference of 6.5 years, I began to notice that the eldest was jealous, often rubs around me, wants to snuggle, especially in those moments when I deal with the younger ...

Psychology and Psychiatry, anonymously (about boy, 1 year old), 24 June 2017

Good afternoon. Strange, in my opinion, the reaction of others to the fact that I want to protect my 10-year-old son from aggression at school, I am constantly trying to figure out everything, but support from the outside ...

Psychology and Psychiatry, anonymously (about a girl, 1 year old), April 11, 2017

Good afternoon. I don’t know where to start, because I faced a problem when raising my second child. A 5-year-old girl, quite emotional: very active with peers who obey her, with ...

Psychology and Psychiatry, anonymously (about boy, 1 year old), 11 April 2017

The child is 7 years old, first grade. Every day he makes tantrums and cries with or without reason, says that everyone offends him. Please tell me what to do.

Watch the video: Video Shows Attack On Children (July 2024).