
How to keep your child busy on the train?

Traveling with a child can be turned into a real adventure that the child will remember. If you have a long train journey, make sure that your child does not get bored. It is advisable to take the little that does not take up much space, not bulky, but rather functional.

Entertainment depending on the age of the child

It will be much easier for a kid to survive a long journey if you carefully plan all his leisure time on the train. At the same time, it is important to take into account age characteristics and game preferences.

1-2 years

  • Small xylophone. Such a toy will not take up much space, but it will allow you to entertain the baby and interest him.

  • Coloring pages, album and markers will allow the baby to usefully spend time and give parents a few tens of minutes of silence.

  • Favorite toy. A bunny, a bear or a robot, with which the baby most often plays at home, must accompany the child on the journey. It will be easier for the little one to fall asleep with it.

  • Educational games. You should not take with you a bunch of boxes with "development", you can get by with several elements with holes that need to be strung on a string. A good option is colored plastic paper clips that are convenient to connect together. It is important not to trust the child with small details, let him deal with them with the obligatory participation of adults.

  • Plasticine. Perfectly develops fine motor skills. In addition, joint modeling improves psychological contact with the child, for which, as a rule, parents do not have enough time in everyday life. Be sure to take a sculpting board and wet wipes to the plasticine to clean the child's hands.

  • Amazing figurines. Do not be lazy and in advance, at home, cut different geometric figures from colored paper or colored cardboard. A glue stick and a few album sheets will help you create all kinds of applications out of them.

  • Children's puzzles. You can take large puzzles for children from 1 year old, or you can make them yourself by simply cutting the picture into several large pieces. Small puzzles for children of this age are not suitable, collecting them will tire the baby, it is still too difficult for him.

  • Cardboard box. If you have a small box, you can add large buttons and other non-hazardous items to it, which the baby can fold and the box. Usually this simple activity is very addicting to the crumbs.

  • Pyramid on a stick. Famous toy familiar to many generations of people does not lose its relevance.

The following video shows you the best games for the long journey by train, plane or car.

2-3 years

If a child at this age is given several toys, then he probably will not be bored, but here it is important to participate in his gameso that he can quickly figure out elementary issues: big-small, hard-soft, flexible and not very.

  • Children's books. On the road, you can take books with stickers, which must be combined with the corresponding pattern. Having bought a book with almost identical drawings in general, but differing in details, you can train the baby's attention and memory, and if there is no such book, then simply by collecting several objects, first show them all, and then remove something and allow the baby to determine what there is not enough.
  • Constructor. It will allow the child to do an important child's business for a long time - the creation of everything that imagination suggests. But avoid constructors with a lot of parts, so that later you do not look for them throughout the car.

  • Album for drawing. In it, you can try to draw a whole group of men, consisting of only one round, from triangles or squares.
  • Board games. If the kid already knows how to play checkers, take them with you. Table walker quests are perfect, in which you need to roll a dice and make a designated number of moves forward with a chip.

  • What are clouds like? Ask your child to describe what the clouds are like outside the carriage window. Take the most active part in this, the one who comes up with the most comparisons will win this game.
  • Cartoons. It is certainly possible to show your child your favorite cartoons on the tablet or smartphone of parents on the train, but not for long, no more than 15 minutes a day. The little screens get tired of the baby's eyes very quickly, even if he himself does not realize it. Prolonged viewing of a cartoon on a smartphone monitor can even cause headaches and disrupt the child's sleep.

4-5 years old

At this age, children continue to develop very quickly and ask many questions, among which the most popular is "Why?" It is very important here to be patient and answer all the questions why the most fully and vividly, while watching the child so that he is not distracted.

  • Poems and fairy tales. Take on the road a book with your child's favorite poems and fairy tales. You can also learn a rhyme or tongue twister and compete who will tell it faster.
  • Hide and seek. To play hide-and-seek on the train, you don't have to run and hide all over the carriage and hide in the toilet. It is enough to stipulate more modest conditions of the game: you can hide either toys or some objects and not leave the compartment. One hides, the second searches.

  • Board games. Checkers, "corners", tags perfectly train memory, logical thinking, perseverance.
  • The Find Ten Differences picture book will help you train your attention.
  • Sea battle you can take it as ready-made in a box, or play with the child, as they did before - using paper and two pencils.

  • Creator's Kit. The child will really like not only albums and pencils, but also ready-made sets for creating paintings from sand, sequins, prefabricated models of aircraft-ships-cars for boys, sets of bright fabric applications for girls.

6-7 years old

Modern children experience an incredible lack of full-fledged communication, and electronic gadgets have played a significant role in this. And children, like a century ago, and before, need to learn how to competently and logically express their thoughts and feelings. Make sure that your preschooler and junior high-school train ride games are designed to do just that.

  • "The Wizard of Oz"... This game may interest not only your child, but also fellow travelers, if they travel with you in the same compartment. Players need to join forces to achieve victory.

  • Board game "Imaginarium Childhood" is aimed at active communication between players. In the game you need to guess the pictures. According to the rules, several cards are dealt to each player. The presenter comes up with a confusing description for any of his pictures and puts it face down on the table, while the rest, despite the presenter's confusing explanations, must choose from their arsenal a card on which the picture best fits this description. The task of the players is to confuse others and win as many picture cards as possible. This game has many options - adult, road with spare parts, and others. The topics are just as varied.

An older child

What to do with a child over 7 years old on the road largely depends on the interests of the child himself. Some children at this age love to read, others - to draw, others are not averse to playing with their parents in the "cities", "edible-inedible" and so on. Most likely, the child will take care of all the entertainment that will be interesting to him on the way.

Prefabricated models of equipment and transport are perfect, which the student can patiently assemble in parts, embroidery kits with ready-made patterns if you have a girl.


Think of travel as a great chance to improve your relationship with your child. Even if it seems to you that you have a great relationship, there is no limit to perfection.

For quite a long time you will be in the same space, without being distracted by work, washing dishes and other household chores. Let these hours and days be remembered by the child as one of the best and most interesting.

In the next video, an experienced mother will tell you how to keep your child busy on a long journey and how to while away his leisure time.