
Plantex as a remedy for colic in newborns

Many newborns have digestive problems associated with insufficient maturity of their gastrointestinal tract. And therefore, colic is a very common problem in the first months of life. To help babies, various means are used, among which there is Plantex. What is contained in this drug, does it help children, at what age is its use allowed and how to properly give this medicine to a baby?


It is recommended to take Plantex for the treatment of digestive disorders or for their prevention. Another indication for taking such a drug is the transition from breastfeeding only to mixed milk or to artificial.


The components of a drug such as Plantex are:

  • The dry extract obtained from the fruits of fennel, as well as the essential oil.
  • Carbohydrates are dextrose and lactose.
  • Acacia gum.

Operating principle

This drug has a carminative and antispasmodic effect, which its main components have. The product improves the digestion of food, helps the secretion of gastric juice and has a positive effect on intestinal motility. Fennel extract in its composition reduces pain in the abdomen and helps to pass gas, normalizing the digestive tract.

Mom's milk or mixture with Plantex is better absorbed, while the gases formed do not accumulate inside the intestines, but are removed from it. Due to the lactose content, the active components of the drug are quickly and completely absorbed.


Plantex is not given if the child has:

  • There is an intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • Revealed galactosemia.
  • Lactase deficiency was found.
  • There are problems with glucose absorption.

Side effects

In rare cases, an allergic reaction may occur, but in most cases, no side effects of this natural preparation appear.

Release form

The Plantex package contains 10 bags weighing 5 grams. Each of them contains granules of a light brown hue with dark blotches. They smell like fennel and are meant to be taken internally.

At what age can you give?

The use of Plantex is recommended from 2 weeks of age.

Instructions for use


Children under one year old are prescribed one or two sachets per day. For babies aged one to four years, the daily dosage is represented by two or three sachets.

How to dilute the drug?

Having torn the bag, its contents are poured into a bottle or into a cup. 100 ml of warm boiled water is poured there and stir until the granules are completely dissolved. Before giving the medicine to the child, it is cooled to the required temperature.

Do not add any sweeteners to diluted Plantex. It is also important to remember that the child is only given a freshly prepared product.

After how many minutes does it take effect?

Take the product between feedings or after feedings. The time after which Plantex begins to act differs for different babies. Someone after such a drink calms down almost immediately, someone notes the effect 15-20 minutes after ingestion, and some babies need 3-4 days of use for their condition to improve.


Dill water is a natural and affordable analogue of this drug.

Which is better - Plantex or Espumisan?

Both Plantex and Espumisan are classified as popular and demanded drugs against colic and gas in babies in the first months of life. Moreover, they represent different pharmacological groups and contain different active substances.

The basis of Plantex is the fruits of fennel and the product is positioned as an antispasmodic. Espumisan is based on simethicone and the instruction of the drug indicates that this drug belongs to carminative agents.

The difference between the preparations also lies in their dosage form - compared to Plantex, which is produced in the form of soluble granules, Espumisan is presented in different forms, among which there are emulsion and capsules.

Although both drugs help with increased gas production, the indications for their use are somewhat different. Plantex is recommended for flatulence, intestinal colic and constipation, and the appointment of Espumisan is carried out with an increased accumulation of gases in the digestive tract.

When choosing between these means, it should also be taken into account that Plantex is made from natural raw materials, and a synthetic compound acts as the basis of Espumisan. However, both drugs are harmless to babies.

Can Plantex and Espumisan be given at the same time?

Since these drugs belong to different groups of drugs and include different active substances, their combination is possible.

Drug testing

In one clinical trial, Plantex was given to 28 babies aged 2-12 months. All the children had problems with the digestive tract in the form of constipation, abdominal pain, increased gas production and problems with stool.

Infants were given 1 sachet of medication between feedings. A month later, the condition of the children was assessed - taking into account the presence of pain, restless behavior, poor sleep, impaired appetite and flatulence. At the same time, the control group of children under one year old was treated symptomatically, without prescribing Plantex for these 12 children. After feeding such babies, the tummy was massaged.

The condition of the babies in the group where the Plantex treatment was applied began to improve from 5-7 days. They started crying less and the bloating was gone. Only one infant developed an allergic reaction, which is why Plantex was canceled.

After a month, positive results of therapy were noted in 24 out of 28 children. In the control group, an improvement was noted in seven out of 12 babies. This confirmed the effectiveness of treatment with Plantex.

Pediatricians' opinions

Doctors prescribe Plantex for children who have digestive problems from two weeks of age. In their practice, pediatricians noted that Plantex effectively fights colic and other digestive problems in newborns. Doctors emphasize that such a drug is natural and has no side effects, and has also been tested in many studies.

Although pediatricians today do not attribute colic to pathological conditions, they advise taking Plantex to alleviate the baby's condition while his digestive tract gets used to breast milk or formula.


Most parents with experience of using Plantex in newborns note that children tolerate the drug well and drink with pleasure. Many started giving Plantex after the unsuccessful use of Espumisan or the refusal of infants to drink dill water.

Also, one of the important advantages of Plantex, parents call the ease of use, since it is much more convenient to dissolve a sachet in a drinking bottle than to cook and insist, as well as count drops and give medicine from a spoon.

In many reviews, you can hear that babies, having drunk Plantex, calm down, they have better gas drinks. An allergic reaction to such a drug is very rare, but some parents complain that over time the drug stops helping.

For information on which remedy should be used for colic, see the program of Dr. Komarovsky.

Watch the video: 5 Quick u0026 Easy Tips to Release Gas in Babies u0026 Control Colic (July 2024).