
Breathe plaster for children

Colds and acute respiratory infections often occur in winter, when a child is faced with viruses and hypothermia. To prevent such diseases, harmless natural products containing essential oils have been developed. One of them is an inhalation patch called "Breathe". It is convenient to use it both at home and in transport, kindergarten, school and other public places.

Release form and composition

Breathing plasters-inhalers are produced by Aquion as part of a line of anti-cold remedies, including oils, gels, lozenges and drinks. This medical device is sold in boxes of 5 and 10. Each patch is a non-woven strip that has a protective film and a rectangular shape with rounded ends.

On such a strip there is a sticky substance containing essential oils (mint, fir, eucalyptus, turpentine, lavender) and levomenthol. As soon as the protective covering is removed, these oils begin to evaporate and act on the airways by inhalation.

Operating principle

Natural essential oils present in the Breathe plasters have the following properties:

  • pain reliever;
  • antiviral;
  • tonic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial.

Due to evaporation from the surface of the patch-inhaler, such oils fill the air and act on microbes, which reduces the risk of infection during the epidemic season. In this case, the duration of the therapeutic effect of one sticker is up to eight hours.


The main reason to stick the "Breathe" plaster is a cold or ARVI, if one of the symptoms is nasal congestion or cough. Studies have shown that using it during rhinopharyngitis or rhinitis can help ease breathing and cope with illness faster.

In addition, the inhaler sticker can be used for trouble falling asleep as it improves the quality of sleep.

At what age is it prescribed?

The manufacturer recommends using "Breathe" in the form of patches from 2 years of age. For younger children, such a remedy is not suitable, since it can cause dangerous side effects. If treatment is required for a baby, it is necessary, together with a pediatrician, to choose an analogue allowed for an early age.


It is forbidden to use the Breathe plasters in case of intolerance to any ingredient in their composition, as well as in case of bronchial asthma. If a child has a tendency to allergies, the use of such medical devices requires increased caution, since essential oils are classified as strong allergens. If any symptoms of allergy appear, the adhesive plaster should be removed immediately and its further use will have to be abandoned.

Other side effects, in addition to an allergic reaction, are not noted on the "Breathe" product.

Instructions for use

It is allowed to use the inhalation patches "Breathe" only externally. After removing from the box and freeing from the protective coating, the adhesive side of the patch is pressed against the clothes in the chest area or on another dry surface located near the child (table, cabinet, wall).

If action outside the home is required, you can stick the strip on your outerwear.

You cannot glue the patch to the skin.

The applications are repeated once or twice a day. As soon as the effect of the essential oils wears off (approximately eight hours from the moment of sticking), the product is carefully detached from the fabric or surface to which it was attached, and then discarded. If the child has difficulty falling asleep, an adhesive plaster is glued before bedtime. For prophylaxis in public places, for example, if a child goes to a store or kindergarten, gluing is carried out in the morning or before leaving the house.

Terms of sale and storage

It is very easy to buy the "Breathe" plaster, as you do not need a prescription for this. For a small package (5 pieces) you need to pay an average of 180-200 rubles, and the approximate price of a box with 10 stickers is 300 rubles.

The shelf life of the product, as indicated by the manufacturer, is 3 years from the date of manufacture.

You need to store the plasters in their original packaging, hiding them from small children. It is important to make sure that the product wrapper is not damaged before use. The recommended storage temperature is not higher than +25 degrees.


In most cases, parents are satisfied with the use of the Breathe plasters for ARVI and colds. Moms call such remedies effective help for nasal congestion. According to them, the main advantage of "Breathe" stickers is vegetable base. Parents confirm that the use of plasters improves breathing through the nose and reduces the need for drops and other vasoconstrictor drugs.

Another advantage is considered to be non-contact use, because the patch is attached to clothing and its active components enter the child's body with the inhaled air. Allergic reactions to such a remedy are rarely noted, but they still sometimes occur, so mothers of children with allergies recommend using "Breathe" for the first time with cautionto prevent possible harm.


If there is a need to replace the inhaler-patch "Breathe" with a similar agent, the doctor will advise an analogue called "Nozzle" from the Russian company "Akrikhin". These are also plasters for inhalation, which need to be glued to the child's clothes with a runny nose or for its prevention.

"Nozzle", like "Breathe", is used in young patients over two years old, is contraindicated in hypersensitivity and bronchial asthma, lasts up to 8 hours, easily detaches from clothes and receives a lot of positive feedback.

The main difference between the two is the composition. In "Nozzle" there is only one essential oil (eucalyptus), due to which such a patch has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and slight sedative properties. The second component of the Nozzle is camphor. This substance acts on the receptors of the respiratory tract, helps to reduce the common cold and better mucus when coughing.

In addition, the Breathe plasters can be replaced with other cold remedies from the same line.

  • Oil, which is sold in separate bottles (there are also packages with the bracelet) and in the form of a spray. It is applied to clothing, stuffed toys, furniture, or sprayed indoors to decontaminate the air and thereby reduce the risk of infection during the cold season. The use of such oil in children is allowed from 1 year old.
  • Gel, which is applied to the skin in the area of ​​the nose. Its main task is to eliminate dryness and irritation, which is perfectly handled by vitamin E, panthenol, linden, violet and chamomile extracts. The use of this gel is possible in children over one year old.
  • Warming gel, in demand for hypothermia. With this tool, the feet, back or chest of the child are treated in order to prevent ARVI, as well as at the first symptoms of a cold. It works with essential oils, badger fat and levomenthol. The drug is used in children who are already 1 year old.
  • Pastilles, which contain bee honey, mint essential oil, vitamin C, extracts from chamomile, marshmallow and linden. They are recommended to dissolve in children over three years of age with discomfort in the throat.
  • Drink with linden and chamomile extracts... It is released in portioned sachets, the contents of which are diluted with warm water and given to children to drink for colds. This tool is used in patients over 7 years old.

Watch the video: DOCS: The Kids Hospital at Christmas - (June 2024).