
Charging for children: types and best exercises

It is necessary to carry out exercises with children from the moment when they have mastered the walking skill well, and gradually prolong training. By laying the foundations for health in childhood, you can deprive your child of future problems by strengthening his body and encouraging him to do the right thing. Morning exercises should be carried out according to all the rules, for which you can not do without correctly selected exercises, which will be different for each age.


Exercising for children of all ages is very important, especially if it is carried out systematically, with the help and support of parents. Gymnastics should include light exercises that will help the baby wake up. It is usually recommended to introduce this kind of physical activity from the age of two, when the child already walks well and has sufficient coordination of movements to perform the simplest tasks with the parent. Children's gymnastics should include elements of the game, be fun and exciting so that the kid himself wants to participate in it.

Gymnastic exercises should be given carefully, making sure that the child can do everything painlessly and without much difficulty. It is important for kids to give feasible tasks, necessarily clothed in a playful form. An interesting and funny game will allow you to complete all assigned tasks quickly, and at the same time not get too tired. It is very important that classes with the child take place regularly, which primarily depends on the parents. We need to try to mobilize the whole family so that the baby always has help, support and an additional example to follow.

Carrying out morning exercises with preschool children, in addition to playing tasks, it is worth giving physical exercises in different positions: standing on your feet, sitting on the floor, lying on the floor. After active games and a warm-up complex, you can give the children a little rest, for which parterre gymnastics is well suited. If there are signs of boredom, it is worth changing the type of activity. Rhythmic gymnastics in this case will help switch the child from one activity to another, while helping to master the skills of music and dance.

The health-improving orientation of morning exercises is primarily focused on in order to keep the child's body in an active state all the time, this is especially true for sedentary children. With a lack of movement, a large number of diseases can develop, which go away with regular activities with the child. In case of any problems, there are special complexes designed for problematic aspects of the baby's health. There are exercises designed to prevent flat feet, scoliosis, obesity, and other common problems.

Parents should clearly understand what they are dealing with, as well as know the full picture of their child's health in order to choose the right set of exercises. If a child does not want to do exercises, in no case should he be forced - this will only increase rejection. In any business, you need to find the right approach, because every kid has favorite cartoon characters, and for almost each of them songs have been invented or even a charging complex with the participation of children of a similar age was filmed on video. If the parent's personal example did not inspire the child, you can try to use exactly his interests - this almost always works.

To carry out morning exercises, it is worthwhile to allocate a specific room or part of it, where there will be enough space to move, there will be no dangerous, breakable or loose objects. It is necessary to prepare equipment that will be useful in the work, and use it skillfully. At home, it is not always possible to carry out a full range of exercises due to the neighbors below, therefore you can do exercises on the street, where nothing will interfere.

Daily workouts will allow parents and children to stay in great physical shape, start the day in a good mood and successfully continue it until the evening, being cheerful and cheerful.

Physical education by age

Almost everyone knows that doing exercises is useful, but not everyone knows what is the peculiarity of working with children of different ages. For young children, a special set of exercises is selected, there is a pace and load, the duration of charging is regulated depending on age. Directly gymnastics will be carried out with children after a year, closer to two, but babies from three to four months can also be physically developed - even if the pediatrician did not recommend massage sessions, he certainly will not be superfluous.

Preventive massage for babies is reduced to stroking, which helps speed up blood flow and saturates the body with useful substances. In order for the crumb to get more pleasure from such activities, it is worthwhile for him to read rhymes or sing songs. Mom's voice will soothe the baby and make the massage more comfortable. When the baby gets used to such an effect from the mother, it is worth moving on to more active elements, where it will be necessary to bend and unbend the arms and legs. This will be the first basics of gymnastics for a kid.

Additional elements that can be used at this age will be a fitball and a massage mat. With the help of the ball, you can roll the child on his back and stomach, back and forth, from side to side. This helps develop the vestibular apparatus and alternately relax and tense certain muscles. Before starting gymnastics with such a small child, you need to consult with a pediatrician and a massage therapist in order to get the most complete set of knowledge that will help in the development of the baby.

As soon as the child is one year old, his activity becomes many times higher, therefore it is important to take action. Active games are included in the exercises for the baby, where you need to do something, bring, serve, find and fold. By the age of two or three, the child's development in all areas is significantly improved, and now you can start carrying out a full-fledged set of trainings with him.

At this age, children begin to go to kindergarten, where doing morning exercises is a habit for them, so parents should do the same at home.

There are specialists in kindergarten who know exactly what and how much to give to children of a certain age, so the mother can consult with them about the most important and necessary exercises that should be given at home. It is important for beginners to clearly adjust the charging time. The first lessons last no more than three minutes, and then they last up to five. Children over three years old can already master more complex complexes, therefore, other exercises are provided for the middle age group.

For preschoolers at the age of 4-5, the duration of the exercise can be up to eight minutes, which should include sports exercises for coordination and flexibility, as well as role-playing games, at the end the emphasis is on stretching and relaxing the body. Children preparing to enter the first grade at the age of 6-7 years should easily withstand morning exercises for 10 to 12 minutes, while completing more complex tasks that already include simple strength exercises, the compulsory program also includes a complex for agility. speed, coordination and flexibility.

Children who entered the first grade should not break their usual daily routine, instilled in the kindergarten, therefore it is important to leave classes in the morning. A grown and strengthened body is able to withstand a workout of 10-15 minutes, while it will mostly be aimed at working the muscles of the whole body, practically excluding games. So that the child does not stagnate in place and he always has an interest and desire to do exercises, it is worth including elements from other types of sports activities in it:

  • yoga;
  • fitness;
  • jumping on a trampoline;
  • classes in the pool.

Well, you can diversify your workout with sports equipment:

  • practice on rings or with a rope;
  • do a set of exercises with a stick or hoop;
  • to work on the Swedish wall.

Correctly selected exercises, musical accompaniment and equipment will keep the child's interest in classes for a long time and help him grow up healthy and active.

A set of exercises for preschool children

The complex for young children should include a set of simple, but necessary for the full development of exercises, which can be carried out in a playful way. These include the following exercises.

  • Puffs. A series of 4 exercises is performed. From the main stance (legs apart, arms down), you must first rise on your toes and stretch your arms up, then lower yourself into the main stance. The second stage - the legs are in the same position, the right hand is placed on the belt, and the left hand needs to be stretched to the right, and then return to the main stance. Further, the second stage is performed the other way around - with the left hand on the belt, with the right hand stretching to the left, return to the main stance. Finally - the legs are in the same position, the torso makes a downward tilt with the hands touching the floor, below you need to relax and slowly rise up, taking a breath.

  • Squats. The main position looks like this: legs apart, hands on the belt. First, a squat is performed, bend your legs to an angle of 90 degrees and stretch your arms forward, then return to the main position. The body leans forward slightly while squatting, while it is important to straighten the shoulders so that the back is flat, the heels do not come off the floor. You can do the exercise in pairs, using a ball that the children will pass to each other while squatting.

  • We spin the pedals. Basic position: lie on the mat with your back, arms along the body, legs up. The task is to simulate cycling, when the legs pedal forward and then in the opposite direction. You can try to make scissors by crossing legs, even at the knees, alternately.

At this age, it is already necessary to begin to carry out exercises for balance and coordination.

  • Walking on a low bench or this type of self-made structure that is stable and safe for the child. It is necessary to go from beginning to end without jumping off the hill.
  • Stepping over objects. You can lay out from 3 to 5 objects in a row at a short distance and ask the child to walk along the path, stepping over everything that lies in front of him, without catching or turning over any object. Instead of toys, you can pull a rope or hold a stick at a low height, over which the child must step back and forth several times.

At this age, you can give simple abdominal exercises in the form of raising and lowering your legs while lying on the floor: right and left alternately and two legs together.

For preschool children, it is important to spend time fun and active, therefore throughout the entire lesson there should be musical accompaniment that will please the child.

In addition to sports exercises, it is important to give everyone the opportunity to play together, which will help the game in the train, where children perform different tasks, holding each other and moving in a certain direction.

Charging for younger students

Children who have just come to school must cope with new physical and psychological stresses for themselves, therefore the charging complex should be based on the changes that have entered the child's life. Therefore, an encouraging warm-up, held every morning, will help the student to wake up faster and prepare for the coming day, to be more attentive and successful at school. The task of the parents in this situation is the same as before - to help the child adapt to the new environment and to teach the techniques that he will need, giving drill and relaxation exercises. For a morning workout complex to be as complete and effective as possible, it must include the following elements.

  • Neck warm-up, side bends, forward and backward, semicircle and full circle in each direction. All movements are performed at a calm pace, without jerking. The optimal length of time is 1-2 minutes.
  • Warm up the shoulder girdle. Raising and lowering the shoulders, first work alternately with the right and left shoulder, then two at the same time. Then performing circular movements alternately with each hand, then two together, forward and backward.

  • Warm up your arms. The position of the hands is opposite - one at the top, the second at the bottom, the change of position occurs at an average pace. It is important to invest as much as possible, stretching well up with one hand, and also reaching down with the other.
  • Work on the muscles of the back and abs. Tilt the body alternately back and forth, as well as left and right, then draw a circle with the body clockwise and counterclockwise. You can also raise your arms up, connecting them in a lock, and bend to the sides, carrying out the exercise slowly, to the maximum incline level.

  • Change of activity - footwork. Performing jumps: on the right leg 5 times, then the same number on the left, and complete with the same number on both legs, lifting the feet from the floor at the same time.
  • Squats. For this age, 10 squats will be enough. It is important to look after the correctness of the task, the position of the heels and back.

  • Strength exercises - push-ups. For primary school age, it is better to give to all children, regardless of gender, since this is a general developmental exercise that is useful for everyone. The minimum amount will be 3 times, the maximum - 5 or more, if desired.
  • Bridge. It is performed from a supine position with the hands near the head, and the legs - not far from the buttocks, after which you need to raise the body up. When the bridge is consistently good, you can try to make it from a standing position, using a support: a Swedish staircase or a wall, along which you can both go down to the floor and climb from it.

  • By the end of charging, you need to complex aimed at flexibility, this stretch will include bending from a sitting position on the floor with legs apart to the right and left limbs alternately. You can add a forward bend, where the elbows are immediately placed, and then the straight arms stretch as far forward as possible.
  • You need to finish exercising with calm exercises, for which it is suitable warm-up of the hands and feet. With the help of rotational movements, you need to stretch your arms and legs, thereby calming the body, bringing the heartbeat back to normal and fully recovering after charging.

If morning exercises have become commonplace for a child, it is important to reward him for the right impulses. If you have a large family or friends who also encourage morning exercises, you can hold a flash mob, in which ordinary passers-by will surely take part - it is only important to organize such an event in a relatively crowded place. Working together with the child and understanding his desires will give an excellent result when classes in the morning become a small family tradition.

When choosing a set of exercises, it is worth considering the sports equipment that is at home. Boys will be happy to include a set of exercises with dumbbells in their exercises, and girls will like fitness elements that use a step platform, expander or fitball. You can buy everything you need in any large supermarket without spending huge amounts of money, but getting an excellent result in the form of good health for your child.

To benefit from charging and parents, it is worth carrying out the morning complex with the child, and the evening one separately for yourself, where more complex exercises are included. It is better to assign a schoolboy in the evening to the sports section, where he will receive new skills and abilities, as well as improve old ones, then he will soon be able to please his parents with his successes. Exercising will only help your morning exercise routine, which in turn will help your child feel better throughout the day.

Thus, to be healthy, you need to do exercises at any age. For children, it is the most important and necessary, because parents must put all their efforts to provide the child with everything necessary, and most importantly - with their attention and participation in the process. You can find a suitable complex on the Internet, read it in books about the physical education of children of different ages, or come up with it yourself, taking into account the characteristics of your child's character, his age, level of physical development and state of health.

Such care for the younger generation will not be in vain, and a grown up healthy child will certainly thank him for the attention that his relatives have given him to make him a healthy and full-fledged member of society.

For a set of exercises for the correct posture of schoolchildren, see the next video.

Watch the video: Head, Shoulders, Knees u0026 Toes - Exercise Song For Kids (July 2024).