
Baby oil: tips for choosing and using

The appearance of a child in a family is not only a great holiday and joy that has no boundaries. It is also a great responsibility. Newborns and babies up to a year require special care and attention. Not the last place among purchases for a baby is taken by skin care products. In this article, we will show you how to choose and apply baby oil.

Why use?

Children's skin only outwardly resembles the skin of adults. Its physiological and anatomical differences from the skin of mom and dad are numerous. First of all, the child's skin is thinner, the layer of subcutaneous fatty tissue is almost two times smaller, which makes the child vulnerable to the environment, which can be quite aggressive.

From the first minutes of independent life, the skin of the crumbs outside the mother's womb takes on a large burden associated with adaptation. Now the baby will have to live not in sterile conditions of amniotic fluid, but in an atmosphere in which bacteria and fungi are normal. That is why infant skin can react so violently to any unfavorable circumstances from the outside.

The task of the parents is to lighten this load as much as possible by this nature, to make conditions more favorable. In this they are helped by the cosmetic care products created specifically for babies and newborns.

It is best to prepare baby oil even before the baby is born, because it can come in handy already in the hospital. Baby oil - essential shopping. The same in degree of importance as buying powder, diapers, baby soap. From the first days, oil for baby skin will be an indispensable helper for mom. It allows you to moisturize skin prone to rapid loss of moisture and heat. It softens, and therefore it is convenient to treat numerous infant folds on the skin. As a preventive measure, properly selected oil will protect against diaper rash. Without it, it will be difficult to get rid of infant physiological seborrhea - from those very milk crusts on the head. With him, babies are given massage and gymnastics.

The oil will be useful not only for children, but also for the new mother. She can use baby oil to moisturize the nipples if cracks appear, to soften her own skin - for many women after childbirth, the skin temporarily becomes drier.


The variety of baby care products on the shelves of shops and pharmacies is amazing. There is nothing surprising and shameful in the fact that most parents simply do not know which means to give preference to. First you need to figure out what can be considered varieties of baby oil. He has no alternatives - the baby cream has its own purpose and is used only to moisturize dry skin. It is absolutely impossible to lubricate diaper rash with it, since the cream is oily and it forms a dense film on the thin skin, due to which thermoregulation is disturbed and there is no access of oxygen to the affected areas.

Body milk cannot replace oil, as it is created exclusively for cleansing baby skin. It can replace soap, but not oil. Thus, all existing types of baby oils differ only in the raw materials they are obtained from. For children can be applied:

  • olive;
  • peach;
  • sunflower;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • tea tree oil;
  • apricot kernel oil.

Also, oils are divided by purpose. For example, it is advisable to use ginger oil only for lubricating mucous membranes, for example, with a runny nose or erupting teeth. A large list of vegetable oils are used externally.

Which is better?

Experts in the field of children's health will answer this question absolutely definitely - it is better to have natural and hypoallergenic oil. The presence of perfumery fragrances and dyes makes the product undesirable for the baby. At the production stage, baby oil undergoes additional stages of purification, and it must also be checked for safety with special attention. In practice, not all manufacturers that are present on the market for children's care cosmetics strictly fulfill all these requirements.

The experts, most likely, did not make ratings of baby oil. Such research will be large and costly. Therefore, parents will have to focus exclusively on their own intuition and feedback from other moms and dads who already have experience in buying certain cosmetic brands. Let's look at the most popular baby oils in Russia.

"Weleda Calendula Pflegeol"

"Weleda Calendula Pflegeol" is an oil from Switzerland. A 100% natural remedy consisting of an oil extract of calendula flowers and sesame oil. Due to its natural antibacterial properties, calendula can be an excellent option for the treatment of problem skin and for the care of infant healthy skin for preventive purposes. The disadvantage is the high cost. The tool is in a high price segment and is not available to everyone. The cost of one bottle of such a product starts at 1,300 rubles.

Mustela Bebe Massage Oil

Mustela Bebe Massage Oil is a product of French manufacturers. The product has a pleasant consistency and smell, while it is completely devoid of perfume additives and preservatives. It has no age restrictions, it can be used for a newborn, and for a one-year-old baby, and for a mother. The oil not only moisturizes and protects the skin, but is optimal for an overnight massage as it has a soothing effect. The composition is enriched with vitamins E and C. If the disadvantage of the previous oil is the high cost, then the cost of this product goes off scale - from 1800 rubles for a 200 gram bottle.

Little siberica

Little Siberica is an Estonian oil for babies. The composition is completely organic. A big plus is that the product does not create a greasy film on the skin, does not stain baby clothes. The base is linseed oil. It earned good reviews from parents whose babies have so-called "problem" skin. Cost - from 500 rubles per bottle.


Bubchen is a German manufacturer with an excellent combination of price and product quality. In addition, the oil from this brand has other advantages. The product provides very gentle and delicate care for baby skin. It contains calendula, shea butter and sunflower oil. Usually does not irritate baby skin. As disadvantages, parents call a slightly obtrusive smell of oil, as well as the inconvenience of using the bottle - with each opening, part of the oil remains under the outer cap, and over time the bottle becomes covered with an unpleasant sticky layer.


Hipp is another popular German brand of baby products. It has all the qualities that baby oil should have - it moisturizes and protects. Nothing extraordinary, but at the same time it costs significantly more than analogues. Additionally contains vitamin E.

According to parents, it can stain children's clothes. Stains are difficult to clean, despite the fact that manufacturers claim to be free of essential oils, parabens and paraffin.


Pigeon is a Japanese oil made simply and reliably, like everything that comes from the Land of the Rising Sun. Contains only a small set of herbal ingredients. Perfectly absorbed. But the fat content could be reduced, parents say. Well suited for massage sessions for babies, but not suitable for diaper rash. But the bottle is very convenient - a small one that fits comfortably in the palm of the mother, with a reliable locking device and a "sip". A bottle with a capacity of 80 ml will cost about 400 rubles.

Chicco Massage Oil

Chicco Massage oil is an Italian product for the care of baby skin. The composition is considered one of the most balanced and optimal for infants and newborns. Does not leave stains, does not have a strong smell. Especially useful for children with dry skin prone to flaking, as well as for children with allergies. Minus - not the lowest price among similar products - from 550 rubles per 200 ml.

Johnson's® Baby

Johnson's® Baby is a renowned American oil. The most budgetary, but, alas, the most controversial. Despite being labeled "hypoallergenic," manufacturers don't seem to bother testing this property too much. Most parents say that the child has a rash on the skin after using the product. Oil costs from 250 rubles and this makes it incredibly attractive. The smell is quite pungent, there are obviously perfume fragrances in the composition, although the manufacturers tactfully keep silent about this.

Zepter Swiss Nature Baby

Zepter Swiss Nature baby - Swiss quality and, alas, Swiss price. A bottle of baby oil in the price plan is not available to most young parents - the cost starts from 2300 rubles. The quality is on top. The smell is neutral, perfectly absorbed by baby skin, does not leave greasy marks on linen and diapers. It can be used both as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent with equal success.

"Eared nanny"

"Eared nanny" is a Russian version, not bad, but quite peculiar. Its advantages are in the price. The remedy is more than available to all parents. Meets all requirements, can be used for diaper rash. There are options with a string and aloe. According to the reviews of moms and dads, the oil is not very suitable for massage, it is non-greasy, and therefore the massage therapist's hands do not slide easily on children's skin.

Whatever brand you choose for your baby, you need to remember that the expiration date has not been canceled. It is imperative to check the date of manufacture, evaluate the transparency of the product by eye, the possible presence of sediment in it.

Can I cook it myself?

You can make baby oil that meets the necessary requirements at home. The task is not overwhelming. You need to take extra virgin olive oil. You should not save on its cost - it will be the basis of your cosmetic product.

Pour half a glass of oil and set in a dark place. If a sediment forms in it, it is possible to make a child's product out of it; if, instead of a uniform sediment of formation, strange flakes and suspensions can not be used.

You need to sterilize the oil in a water bath. The product is poured into a small container and placed in a saucepan or ladle with warm water. As a result, the water level should be higher than the oil level in its container, but when boiling, the water should not get into the oil container. After the water boils, keep the container with olive oil in it for no more than 6 minutes. Then the product is cooled and poured into previously prepared vials, which must also be previously sterilized. Store the product closed in a dark place.

Feedback on use

As mentioned, baby oil can be used in a variety of ways. Separately, I would like to dwell on those that parents describe in their reviews. Some moms use it as an intimate one - no need to do this, especially if the couple uses a latex-lubricated condom. Certain essential substances can adversely affect the integrity of the contraceptive and cause parents to experience an unplanned pregnancy.

If parents are making repairs, then the baby oil that remains after the baby grows up will come in handy in order to wipe off latex paint from your hands.

Baby oil is quite suitable as a massage oil for mom and dad, for removing makeup, for taking a bath (just add a few drops to the water, and the skin will be softer and more tender). Some dads, according to reviews, use baby oil instead of shaving cream, and adults can lubricate the skin of the face and hands with a product in cold weather to keep it warm. Baby oil for babies softens the heels and is also quite effective against stretch marks during the next pregnancy. They can quickly and efficiently polish furniture in the house. Considering all the benefits of a baby product, you can not skimp and buy a large bottle right away. The leftovers will never be lost.

In the next video, Dr. Komarovsky will educate parents about what kind of oil to use when massaging an infant.

Watch the video: How to clean ARTIST OIL BRUSHES using BABY OIL Part 1 - No Toxins - Paint With Maz (June 2024).