
Why is Bepanten applied to a baby under a diaper and how to do it correctly?

"Bepanten" is in great demand among parents of young children, as it allows you to take care of the skin of a healthy baby, and eliminate various problems, for example, diaper rash. It is safe even for newborns and is often bought for a home first aid kit while waiting for a baby or when the baby has already been born.

Features of the drug

There are two different dosage forms of "Bepanten" intended for skin treatment - cream and ointment. The main ingredient in both forms of the drug is dexpanthenol, presented in one gram of the drug at a dosage of 50 mg. In addition to it, the cream contains stearyl alcohol, propylene glycol, lanolin and other substances that give it a creamy consistency and a white tint, as well as ensure rapid absorption.

Auxiliary components of the ointment are white wax, paraffin, cetyl alcohol, almond oil and some other compounds. Thanks to them, the medicine is homogeneous, opaque and soft, has a pale yellow color and smells like lanolin.

As for the packaging, both the Bepanten ointment and the cream are sold in tubes of 30 and 100 grams. Both drug options are non-prescription drugs, so there are no difficulties with buying them for a baby.

The average price of a package weighing 30 grams is about 400 rubles.

To preserve the medicinal properties, "Bepanten" should be stored at temperatures below 25 degrees Celsius, and also make sure that the drug has not expired (it is 3 years).

How does it work?

After applying any form of "Bepanten" to the skin, the active ingredient contained in the preparation undergoes some changes, as a result of which pantothenic acid is formed from it. This is one of the B vitamins (vitamin B5) and has some beneficial properties for the skin:

  • moisturizes it well and protects it from drying out;
  • accelerates healing in case of damage.

Why is it applied under a diaper?

For prevention

The use of "Bepanten" in babies helps to avoid irritation that often occurs during the use of diapers or diapers. The skin of babies is very delicate, therefore, with frequent exposure to excess moisture from urine and feces, redness and diaper rash may appear. This is also facilitated by the "greenhouse" effect of the diaper, because when using it, air access to the skin is difficult.

Most often, Bepanten cream is used to treat the skin of newborn babies, which helps prevent dryness or effectively removes it. It is well absorbed and not as greasy as a preparation in the form of an ointment, therefore it is more in demand for daily care of the delicate skin of a toddler.

For treatment

If inflammatory changes have formed on the surface of the baby's skin, then both the ointment and the cream will help to eliminate them. In addition, both forms of "Bepanten" cope well with different skin lesions. They are used if the crumbs have found:

  • irritation;
  • redness;
  • diaper rash;
  • cracks in the skin;
  • excessive dryness;
  • abrasions;
  • sunburn;
  • prickly heat;
  • bedsores;
  • contact dermatitis;
  • peeling, dryness and other symptoms of diathesis;
  • slight frostbite.

It is also applied to insect bites or chickenpox blisters to soften the skin and relieve itching. The medicine is applied to chapped and chapped lips, and nursing mothers apply it to the nipples to get rid of cracks faster.

Instructions for use under the diaper

  • If "Bepanten" is used in babies under a diaper, it is recommended to treat the baby's skin with cream or ointment after each diaper change.
  • Before using "Bepanten", you need to wash the little one and blot the skin, then leave the baby for a few seconds without a diaper and clothes.
  • The product is applied in the size of a pea and then rubbed gently with your fingers until it is completely absorbed.


Almost all parents who treated the baby's skin with "Bepanten" speak positively of him. They praise such a preparation for its convenient shape, safety for babies, good skin hydration and quick relief from minor injuries and other problems. Mothers confirm that the medicine is applied and washed off very easily, without leaving any marks on hands and clothes. Among the disadvantages of "Bepanten" is usually called its high cost.

What can be replaced?

If for some reason it is not possible to use "Bepanten", there is an alternative in the form of other medicines based on the same active ingredient. These include "D-Panthenol", "Pantoderm", "Dexpanthenol", "Korgeregel", "Panthenol spray", "Panthenol-Teva" and other drugs. Their effect is the same as that of "Bepanten", so such remedies also cope well with pruritus, diaper irritation and similar problems.

Also, the doctor may recommend other medicines that can moisturize the skin and accelerate its regeneration, for example, Solcoseryl, Depantol, Desitin, Sudokrem, Drapolen or Elidel. Most of these drugs are approved from birth and are convenient to use in young patients with various irritations and injuries. If you need a remedy for the prevention of diaper rash, "Bepanten" can be replaced with special cosmetics intended for the skin of babies - creams Bubchen, Mustela, Sanosan, Weleda and others.

For information on whether a baby needs a diaper cream, see the next video.

Watch the video: Bepanthen helps put nappy rash to bed (July 2024).