
Breast milk or formula? Comparison of composition and properties

Many mothers choose the type of feeding at birth and want to choose the best for their baby. Which is better - breastfeeding or a new modern formula? How are they qualitatively different and what to choose for?

Only a mother can decide what to choose, because a lot depends on the woman's inner feelings. For some, breastfeeding is too intimate, which is a psychological barrier. Should you "step over" your feelings and make a choice in favor of breastfeeding?

Most formulas are made on the basis of milk from cows, so milk formulas will be considered in our comparison with breast milk.

We also note that the composition of mother's milk is constantly changing - depending on what ingredients the babies need for development at a certain moment, they appear in breast milk in greater quantities. The mixture has a constant composition, represented by formulas for infants up to 6 months, from 6 to 12 months and after a year.

No formula, even the most modern and high-quality, can be better for a baby than breast milk. Mom's milk is the best that a mother can give to a child, it is a guarantee of his full development. But in some cases, breastfeeding is not possible, and then infant formula comes to the rescue.

Watch the video: Stanya Sampat, Stanyotpatti, Stanya Sanghatana, fedding schedule as per Ayurveda u0026 Modern concept. (June 2024).