
Solcoseryl for children: instructions for use

Solcoseryl is a medicine that can accelerate the healing of various injuries. Do they write him out for children? How does it affect the child's body?

Release form

Solcoseryl is presented in several forms:

  • Ointment. Such a medicine is a homogeneous oily substance of white color, sometimes with a slight yellowness. It smells like petroleum jelly and meat broth. One tube contains 20 g of ointment.
  • Gel... Such "Solcoseryl" is a homogeneous transparent dense mass that has no color, but there is an unexpressed smell of broth. Like the ointment, this version of the medicine is sold in tubes containing 20 g of gel.
  • Eye gel. This type of medication is a gel-like fluid that is odorless, but sometimes a slight specific aroma may be present. Most often, this "Solcoseryl" is colorless, but a slight yellow tint is the norm. One tube contains 5 g of gel.
  • Dental adhesive paste... It has a homogeneous structure, pleasant mint smell and beige tint. This paste is sold in tubes of 5 g.

In addition to local forms, "Solcoseryl" is also produced in ampoules - in the form of a solution for intramuscular / intravenous injections. This version of the drug is in demand for circulatory disorders, but is not used in patients under 18 years of age.


The main component of any form of "Solcoseryl" is dialysate (a substance obtained by dialysis) of the blood of cattle. For the production of the medicine, the blood of young calves is used, which are still feeding on milk. The amount of dialysate in different types of the drug is different:

  • 1 g of ointment - 2.07 mg;
  • in 1 g of gel for external use - 4.15 mg;
  • 1 g of eye gel - 8.3 mg;
  • in 1 g of dental paste - 2.125 mg.

In addition to dialysate, the paste contains a second active ingredient, which is polidocanol 600. Its dosage in 1 g of the drug is 10 mg. Auxiliary components in different forms of "Solcoseryl" differ. Among them, depending on the type of medication, you can see preservatives, gelatin, petroleum jelly, sorbitol and other substances.

Operating principle

The dialysate in Solcoseryl has a therapeutic effect due to the low molecular weight components obtained from the serum and blood cells of calves. It acts as a source of amino acids, nucleotides, glycoproteins, electrolytes, oligopeptides and other compounds. These substances are able to affect metabolic processes in cells and improve the flow of oxygen.

The main effect of the drug is considered to be the activation of tissue repair, as a result of which they regenerate faster and their healing is accelerated. Due to the fatty base of the ointment, this form forms a protective film after processing the skin and prevents it from drying out. The presence of sodium carmellose in the eye gel helps to evenly distribute the drug over the cornea and provides a longer lasting effect on the affected tissues.

Polidocanol 600, which is part of the paste, is a local anesthetic, since it quickly (within 2-5 minutes after treatment) and for a long period (up to 5 hours) eliminates painful sensations in the oral cavity due to reversible blocking of nerve endings.

Other components of this form of "Solcoseryl" create a protective layer on the treated mucous membrane like a drug dressing, protecting the affected area from chemical and mechanical effects for 3-5 hours.


Gel or ointment "Solcoseryl" is prescribed:

  • with shallow cuts, abrasions and other minor skin lesions;
  • with thermal or sunburns of 1-2 degrees;
  • with frostbite;
  • with bedsores and other long-term healing wounds.

To treat fresh wounds or weeping skin lesions, a gel should be used, and after drying and the appearance of granulations, it is recommended to switch to an ointment. If the wound is dry, then Solcoseryl is initially used for treatment in the form of an ointment.

Eye gel is used for ulcers, injuries, burns and other lesions of the conjunctiva or cornea. The paste is used for aphthae, seizures, gingivitis, stomatitis and other problems with the oral mucosa.

At what age is it prescribed?

It is possible to lubricate a child's skin with ointment or gel "Solcoseryl" at any age, but due to the risk of allergies, such drugs are rarely prescribed to children under one year old. The use of dental paste is possible from birth, and the eye gel is prescribed for one-year-old babies and older.


"Solcoseryl" cannot be used only in case of hypersensitivity to any ingredient of the selected form of the drug. If a child has a tendency to allergies, the use of the drug should be careful.

Side effects

Burning sensation may appear after the gel is applied to damaged skin. As a rule, it is short-term and there is no need to stop treatment. The same side effect can occur with the eye gel, and the use of the paste sometimes affects the taste.

In addition, any of the forms of "Solcoseryl" can cause allergies, which requires the cancellation of its use.


Consider the instructions for using the drug.

  • "Solcoseryl", intended for external treatment, is applied to the wound after cleaning it several times a day. The gel is used 2-3 times, the ointment 1-2 times.
  • Eye gel is dripped into the conjunctival sac 3-4 times a day, one drop at a time. In severe lesions, the frequency of use is increased to once an hour.
  • Denta paste is applied to the desired area up to 5 times a day with your finger or with a cotton swab. For one procedure, use a strip 5 mm long.
  • Treatment with any form of medication is continued until the moment of complete healing.

Purchase and storage

A prescription for the purchase of any of the forms of "Solcoseryl" is not needed. The price of one tube of ointment or gel ranges from 200 to 350 rubles, the cost of a tube of paste is about 400 rubles. Store drugs at room temperature in a place hidden from children. Shelf life of dental paste - 4 years, gel and ointment - 5 years, eye gel - 5 years, but after opening it is reduced to 1 month.


The use of the drug is generally well received, calling it effective, easy to use and effective. Among the minuses, its high cost is often noted.


A medicine similar to Solcoseryl is Actovegin, which also acts due to an extract from the blood of calves. It comes in the form of a gel, injection solution, cream, tablets, and ointment. It is prescribed from birth for skin lesions, head injuries, hypoxia during childbirth, developmental delay and other problems.

Instead of "Solcoseryl", other agents can also be used that can affect metabolic processes in tissues.

  • "Methyluracil"... This drug improves trophic processes and has a positive effect on immunity. In the form of an ointment, it is used to treat the skin from birth (including in infants), and tablets and suppositories are prescribed from 3 years old.
  • Vinylin. This solution based on polyvinox not only accelerates regeneration, but also has an antimicrobial effect, as well as envelops and reduces pain. It is used to treat bruises, injuries, open wounds and other skin problems. In addition, Vinilin is prescribed for angina, stomatitis, chickenpox and other diseases.

In children, it is used under the supervision of a doctor from 1 year old.

  • Derinat. The basis of such a medicine is sodium deoxyribonucleinate, which has properties to stimulate both regeneration processes and immunity. The drug is prescribed to patients of any age with burns, skin infections, eye damage, ARVI and many other diseases. It is released in spray and nose drops.
  • "Bepanten"... This ointment and cream containing dexpanthenol helps relieve dryness, irritation or redness of the skin, and also stimulates the healing of minor lesions. It is prescribed at any age, even to a newborn child with diaper rash or prickly heat.

For an overview of the drug "Solcoseryl", see the following video.

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