
Otrivin nose drops for children

For the treatment of the nasopharynx in young children, products with a natural base and a harmless effect are in demand. One of them can be called Otrivin Baby drops. When should they drip into a child's nose, in what dose and with what analogs can they be replaced?

Release form and composition

The drug is produced in disposable transparent dropper bottles. Each of these vials contains 5 ml of sterile solution. Such a liquid does not have any color and there are no inclusions (the solution is completely transparent).

The basis of the drug is a saline solution with a sodium chloride concentration of 0.74%, that is, it is isotonic.

There are no preservatives in Otrivin Baby, and of the additional ingredients in the drops there are only macrogol, purified water, hydrogen phosphate and sodium phosphate.

One pack contains 18 bottles.

Operating principle

Otrivin Baby in drops helps to moisturize the nasopharyngeal mucosa and cleanse it of microbes, dust particles, viruses, allergens and other substances. In addition, irrigation helps to increase the resistance of the upper respiratory tract to the action of pathogens of bacterial and viral infections, which helps prevent colds and viral diseases. The medication removes dryness of the mucous membrane and helps get rid of irritation caused by a cold or some unfavorable conditions.

In terms of its pH, the drug is similar to the natural secretion of the cells of the nasal mucosa, therefore, it is harmless and can be used for daily hygienic care.

The use of Otrivin Baby has a positive effect on the inflamed mucous membrane, and also loosens mucus, as a result of which it is easier to remove from the nose, and breathing through the nose improves.

It is especially important to help babies up to a year to breathe freely with their nose, because the babies of the first months of life find it difficult to breathe through the mouth, and with a stuffy nose or a runny nose, the child's condition worsens (the baby behaves restlessly, cries, refuses to eat, and his sleep worsens).


Otrivin Baby drops are used:

  • with acute or chronic inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa;
  • with diseases of the paranasal sinuses;
  • with allergic rhinitis;

  • with increased dry air in the room (in order to preserve the protective function of the mucous membrane and moisten it);
  • inhalation of contaminated air (to clear the mucous membrane of impurities);
  • for the prevention of colds and acute respiratory viral infections occurring with rhinitis;
  • to prevent an inflammatory reaction after operations in the area of ​​the nasopharynx.

At what age is it prescribed?

Otrivin Baby drops can be used from birth. They are used both in newborn babies and in children over a year old.

Such a medication is called harmless and completely safe for a child of any age.


The drug is not prescribed only if you are allergic to any of the ingredients of the solution. There are no other reasons not to use drops.

Side effect

In very rare cases, a child may develop intolerance to drops, which is why they are immediately canceled. Other negative effects during the use of Otrivin Baby (for example, burning, redness, increased symptoms of a runny nose, etc.) do not occur.

Instructions for use

You can use Otrivin Baby 2-4 times a day or more often if necessary. For washing, perform the following actions:

  • Separate the dropper bottle from the others and open it by turning the cap clockwise.
  • The child is laid down and his head is turned to one side.
  • The nasal cavity is cleaned of excess mucus, for example, using an aspirator.
  • By gently pressing the bottle, the required amount of solution is injected into the nasal passage (a few drops or more).
  • After a few seconds, the baby is seated and the excess medicine that has flowed out of the nostril is removed.
  • If required, the procedure can be repeated again.
  • The second nasal passage is also cleaned by the same actions.
  • Pressing the cap, close the bottle.

An opened container of drops should be used within 12 hours. If more time has passed after the first use, the bottle is thrown away and a new one is opened.

If there are several children in the family, then each child is advised to rinse the spout with a solution from a separate bottle.


An excess dose of drops does not have any harmful effect. Even if you accidentally pour the entire solution from the bottle into the child's nose, this will not lead to any negative effects.

Terms of sale and storage

Otrivin Baby drops are sold without a prescription. The average price of one package is 270-290 rubles.

It is recommended to keep the drug at home at room temperature. The shelf life of drops is 3 years.


Otrivin Baby drops are generally responded positively. They are praised for being safe for young children, non-addictive, convenient dosage form, affordable cost, and ease of use.

According to mothers, the drug copes well with nasal congestion, effectively eliminates dryness, helps prevent a runny nose or cure it faster.


A replacement for Otrivin Baby in drops can be the same drug, but in the form of a nasal spray. It is possible to irrigate the nasal passages of children with such a medicine from the age of 3 months. It is based on natural sea salt diluted with sterile water to obtain an isotonic solution.

The medication does not include preservatives and can be used both for rhinitis or sinusitis, and for the prevention of such diseases and daily nasal hygiene.

Another analogue of Otrivin Baby can be called Otrivin More. It is also produced in the form of a spray and is used in babies over 3 months old.

The drug is made from sea water and is prescribed as a hygiene product or for the treatment of a cold. A drug called Otrivin More Forte is produced separately. Its difference is the concentration of sea salt (hypertonic solution) and the presence of mint and eucalyptus oils in the composition, therefore such a spray is prescribed only from 6 years old.

Otrivin Baby and Otrivin for children should not be confused. The basis of Otrivin for children is xylometazoline, that is, these are vasoconstrictor drops. They are prescribed for different types of rhinitis for children over 2 years old and should not be used without consulting a doctor.

Other analogues of Otrivin Baby include other medicines containing sodium chloride, sea salt or sea water. These are such drugs as Marimer, Morenazal, Aqua-maris, Humer, Physiomer, Fluimarin, Rizosin, Aquamaster and many others. All of them can be used as a means of daily hygienic cleaning of the nose, as well as drugs for the treatment of rhinitis in young children. But, since they are produced in different dosage forms, it is worth contacting a pediatrician to select a suitable analogue.

Dr. Komarovsky's opinion on saline drops in the next video.

Watch the video: Hello Doctor: Stuffy Nose u0026 Allergy. 22nd December 2015. Highlights (September 2024).