
Children's wooden high chair

A chair is a piece of furniture, indispensable in the life of any modern person, it is needed not only for relaxation, but also in order to make it convenient to eat, study, read and write, as well as do many other things. It is necessary to teach the baby to sit still from an early age, however, it is important to ensure that the product is designed specifically for this child and is as convenient as possible for him.

Posture is formed in childhood, and this process is very easy to disrupt. There are significantly more different requirements for children's furniture than for any other, and children's wooden high chair - perhaps the best of all possible options.

Features and advantages of the wood model

The assortment of materials for the manufacture of ordinary "adult" chairs is very wide, but children's models are made mainly of wood and its derivatives. This choice is not accidental - it is due to a number of advantages that are very important at a young age and are provided only by such raw materials:

  • Wood is completely environmentally friendly, unless we are talking about low quality chipboards. It is of natural origin, there are no toxic substances from it, it does not cause allergies, to which all children are so sensitive.
  • The material is distinguished by its high strength and durability, which cannot but rejoice, given the active destructive activity of a typical child. When choosing in favor of solid wood, amazing durability is also ensured - the chair will be enough not only for your children, but also for your grandchildren.

  • Wood creates a feeling of comfort, because (unlike the same metal or plastic) it is not too cold, but it heats up quickly and retains heat for a long time. This material is always pleasant to the touch, it looks very comfortable.
  • Wooden furniture does not require any special care, since dirt is not absorbed into such material very actively. This is very convenient, given that children are not too careful.
  • All the listed advantages of wooden chairs contribute to the mass production of such furniture, a wide variety of models presented.


Wooden highchairs come in several varieties, each with its own benefits.

For the smallest children, the most comfortable design is a transforming chair, which, if necessary, can be disassembled into an ordinary chair and a small table, and when assembled is a rather high "tower" with a seat and a blocker - a small tabletop, behind which it is convenient to eat.

Such a design is necessarily produced with armrests, since this furniture is positioned by the manufacturers themselves as the very first highchair for a child.

Its use is possible from several months, when the baby can already sit on its own. Usually, the product allows you to adjust to the parameters of its owner - due to the sliding parts of the body and straps for fixing, however, it is still designed only for small children, therefore, by about 4-5 years old, babies completely outgrow it.

Growing chairs have also been very popular in recent years, the meaning of which is that their seat becomes higher and higher as the child grows. Such models are often no longer made of wood, but wooden options are also found. The transformation is possible due to the fact that the seat is attached to the body with bolts, however, many holes are drilled for these bolts, all at different levels.

This allows, as the child grows, to slowly raise the seat higher and higher, and for greater convenience, you can buy a set with a table, the height of the tabletop of which will also be adjusted in a similar way.

However, many growing chairs are specially equipped not only with such a special seat, but also with the same footrest, thanks to which an ordinary "adult" table will become convenient for a child of any age, unless it is too small to climb too high on its own located seat. A growing chair can be perceived as a natural continuation for a transforming chair: you can use it from the age of five and up to the age when the child will approximately reach the height of an adult.

There are also classic chairs, which do not differ from "adults" in anything - except for their size. They are good for everyone - except that the child outgrows them very quickly, and for correct posture he needs a chair that will always perfectly match the child's height.


When buying children's furniture, special attention should be paid to the material from which it is made. Since here we are only talking about wooden chairs, the choice is not too large, but also there are very different options from each other:

  • Oak and beech. These two types of wood are highly regarded by furniture manufacturers and their customers for literally embodying the best qualities of wood as a material. These are very strong and durable breeds, which a child cannot even intentionally damage. However, such qualities are not so relevant, considering that the child will outgrow the product in a few years. The high price due to the quality of the material makes the beech or oak chair the lot of wealthy families.
  • Pine and birch... These types of wood are also widely used in the production of furniture for all categories of the population, but they are still slightly inferior in terms of basic indicators to the most expensive varieties. However, for a child (until he grows up) such a product is enough with his head, but the price will pleasantly please those parents who cannot afford the most expensive furniture models.
  • MDF boards. This material is considered a more modern alternative to chipboard - it is slightly more expensive, but it is stronger and safer. MDF is made from shavings pressed with glue (like chipboard), but here both the shavings and the glue are selected more carefully. In most cases, this material is optimal, because at a price it is much cheaper than even birch and pine. Experts still recommend not to blindly chase the most affordable price, but once again check the quality certificates.
  • Chipboards... But this is the cheapest option that will be affordable for everyone, but you should beware of buying such products, because they are toxic. The low price is due to the use of poor quality raw materials for the production, which almost always releases toxic substances into the air that negatively affect the health of the baby. In terms of durability and strength, chipboard is also much inferior to all other competitors - if desired, the slab can be broken with a strong targeted blow of a fist.

Colors and patterns

Most often, wooden furniture is left with its natural color, perhaps complementing it slightly with varnish or stain. However, wood normally perceives staining, so the color of the finished product can be any. Focus on the harmony of the color of the chair with the general range of the room - or the area in it where it is planned to be used.

Remember that preschoolers usually prefer bright colors, but too bright an object excites a child - and a very tiny toddler will interfere with normal sleep.

As for the drawings, they must somehow correspond to the children's theme. These can be heroes of your favorite cartoons or whole scenes from them, images of fairy castles and fairies, animals, cars, or any other options - if only it looks cute.

You can also turn to traditional creativity - for example, highchairs with artistic painting under Khokhloma are gaining more and more popularity.

Let us also admit a neutral version - not one-color and not with a pattern. You can choose a two-tone highchair with the body in one color and the seat and back in a different color. In addition, it can be relatively simple, but at the same time very stylishly decorated with simple geometric elements - a border, stripes, and so on.


The size of a children's wooden highchair depends a lot on how tall the child is - if the highchair has some constant size at all, and is not growing. However, the size of the seat does not change even in growing chairs, and for it standard definitions will not be superfluous. For toddlers about two years old, the seat is approximately 30 x 30 cm, for a first grader - 35 x 35 cm, for a ten-year-old child - at least 40 x 40 cm.

As for the seat height, it does not separate from the table height at all, so it is advisable to buy these two pieces of furniture as a set. At the same time, the convenience of the chair is still necessary, but it should be measured not by the child's age, but by his height.

A chair is considered comfortable, the seat of which is located approximately at the knee level - so that the child, sitting on it, just reaches with his feet to the floor, but not with the tip of a toe, but with his entire feet.

With a height-adjustable stand, this problem disappears. As for the back, it should end at the level of the shoulder blades - unfortunately, no growing furniture will provide this parameter. Only full compliance with all requirements will contribute to the formation of a healthy posture.

How to choose for a child?

Any parents strive to choose only the best for their child. If you decide to buy a special chair for your child, do your best to ensure that it suits your baby's needs as much as possible. To do this, follow three criteria:

  • Convenience. Some children do not seem to be very assiduous, not because they have such a character, but because of the banal inconvenience of the seat. The same factor will cause disorders of the musculoskeletal system, so never buy children's furniture significantly for growth, carefully re-read the section on sizes.
  • Safety... When you know that your child will outgrow the highchair very quickly, it is difficult to resist buying a cheaper model, but it can be made using toxic materials. It is better to overpay - and be sure of safety, and due to its durability, expensive furniture can then be resold and compensate for part of the money spent.
  • Appearance. Make sure that your child has the happiest childhood - for this you just need to surround him not only with useful, but also simply beautiful things. A bright and comfortable chair with your favorite character will allow your baby to combine business with pleasure.

For information on how to make a children's wooden highchair with your own hands, see the next video.

Watch the video: Abiie Beyond Junior Wooden High Chair Y Chair (July 2024).