
Polydex for children: instructions for use

As a result of a cold or ARVI, children often experience bacterial complications, for the treatment of which drugs are required, including antibacterial substances. These drugs include Polydex, but many mothers, after reading the instructions for this drug, begin to worry about whether it is worth using it in childhood, and whether such a tool will harm the child's body.

In order to understand why the doctor prescribed Polydex, and whether this drug will really help the baby, it is worth figuring out what substances it includes, how they act and in what dose they are used.

Release form

The drug is produced in two different forms, differing in both composition and application characteristics:

  • Ear drops... They are represented by a light yellow liquid placed in a 10.5 ml glass bottle closed with a rubber stopper and aluminum lid. This solution is clear, but foams upon stirring. The bottle comes with a separately packaged dosing pipette, which is closed with a cap. The box of such a Polydexa is pink-orange.
  • Nasal spray... This version of the drug is called Polydex with Phenylephrine and is sold in blue boxes. This package contains an opaque polyethylene bottle equipped with a spray tip and a cap. Inside the bottle is 15 ml of a clear solution without any color.


Polydexa's action is provided by a combination of three components:

  • neomycin sulfate, presented in a dose of 6500 IU (10 mg) in each milliliter of solution;
  • polymyxin B in the form of sulfate, the amount of which in 1 ml is 10 thousand units;
  • dexamethasone in the form of sodium metasulfobenzoate. Its dosage per ml is 1 mg.

Additionally, ear drops contain macrogol 400, sodium hydroxide, purified water and thiomersal. In addition, this medicine also contains citric acid and polysorbate 80.

In the composition of the spray, as can be seen from the name of such a drug, another active substance is added - phenylephrine. In 1 milliliter of solution, such a component is represented by a dosage of 25 mg.

The amount of polymyxin B and neomycin in the nasal spray is the same as in the drops (10,000 and 6,500 U, respectively), and the dose of dexamethasone is slightly higher, since it is 2.5 mg per 1 ml of medication.

The auxiliary ingredients of the spray are also different. This form of Polydexa, like ear drops, includes citric acid, polysorbate 80, pure water and macrogol 400. However, in addition to such substances, the preparation also contains lithium hydroxide, methyl parahydroxybenzoate and lithium chloride. The presence of these components is important to consider when treating children who are prone to allergies.

Operating principle

Due to the presence of several components, Polydex is a combined agent that simultaneously has the following effects:

  • Reducing inflammation and allergic manifestations... This action of the drug is provided by the glucocorticoid hormone dexamethasone. This ingredient reduces the activity of compounds that cause and maintain inflammation. In addition, under its action, the walls of blood vessels and cells are strengthened. As a result of the influence of dexamethasone, allergy symptoms and inflammatory activity are reduced.
  • Suppression of the activity of harmful microorganisms... This effect of the drug is due to the presence of two antibacterial components in its composition.

Neomycin, an aminoglycoside antibiotic, is effective against E. coli, staphylococci, Klebsiella, and many other bacteria.

Polymyxin (an antibiotic referred to as cyclic polypeptides) has been noted to be active against hemophilic bacilli, pseudomonads, Escherichia and some other microorganisms.

The combination of such antimicrobial substances expands the spectrum of action of the drug, however, these antibiotics do not work on streptococci.

The presence of phenylephrine in the nasal spray additionally affects the condition of the nasal vessels. Such a component causes them to narrow, which reduces the profusion of nasal discharge and makes breathing easier.


Polydex ear drops are used with otitis externa, as well as eczema of the ear canalif complicated by a bacterial infection.

Spray preparation containing phenylephrine prescribed for rhinitis, rhinopharyngitis, sinusitis, adenoiditis and other inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs.

At what age is it prescribed?

Polydex ear drops are not contraindicated for children of any age and can be used both in schoolchildren and in infants.

A spray that additionally includes phenylephrine, prescribed for patients over 2.5 years old... If the child is younger than this age, an analogue that is allowed at an early age is chosen for his treatment.


Polydexa should not be injected into the ears if:

  • hypersensitivity to any component of the drops;
  • allergies to antibiotics of the aminoglycoside group;
  • damage to the ears with viruses;
  • mycoses of the ears;
  • perforation of the tympanic membrane.

Do not spray nasal spray on children with:

  • individual intolerance to its ingredients;
  • angle-closure glaucoma;
  • viral infection;
  • kidney pathologies.

The use of Polydexa with phenylephrine in patients with high blood pressure or hyperthyroidism should be under the supervision of a doctor.

Side effects

Any type of Polydexa can provoke an allergic reaction, for example, a rash on the skin. If used in the treatment of a child with a damaged eardrum, it will negatively affect hearing and vestibular function.

Instructions for use

Polydex is dripped into the ear twice a day, 1-2 drops - alternately into each ear canal. The duration of this medication is usually 6-10 days.

Before injecting the medication into the ear, the bottle should be held in the palm of your hand for some time to warm the solution... Once the drops have entered the ear, the child should tilt his head so that the drug does not leak out.

Polydex with phenylephrine is injected into the nasal passages three times a day. It is not necessary to turn the bottle over during the injection of the solution.

A single dose of medicine for children is the amount of solution that enters the nose after one press onto the spray nozzle.

If the medication is prescribed to a teenager over 15 years old, the frequency of injection can be increased up to 4-5 times. The duration of treatment with such Polydexa is 5-10 days.


According to the annotation to the spray and drops, the negative effect from a large dose of such drugs does not develop, since their active components are absorbed into the bloodstream in a scanty amount, unable to worsen the general condition of the patient.

If the child accidentally drank the solution, you should immediately induce vomiting and wash the stomach, then give the sorbent and, if necessary, show the baby to the doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

Do not use Polydex and at the same time give the child any other aminoglycosides, as this will increase the risk of hearing impairment. Phenylephrine spray should not be used in conjunction with drugs that are classified as MAO inhibitors.

Terms of sale

Both types of Polydexa are prescription drugs, therefore, before buying drops or spray in a pharmacy, a child should be examined by a doctor who will write a prescription for the required medication.

The average price of a bottle of ear drops is 240 rubles, and for one nasal spray you need to pay about 350 rubles.

Storage conditions

Both Polydex drops and phenylephrine spray should be kept in a dry place so that medications are out of the reach of children.

The optimal temperature regime for such medicines is from 5 to 25 degrees Celsius.

The shelf life of all forms of the drug is 3 years and is marked both on the box and on the bottle. If it has expired, the drugs must be discarded.


Parents respond mostly positively to the use of Polydexa. Ear drops are praised for their effective action, soft dropper, and rare side effects.

The advantages of the nasal spray also include a quick healing effect and ease of use.

One of the main disadvantages of Polydex is the high cost, so many mothers are looking for a similar drug cheaper.

Also, some parents do not like the presence of the hormone in the composition of the medication, while others have a negative attitude towards antibacterial substances in the solution.

Doctors speak about the spray and drops mostly well, often prescribing them when bacteria in the outer ear or nasopharynx are affected. They emphasize among the advantages of Polydexa a fairly quick effect and an exclusively local action, thanks to which ear drops are allowed at any age. Cases of allergy to drops or spray doctors are very rare.

Dr. Komarovsky calls Polydexa an effective remedy for otitis media, but nasal spray is not recommended, as he believes that antibiotics in the nose do more harm than good. In his opinion, because of them, allergic reactions occur and the resistance of bacteria develops, which complicates the further treatment of a purulent rhinitis or sinusitis.


A drug that includes the same ingredients as Polydexa is Maxitrol. However, this medication is produced in the form of eye drops, therefore, if it is necessary to replace Polydexa, the doctor must choose a remedy with a different composition, but with a similar effect on the child's body.

For example, if you need to prescribe a medication instead of Polydex ear drops, it can be one of these drugs:

  • Sofradex... Such drops are used for diseases of the ears or eyes. They are also a combined agent, since they include three active ingredients at once - dexamethasone and two antimicrobial substances. However, this medication is contraindicated for the treatment of infants, and it is prescribed with caution to older children.
  • Anauran... The composition of this drug is similar to Polydexa, since such drops also contain polymyxin B and neomycin. But they are supplemented not with a hormone, but with an anesthetic (an ingredient with a local anesthetic effect is lidocaine), so the medicine is in demand for otitis media with severe pain. The tool can be used in children over 1 year old.

  • Otipax... This medicine is used for the symptomatic treatment of otitis media, as it relieves pain and reduces the activity of inflammation. These effects are due to the presence of the anti-inflammatory substance phenazone and the anesthetic lidocaine in the drops. The drug can be dripped at any age. Its analogue is Otyrelax drops, because their composition includes the same ingredients.
  • Otofa... The action of this agent is provided by the antibiotic rifamycin. Unlike Polydexa and many other ear drops, this medicine can be used if the tympanic membrane is damaged. There are no age restrictions for such a medication, but it is dripped for children only after a doctor's examination.

If you need to replace Polydex with phenylephrine, your doctor may recommend the following medications:

  • Isofra... This nasal spray is useful for green nasal discharge, as it works with the antibiotic framycetin. The medicine is prescribed from 1 year old, but if necessary, the doctor can advise it to infants older than a month.
  • Nazol Baby... The basis of such drops is phenylephrine, so the medication is often prescribed for the common cold. In childhood, it can be used from birth if the medicine is prescribed by a pediatrician.
  • Rinofluimucil... This drug contains acetylcysteine ​​in combination with tuaminoheptane. These substances have a vasoconstrictor and mucolytic effect, which makes the medication in demand for a cold or sinusitis. This nasal spray has no contraindications for age, but children under three years of age are prescribed this medicine with caution.
  • Nazonex... The main component of such a spray is the glucocorticoid hormone mometasone. Unlike Polydexa, this medication does not include any antibacterial components, therefore it is not used for bacterial rhinitis. The medicine is prescribed for children with allergic rhinitis from 2 years of age.
  • Vibrocil... Such a medication, like Polydex in a spray, contains phenylephrine, but it is supplemented not with antibiotics, but with a substance that acts on histamine receptors (dimethindene). The drug is prescribed for various types of rhinitis and sinusitis, as well as for adenoids. Drops are allowed to be used in children over a year old, and a spray or gel is prescribed from 6 years of age.
  • Otrivin More Forte... The basis of such a nasal spray is a hypertonic sea water solution, to which menthol and eucalyptus oil are added. The use of such Otrivin is effective for nasal congestion and is allowed from the age of six.

For the main methods of treating a cold, see the next video.

Watch the video: Type of Eye drops for Common Eye Problems In Hindi (July 2024).