
"Riboxin" during pregnancy: instructions for use

If the doctor has prescribed some kind of medicine to the expectant mother, she naturally has a lot of questions, because many drugs, according to the instructions, are prohibited to be taken during pregnancy. One of the means that can be prescribed to a woman in a position, despite the ban from the manufacturer, is "Riboxin". We will analyze why it is prescribed for pregnant women, when pills are shown and intravenous use is in demand, and also consider the instructions for use.

Features of the drug

In pharmacies "Riboxin" can be found in three different forms - capsules, solution for injections and tablets. Liquid medicine is sold in 5 ml ampoules of 5, 10 or 20 pieces in one pack, solid - in boxes containing from 10 to 250 pieces. In terms of effectiveness and effect on the body, different forms of "Riboxin" are approximately equal, therefore, the attending physician decides which version of the medication to choose.

The action of any form of "Riboxin" is provided by a substance called inosine... In 1 ml of injection solution, it is presented in a dosage of 20 mg, and in one tablet, as in one capsule, in a dose of 200 mg. The inactive components of different dosage forms are different, and may also be different for each manufacturer (the drug is produced by many Russian and foreign companies), so their list should be specified in the annotation to the purchased Riboxin.

Operating principle

Inosine is noted for its ability to influence the state of the heart muscle by stimulating the synthesis of nucleotides and other metabolic processes.

Such a substance improves blood flow in the coronary vessels, expanding them, thanks to which myocardial cells are protected from hypoxia and lack of nutrients.

Riboxin activates metabolism at the cellular level and can prevent the development of arrhythmias (This action is called antiarrhythmic). In addition, the active substance of the drug does the following:

  • stimulates the restoration of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract;
  • improves the condition of the liver and kidneys;
  • reduces platelet aggregation.

Is it allowed for pregnant women?

As already mentioned, the instructions for the tablets, solution and capsules indicate that such a drug is contraindicated for expectant mothers. However, many doctors still prescribe it during pregnancy, taking into account the clinical picture and possible risks. Although the active ingredient "Riboxin" able to penetrate the fetus, but many years of experience have shown no harmful effect on the development of the baby.

At the same time, the independent use of this medication is strictly prohibited, but if he was appointed by a specialist, you should not worry, including in the early stages.

It is only important to follow the scheme prescribed by the doctor and monitor your own well-being in order to track possible side effects in time.

According to doctors, Riboxin does not have teratogenic and carcinogenic effects, and is also non-toxic to the fetus, but it should still be borne in mind that studies of the absolute safety of such a drug have not been conducted, therefore uncontrolled intake is not recommended.

When is it prescribed for expectant mothers?

One of the most common reasons for the use of "Riboxin" in women in position is impaired oxygen supply to the fetus. It arises with placental insufficiency, when the child experiences a lack of nutrients and oxygen, therefore, if intrauterine starvation is detected, the use of "Riboxin" will be justified. The medicine will help oxygen to penetrate the placental barrier and at the same time it will improve metabolic processes, which will support the normal development of the fetus.

In addition, Riboxin is in demand in the treatment of pregnant women who have serious heart disease and tachycardia.

Usually, the drug is prescribed by narrow specialists, having examined the expectant mother, taking into account her delicate position.

This medication is used in rheumatic diseases, cardiomyopathies, myocarditis and similar diseases. If a woman has a heart defect or some other dangerous disease, then "Riboxin" is included in the complex of the main treatment in order to increase its effectiveness and ensure the health of the expectant mother until the end of pregnancy.

No less often the drug is prescribed to patients who have an increased risk of developing heart and vascular diseases. The remedy can be prescribed for pregnant women, who are overweight, have very low mobility, bad habits, kidney or liver problems, changes in blood pressure, unbalanced diet... With such problems, the medication will support the working capacity of the heart, protect against dangerous complications.

Due to the positive effect on the gastric mucosa, Riboxin can also be used with peptic ulcer and gastritis... Such pathologies are very common, therefore they are often found in women in position. Moreover, many medicines that effectively treat ulcers and inflammation of the stomach are contraindicated when carrying a baby.

In this situation, the use of "Riboxin" is safer.

Under the influence of such a medicine, the healing of defects and areas of inflammation in the mucous membrane is activated, the woman begins to feel better.

The remedy is prescribed and with liver pathologies, for example, if it is affected by some toxins or a viral infection. The active substance of the tablets and solution supports this important organ, which is under enormous stress during pregnancy. Under the influence of inosine, liver cells begin to recover faster, and their metabolic processes are getting better. Some experts recommend drinking Riboxin and with toxicosis, since the drug promotes faster elimination of harmful compounds.


The use of "Riboxin" during pregnancy is refused in several cases.

  • If a woman has an increased sensitivity to inosine. Although it is extremely rare, in some cases, the drug can cause skin redness, rash, itching, swelling, hives and even severe cases of allergies. Similar reactions are found on the auxiliary components of "Riboxin".
  • If the level of uric acid in the blood of the expectant mother is increased (This symptom is called hyperuricemia) or the woman has been previously diagnosed with gout. Such disorders affect the metabolism of inosine, because this substance belongs to the structure of nucleosides, namely, their metabolic changes are observed with a high level of uric acid.
  • If the kidneys of a pregnant woman do not cope well with excretory function... In such a situation, the elimination of the drug from the body will slow down, which can lead to accumulation in tissues and undesirable side effects. Because of this, renal failure can be seen among the contraindications for most medications.

Side effects

Among the negative reactions to the drug, as already noted, sometimes there are symptoms of intolerance.

If a woman who has started taking Riboxin has a rash, swelling or some other symptom of allergy, the medication is immediately canceled, choosing another treatment.

Long-term use of the medication can increase the amount of uric acid and cause gout. To prevent this negative effect during treatment, it is recommended to regularly take blood and urine tests to determine the concentration of uric acid.

How to use?

"Riboxin" in solid form is taken before meals. The traditional single dosage of such drug options is 1 tablet or 1 capsule. At this dose, the agent is used three times. If necessary, the doctor prescribes to take the remedy 2-3 tablets / capsules, but only in case of good tolerance and indications for a higher dose. The duration of use is determined for each pregnant woman separately.

In the form of injections, "Riboxin" is used intravenously by jet or drip... Usually, this form of the drug is used in a hospital, including during childbirth. For droppers, the contents of the ampoule are dissolved in an isotonic solution or in a glucose solution. The dosage of the medication is calculated individually, since for some patients it will be enough to inject 1 ampoule per day, while others will need 2-4 ampoules per day.


Women who were prescribed "Riboxin" during the period of childbearing leave mostly good reviews about such a remedy.

The most common reason for use they indicate heart problems.

The tolerance of the drug is called good, and an allergic reaction and other negative effects are rarely noted.

The choice of a drug to replace "Riboxin", if for some reason its use is impossible, depends on the indications. For example, if the remedy was prescribed for fetoplacental insufficiency, it is prescribed instead "Curantil", "Dipyridamol", "Hofitol", "Actovegin" and other drugs.

They have different active substances, mechanisms of influence on the body, contraindications and possible negative effects, therefore, only a doctor should select an analogue.

For indications for use, see below.

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