
Slides for bathing newborns: types and tips for choosing

With the advent of the baby, it becomes necessary to purchase many necessary things and accessories. One of them is a swimming slide. This is a very necessary and useful thing that makes bathing the baby convenient and comfortable.

What is it for?

The baby definitely needs water procedures, which are of great importance for his full development. Bathing process is not only hygiene and keeping the baby clean, but also his physical development. After such procedures, babies behave more calmly, their appetite increases and they sleep well.

The kid likes to swim, but his parents have a hard time at this time. After all, you need to stand in an uncomfortable position, while managing to hold the child and bathe, paying attention to each fold. You also need to be careful not to get water in your eyes and ears. Some children are very active, splashing around and trying to roll over. In a word, it is very difficult for parents to undergo the baby's water procedures.

The situation changes dramatically with slides that are designed just for bathing babies. With this adaptation, the load on the arms and back of the parent is greatly reduced. The slides are very comfortable, have an anatomical design and are absolutely safe for the child.

The kid is conveniently located in the slide, his movements are not constrained, but he also cannot fall out of it. Parents get their hands free, so they can bathe and play with the child.

At what age to use?

This "unit" can be used from birth, but not from the first days of life. It is necessary to wait for the moment when the umbilical cord residue falls off and the wound heals. This usually takes a little over a week. You don't have to wait until your baby is a few months old to start bathing him. Usually, the shape of the slides has an anatomical design, in which everything is provided to the smallest detail. It accurately copies the back of the newborn, so he does not experience discomfort while bathing.

The use of slides is relevant up to 6-9 months. Then the child himself abandons such adaptations, since he becomes more and more active, knows how to sit and crawl. Fixing it in a certain position turns out to be an overwhelming task.


There is a huge variety of slide for bathing newborns. Unsurprisingly, choice is often problematic. Each model seems better than the previous one, more beautiful or more practical. We have no choice but to understand this assortment and divide the existing models into clear groups.

  • Plastic stand for baby bath has a low weight, it is convenient to look after it and the process of its operation is not associated with any difficulties. The models are equipped with armrests and fastening between the legs, due to which the baby is well fixed. Even the most active kid will not fall out of such a slide. It is very important that the design provides for legs with suction cups, which will securely fix it in the bathroom. These slides are available in different colors, some have seat belts.

  • Children's soft slide made of foam rubber - a popular option among young parents. Such specimens are sold in many stores, are inexpensive, easy to use and unpretentious to maintain. Such models are created according to a single scheme, because their design consists of foam rubber with a height of about 20 cm. One side is reserved for the headrest. Such structures must be washed well after each use, since water is well absorbed into the foam rubber, and with it bacteria, which will further actively multiply in a humid environment. A foam slide for children cannot boast of a long service life, but its cost is also low.

  • The rag construction is equipped with a frame. It is covered with flannel material. The fabric slide does not have anatomical grooves, seat belts and other fixing elements, therefore its operation is not convenient and safe. The parents' hands still get busy, because they have to hold the child. Even numerous reviews of parents confirm the presence of such a disadvantage.

  • Anatomically designed baby slide is the safest and most convenient (for baby and parents) bathing device. The shape is specially designed taking into account the anatomical features of the baby's body, so he is comfortable and he feels safe. The construction can be made of silicone or plastic.

  • Hammock does not fit into the tray like other slide options, but is attached to its sides. The main part of the slide consists of a fine mesh, on the sides there are hooks that allow you to securely fix the structure on the bath. It is comfortable for the child to swim, his movements are not constrained, but the body is well fixed.

The hammock dries quickly, is easy to wash, does not serve as a source of bacteria, but can stretch over time and require replacement.

  • Slides-mattresses designed for a certain weight of the child (from 3 to 8 kg), which is their only drawback. They are very comfortable to use, their design is soft and anatomical. Such slides are easy to wash and dry quickly, the soft material does not deteriorate from frequent exposure to water.

How to choose?

We figured out the varieties, but the questions of choice still remained. An ideal slide should meet the following requirements.

  • Compliance with the parameters of the child's body and his temperament. The kid should not be constrained in movement. A very active baby needs a slide with good restraint legs, seat belts and restraints.
  • The slide must match the size of the tub / tray so that it can be conveniently positioned.
  • Strength and safety of the material, absence of harmful chemical components that are not intended for babies. The surface of the slide should be smooth, without rough edges, sharp elements.
  • The product needs to be sniffed. If an unpleasant chemical smell is felt, then the purchase must be abandoned.
  • Girls usually buy a pink slide, boys, respectively, a blue one. But there are also universal designs that are suitable for any baby, for example, green, light green, orange, white. Perhaps the slide is useful for a second toddler, or you might want to sell it.

It was not possible to find a single decision as to which slide is the best, since opinions are divided. Some pediatricians are inclined towards foam rubber designs. Other specialists prefer plastic slides, while others advise buying a hammock slide. So you can focus on these options and choose the design that is most acceptable for yourself and your baby.

For bathing a child in a large bathroom, a foam rubber product will be convenient, a hammock is also suitable. If the baby has his own small bath, then you can buy a plastic construction or choose an anatomical model. For a very active child and a restless baby, a slide in the form of a net or a hammock is more suitable.

But buying a bath with a slide that comes with it is not recommended. Such a purchase will not be practical and you will have to quickly abandon its use. When a child reaches a certain age (about six months), it will be uncomfortable for him to swim in such a slide. Then you have to think about buying a new design.

Finally, consider the models that are the most common and successful.

  • Bebe confort products it is distinguished by high comfort and thoughtful design. The manufacturer took into account every little thing and provided all the details, because the model is equipped with clamps, bedding, a system that prevents slipping. This slide can be folded after use, making it compact, easy to store and transport. The cost cannot be called low or even average - after all, 1000 rubles per slide is a lot.

  • Geoby Company presents a folding rag design that is designed for bathing babies. Not the most successful model from the assortment of slides from this manufacturer, especially for the price offered in most stores. For 700 rubles, we get a design that may not be used in all bathrooms. For example, on a rounded base, the slide will be unstable, dangerous for the child and inconvenient for the parents.

  • Model can be a real discovery "Dolphin", which has many advantages. Firstly, it can be used for children with a large build, they will not be cramped and their movements will not be constrained. Secondly, the installation of a slide is possible in a bathroom of any shape and in a shower stall. This advantage makes it versatile. The cost of such a design does not exceed 500 rubles. Agree, with such a set of features, the price seems very low.

Usage tips

It is very important to know how to properly bathe your baby using a special slide. This procedure is simple and consists of several stages.

  • Be sure to wash the slide before using it. It does not matter if it is new or has already been in use. It is enough just to rinse the structure under warm water.
  • We securely fix the slide in the bathroom. Carefully check the reliability of each attachment / suction cup or hook.
  • To prevent the slide from sliding on the surface of the bathroom, you can buy a special rug. In some cases, a simple diaper can help.
  • You can put a diaper on the plastic slide to make the baby more comfortable, soft and comfortable.

  • It is not necessary to add a lot of water when you first swim. Its amount can be increased gradually, up to the level of the baby's breast. Do not pour more, it will already be dangerous.
  • The water temperature must be checked with a thermometer. It should be 37 degrees. For an adult, it will seem cool, but you should not increase it. Water heated to 37 degrees will be comfortable for a baby.
  • While bathing, you should not leave the baby alone, even for a second. He must always be supervised. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare in advance everything that may be useful during this procedure: soap, towel, shampoo, toys.


Reviews of young parents who are users of baby bathing slides vary depending on the chosen design model. This information will help you make the right choice, which will be based not only on the opinion of experts. Before a baby is born, it can be difficult to make a choice, because many parents postpone the purchase until the baby arrives.

Many parents praise the slide with anatomical relief, but some users are unhappy with it. The reason lies in the inconsistency of the protrusions on the structure and parameters of the child's body. This often happens with premature babies or babies with small body parameters.

A hammock for a baby delights many parents, therefore a lot of positive reviews fall on his honor. But there are also users who note the moment the child slides off the material that forms the basis of the structure. Models with fixing elements are saved here. There are also situations when the child does not recognize any of the existing slides, but calmly bathes only in a circle that is fixed around the neck.

There are as many opinions as there are models of baby slides. Each parent must independently decide what is best for him and his child. In one thing, all parents agree unanimously - a slide is necessary. With it, the bathing process becomes more comfortable and safe. This purchase will definitely not be useless.

For information on whether a baby bath is needed for bathing a child, see the next video from Dr. Komarovsky.

Watch the video: Baby bath time: How to choose the right baby bathtub (July 2024).