
How to develop memory in a 5 year old child?

Memory begins to develop from birth, and by the age of 5 it becomes figurative and emotional. Children at the age of 5 are already able to remember not only what interested them, but also what adults asked them to remember. If a preschooler has problems with memorization, he cannot retell a small text, does not remember letters or other information, you can improve his memory with the help of special activities.

Memory development methods

There are quite a few ways and techniques to develop memory in a 5-year-old child. They include various exercises and tasks that facilitate memorization, help concentrate attention, and increase memory capacity.

  • Doman's technique. It involves the study of cards that have bright images on a white background, and under them - an inscription. When the card is shown to the child, the name of the object or phenomenon is pronounced at the same time. It takes only 1 second to view one card. At first, children simply study new cards, starting from 5 pieces in one lesson, and later they can play games on them, for example, combine images by color or shape, search for unnecessary ones among them.

  • Eidetic method. With the help of this technique, imaginative thinking is stimulated, and the child memorizes information in a large volume more effectively. Children are encouraged to invent their own stories and find associations. Thanks to such games, kids quickly memorize pictures, numbers, letters, new words, and different movements.

  • Shichida Method. According to the Japanese professor who developed such a technique, the development of different hemispheres of the brain should occur in different ways, because their capabilities differ. He proposed special exercises to stimulate the right hemisphere, thanks to which children develop photographic memory, excellent intuition, good hearing, and language skills. The method uses short (up to 5 minutes) and various tasks.

Exercises and games

One of the most popular ways to improve memory is considered memorizing poems. It has justified itself by many years of practice, therefore it is successfully practiced at preschool and school age. First, the children are offered short and simple poetry. These are small rhymes for 4 lines with light rhymes, so it is often easy to remember them.

If you still have difficulties with them, help the child to assimilate the information with the help of visual support.

For example, on each line, draw a few symbols that the kid can use to reproduce the poem. Further complicate the task by choosing longer verses for the baby, and later you can try to memorize small texts.

Games also have a good effect.

  • "Purchases". When you go to the store with your child, give him the task of remembering your shopping list. First, name 3-5 items, and in the store ask them to remember. Include other products as well as products. This game helps develop auditory memory.
  • "The words". Having told the child 10 words, you need to ask him to repeat what he managed to remember. This is also one of the tasks for the development of auditory memory. A good result will be repetition of 5-7 words from those named by the adult.
  • "Train". Prepare a picture of a steam locomotive and 4-10 cards that will serve as its wagons. Draw or paste different objects on their backs. "Connect" several wagons in turn to the locomotive, naming and showing their contents, and then turn the card image down. The child must name in order what the carriages are taking. The game will stimulate visual memory.
  • "Dance". Play some music and show your child some movements. For example, turn around, stamp your foot, jump, clap your hands. The kid's task will be to repeat all movements in the same sequence. This game is aimed at developing motor memory.
  • "Guess the subject." Prepare some items that your child is familiar with without showing them to him. Ask the baby to close his eyes and in turn give him the little thing, offering to determine what fell into his hands. During such a game, tactile memory will be trained.

How much time to spend on classes?

Experts recommend doing from 1 to 3 times a week, and if the child really likes the games you proposed, then you can arrange them even every day. Since 5-year-olds can concentrate no longer than 25-30 minutes, classes should be short-lived. Start with 5-7 minutes a day and gradually work up to 10-15 minutes.

Be patient and explain the task to your child until he fully understands it. At the same time, do not force to perform, because this can discourage the desire to learn.

If for some reason the child is not interested or difficult to cope with the exercise, switch to another game or postpone the lesson for a while, but later try to return to it, arousing the child's interest.


If the child has a bad memory, it can be enroll in children's development groups... They have experienced teachers who know what to do in case of problems with memory or attention. However, you can train your memory at home, creating a calm environment and preparing interesting tasks.

remember, that to achieve significant results, memory should be trained systematically... Classes should be regular, then the effect will be maximum. Also, try to evenly target different types of memory. And be sure to keep in mind that at the age of 5, the main developmental activity for a child is play.

Use a variety of games and toys to stimulate memory, but also remember that you can improve your memorization ability not only during individual activities, but also in everyday life.

For example, if a child goes to kindergarten, in the evening ask him how his day went, what his friends are called, what activities were, what they gave for breakfast and lunch, and so on. This not only develops memory, but also stimulates the baby's speech.

When organizing classes, take into account the following facts:

  • children remember better what is interesting and understandable to them;
  • additional motivation helps to improve memory, for example, you can arrange a competition or come up with an interesting reward;
  • children have excellent memories of events and actions that caused vivid impressions;
  • if the information is used by the baby in the activity, its memorization will be more productive;
  • since the middle of the story is absorbed worse than the ending and beginning, pay close attention to it.

It is also important to provide high-quality nutrition for the brain so that it can develop and perform well its functions. The child will receive more oxygen during active walks, and nutrients from a complete diet.

Include fatty fish, herbs, vegetables, cereals, fruits, nuts in the baby's menu.

Such foods are rich in vitamins, fatty acids and trace elements, which are very important for the normal state of the nervous system.

You can learn months with your child by watching the following video.

Play kinesiology games.

Watch the video: 5 Activities To Improve Concentration In kids Do it yourself without cost (July 2024).