Artificial feeding

Baby milk formulas Nutrilon

Natural branded milk formulas Nutrilon are the standard of baby food in the domestic and foreign markets. A feature of dairy formulations is the prescription use of natural dairy components, according to the latest research by scientists. Baby food is divided into several dozen types, each of which is intended for a baby of a specific age, weight category, health status. Consider the main types of mixtures, their composition and features.

Why Choose Nutrilon?

As a rule, when choosing food, parents are guided by the instructions on the package: categories by age, developmental characteristics of the baby. The scientific approach looks different: each child is assigned a special composition of components. Breast milk is considered ideal for developing the immune system. If there is no opportunity to feed in a natural way, or the amount of milk is limited, mothers resort to partial or complete replacement of natural nutrition with artificial. Artificial milk is a powdered mixture made from cow's milk and additives.

Nutrilon products contain natural dairy ingredients, simple forms of sugar, vitamins, minerals and vegetable fatty acids. Important components in milk are fatty acids, proportional ratio of casein and albumin, assimilation rate, amount of phosphorus and calcium, vitamins. Each substance is responsible for the development of certain parts of the body. Nutrilon is closest to the breast milk of a woman at a certain moment of feeding, contains vitamins and minerals to regulate the digestive system, weight, and the speed of baby's development.

Formulas for babies up to 6 months

The category of goods for the little ones goes under the number «1»... These are mixtures with the presence of whey, vegetable oils (palm, rapeseed, coconut, sunflower, Mortierella alpina), lean milk, lactose, prebiotics, minerals, vitamins, fish oil and other substances. Formula for Healthy Normal Weight Infants contains ingredients in proportions similar to natural breast milk with beneficial additives. Fish oil and vegetable fatty acids are used as stimulating additives. 100 g of the diluted composition accounts for up to 270 kJ.

For children with deviations in the development of the digestive system, premature babies, prone to allergies, who have suffered from inflammatory diseases, special formulations have been developed. These are recipes with an enhanced complex of substances to regulate normal development or recovery.

For premature infants, use Nutrilon Pre numbered "0". For those who have gained weight 1.8 kg and more, Nutrilon Pre "1" is used. For those whose gastrointestinal tract system is very weak, constant disorders are observed, doctors prescribe “Nutrilon Comfort 1” or “Fermented milk 1”. The second composition is suitable for babies who have undergone medical treatment for an inflammatory or other disease. Both species restore the composition of the intestinal flora and detoxify. The brand for children prone to allergic reactions and rashes is called Nutrilon Hypoallergenic 1.

Formulations for children with a lack of the ability to digest any type of sugar stand out: Lactose Free and Nutrilon Soy. Products contain almost no natural milk and sugar. Formulations for babies with symptoms of constant regurgitation (Pepti Gastro) or sluggishness of the intestines, inability to absorb digested food (Antireflux) are distinguished. Nutrilon Amino Acids and Pepti Allergy are formulated for dietetic feeding.

Every infant should undergo a high-quality medical examination before switching to artificial milk formula. Properly prescribed Nutrilon formula will help heal your baby and restore his natural development.

Line of formula for healthy children

  1. Nutrilon 1 Premium is an adapted infant formula for babies from birth.

A line of mixtures for children with health problems

  1. Nutrilon Comfort 1 - Nutritional Formula for Babies with Digestive Discomfort Symptoms
  2. Nutrilon Comfort 2 is a formula for feeding babies with symptoms of digestive discomfort.
  3. Nutrilon Fermented Milk 1 is a formula for feeding babies from birth, specially designed to naturally improve the digestion of babies.
  4. Nutrilon Fermented Milk 2 is a formula for feeding babies from 6 months, specially designed to naturally improve the digestion of babies.
  5. Nutrilon Hypoallergenic 1 is an adapted formula for feeding healthy babies with the possibility of developing food allergies.
  6. Nutrilon Hypoallergenic 2 is an adapted formula for feeding healthy babies with the possibility of developing food allergies.
  7. Nutrilon Pre 0 - dry milk formula adapted for feeding premature and low birth weight infants weighing less than 1800 g.
  8. Nutrilon Pre 1 - dry milk formula adapted for long-term feeding of premature and low birth weight babies weighing more than 1800 g
  9. Nutrilon Pepti Gastro is a dry milk mixture with impaired intestinal absorption. From birth.
  10. Nutrilon Soy - Soy Protein Isolate Blend. Diet formula for children who need a dairy-free diet from birth.
  11. Nutrilon Lactose Free is a lactose free blend. A special formula for the dietary nutrition of children with lactose intolerance from birth.
  12. Nutrilon Amino Acids is a dry mix based on amino acids, a product of children's dietary (therapeutic and prophylactic) nutrition for young children. For feeding children from birth.
  13. Nutrilon Pepti Allergy is a dry mixture based on fully hydrolyzed whey proteins with prebiotics. For dietary (medical) nutrition of children from birth.
  14. Nutrilon Antireflux - milk formula with nucleotides. Complete special formula for feeding babies with regurgitation and vomiting syndrome. From birth.

Mixes Nutrilon from 6 months

Children from the age of six months already have a developing digestive system. The beginning of active growth of bones, tissues and joints requires a change in the composition of food. In the female body, this transition is ensured by changing the diet, expanding the foods in the diet, adding fruits and vegetables.

Nutrilon 2 Premium formula for children with normal development:

  • the ratio of casein and protein shifts towards protein by 10% (50/50);
  • fatty acids of up to ten types of plant origin, fish oil remains at the same level;
  • taurine increases by one and a half times;
  • the formula of lactose is changing, its amount is almost 52 mg per 100 g of dry mixture;
  • vitamins and minerals increase by 20-50%.

Similarly with infant nutrition, the types of mixtures for the older group are divided according to the abnormalities in the development of the baby. Their names are similar, and age is indicated by a number “2”, “3” - from the year and “4” - from 18 months.

Line of mixtures

  1. Nutrilon 2 Premium is an adapted infant formula for babies from 6 months.
  2. Baby milk Nutrilon Junior 3. For feeding children from 1 year old.
  3. Baby milk Nutrilon Junior 4. For feeding children over 18 months.

How to choose the right product?

To choose a health-improving course of nutrition, you should undergo examinations in a children's clinic, take into account the characteristics of the child's behavior. For example, if a child cannot properly digest food, sleep will be interrupted. Constant whims and sobs will also be noticeable. Children with healthy intestines, who do not experience pain and discomfort, are very calm, do not be capricious for no reason.

Violations can be noticed by the condition, frequency of bowel movements. The manner of eating is characteristic. The kid, who finds it difficult to digest food, constantly turns away, eats intermittently, even if he is in a hungry state. More obvious signs of deviations are an underweight child, a lethargic state.

We read in detail: how to choose the right formula for your baby

Benefits of using Nutrilon mixtures

  • ensure the full development of the body and the prevention of diseases;
  • it is a healthy food for babies of any age;
  • Nutrilon has an affordable price (the price varies from 345 to 2000 rubles);
  • food recommended by the healthcare system of the Russian Federation;
  • a wide range of unique formulations for treating abnormalities;
  • availability of international quality certificates for all products of the brand;
  • the mixture is considered the best in many countries of the world;
  • each batch is tested in laboratories before being sold;
  • factories in the territory of the CIS countries produce food using technology from the EU.

The mixtures are sold in 400 and 900 gr EazyPack packages, or 400 gr cans.

Where could I buy?

  • Online store Akusherstvo.rumixtures Nutrilon

Proper nutrition is the key to health and longevity!

  • Nutrilon official website -
  • Expert line phone - 8 800 200 33 88

Watch the video: Susu Bagus untuk Pencernaan Anak. Enfagrow susah pup? Nutrilon Royal. Chilkid Platinum (July 2024).