
Should my child be vaccinated?

Modern parents often have doubts about the vaccines offered by doctors. Let's figure out whether vaccination is really necessary, what are the disadvantages of vaccinations and whether everyone needs to put them.

Pros and some statistics

  • All diseases that vaccines try to prevent are very dangerous for young children. The hepatitis B virus, having entered the body of the crumbs in infancy, will remain there for life, causing damage to the liver tissue. By placing the baby in the hospital with BCG, you will protect the child from severe forms of tuberculosis. Infections such as tetanus, whooping cough, measles, polio, haemophilus influenza and others are very dangerous in childhood. For example, the death rate from tetanus is over 80%.
  • By refusing to vaccinate their children, parents increase the risk of epidemics of dangerous diseases in the future.
  • The impact of vaccination on the development of autism was examined by a 2005 study. which took into account the data of about 100 thousand vaccinated children. It found no link between vaccinations and this disease.
  • The percentage of complications after vaccination is many times less, than the percentage of complications in the disease, if the child is not vaccinated.

The cons

Parents who oppose vaccines usually make many arguments, most of which are only partially true:

  1. Vaccinations negatively affect the child's immune system. Immediately after vaccination, the baby becomes more vulnerable to diseases that may not have developed in an unvaccinated child. This is true, but the weakening is only temporary.
  2. The vaccine does not protect against the disease, the pathogen of which is directed at 100%. Although having partial protection is still better than no protection at all. When a vaccinated child does become infected, his disease progresses more easily and practically does not cause complications.
  3. A baby receiving breast milk is protected from infections, so you should not burden his immune system in the first year of life. Indeed, with mother's milk, antibodies are transmitted to the baby and during the first months are good protection for the baby against infections, but already at the age of 3 months their concentration decreases and the child becomes defenseless against bacteria and viruses.
  4. Each vaccine contains toxic preservatives that negatively affect the baby's body. It should be noted that vaccines are constantly improving and the concentration of such substances is decreasing. In addition, if the child gets sick, he will have to take medications, which can also be toxic to the kidneys and liver of the baby.
  5. There are no completely safe vaccines, each of which can cause allergies, brain damage and even death. It is true, however, diseases that are vaccinated against most often lead to disability and death, in the case of vaccination, these are only exceptions to the rule.

E. Komarovsky's opinion

The renowned pediatrician assures that vaccination is very important. He recalls that all the diseases against which a modern child is vaccinated continue to be detected by doctors and threaten both the health of children and their lives. That is why parents need to think carefully about whether to deprive their children of protection against those dangerous diseases, the pathogens of which are targeted by vaccinations from the national calendar.

Should all children be vaccinated?

If the child is completely healthy, vaccinations will undoubtedly benefit him. However, there are situations where vaccination is either delayed or canceled. Therefore, the vaccine is not given:

  • A child with any acute illness and worsening general condition.
  • A kid whose chronic pathology has worsened.
  • Children who have had severe reactions to a previous vaccine administration.
  • Infants with immunodeficiencies, severe anemia or cancer.

In addition, hepatitis B vaccination should not be given to children who are allergic to yeast, the measles or flu vaccine should not be given to a child allergic to chicken egg whites, and rubella and measles vaccination should not be given to babies allergic to aminoglycosides. Premature babies are not given BCG, and DTP vaccines should not be given to babies with neurological diseases.

Kindergarten admission

Only parents can decide whether to vaccinate their baby or not. All vaccinations provided for in the national calendar are carried out only on a voluntary basis, that is, after parental consent.

Since 1998, the ability to refuse vaccination has been enshrined in law, for this you need to write a refusal to vaccinate. At the same time, in practice, it is very difficult to get into the garden without vaccinations.

Parents trying to place an unvaccinated child in kindergarten may face a refusal to sign a medical card at a clinic by the medical staff and to accept a card in a kindergarten by the head. This is a violation of their child's right to education, so it can be dealt with. Ask for written confirmation of the denial of the child in admission to the garden. Usually after that the problem disappears.

Nevertheless, if you are going to send a baby to a childcare institution without having him vaccinated, you should not forget that you are responsible for his health yourself.

Watch the video: The Importance of Childhood Vaccinations. UPMC HealthBeat (July 2024).