
Vibrocil's analogs for children

With a cold in children, medications with a vasoconstrictor and antiallergic effect are often used, one of which is Vibrocil. Such a medicine in drops is allowed for babies over a year old and is often found in the appointments of ENT doctors and pediatricians.

However, sometimes it is not possible to use this drug, so mothers are interested in no less effective means that can replace it. Due to the high price of Vibrocil, many parents are looking for cheaper medicines. What drugs are considered adequate analogues for such a remedy?

Composition and action

Vibrocil contains two active compounds at once, thanks to which the medicine quickly helps to get rid of rhinitis. One of them is phenylephrine - a substance that can activate adrenergic receptors in the vessels, due to which vasoconstriction occurs and the swelling of the nasal mucosa decreases. The second component is dimethindene, which has the property of influencing histamine receptors, so it has an anti-allergic effect.

When is it prescribed?

The use of Vibrocil is especially in demand for different types of rhinitis, including chronic and allergic. You can not prescribe this medication only with an atrophic form, as well as with an osen.

ENT doctors often use Vibrocil for sinusitis and otitis media, and they also recommend treating the nose with this medicine before and after surgery in the nasal area. If a child has an increased sensitivity to any ingredient of the drug or a closed-angle glaucoma is detected, it is prohibited to use any form of Vibrocil.

Compositional analogs

A completely identical drug, which has the same composition as that of Vibrocil, is not produced either in Russia or abroad.

At the same time, in the treatment of rhinitis, drugs containing only phenylephrine can be used, for example, Nazol Baby drops. They are allowed to children from birth.

You can also replace Vibrocil with other combined drugs, one of the components of which is phenylephrine:

  • Adrianol baby drops. The second active ingredient in them is trimazoline. Such an inexpensive drug is prescribed from 3 years old with sinusitis or runny nose. The medicine is also available in a higher dosage, but such drops can only be instilled in children over 7 years old.
  • Rinopront syrup. In its composition, carbinoxamine is added to phenylephrine. The medicine is given for nasopharyngitis or acute sinusitis in children who are 1 year old or older. The medication is also produced in the form of capsules, but due to the high dosage, they are not prescribed until the age of 12.

Action analogs

Instead of Vibrocil, you can use other medicines with a vasoconstrictor effect.

Most in demand:

  • Nazivin. The main component of this drug is oxymetazoline. The drug is represented by drops with different contents of the active substance, as well as a spray. Drops with a concentration of 0.01% can be used in children even in infancy, and 0.025% drops can be used in babies older than a year. A child 6 years old and older can drip 0.05% drops or treat the nose with Nazivin spray.
  • Otrivin. This medication contains xylometazoline and comes in a spray. It is prescribed in a concentration of 0.05% for rhinitis in children over 2 years old, and a 0.01% spray is allowed from the age of twelve.
  • Sanorin. Such drops based on naphazoline are used in children from the age of two. The medicine is also produced in a spray, but it can be injected into the nasal passages of children only from 15 years old.
  • Snoop. This spray, containing xylometazoline, is available in two different concentrations. A drug with 0.05% active substance content is allowed from 2 years of age, and a drug with a concentration of 0.01% is prescribed for a six-year-old child and older children.
  • Knoxprey. The basis of this medication is oxymetazoline. This spray can be used on children from the age of six.
  • Xilen. This medicine contains xylometazoline and is prescribed to children over 2 years of age (drops or spray 0.05%) or over the age of 6 years (spray or drops 0.1%).

It is important to note that any vasoconstrictor drugs for the treatment of a child must be selected together with a doctor and applied in a short course, so as not to cause addiction and drug-induced rhinitis. You should not replace the Vibrocil prescribed by your doctor with any other medication on your own.

The popular children's doctor Komarovsky will tell you all about vasoconstrictor drops for children in the next video.

Watch the video: Life u0026 Death: On Call With The Trauma Service. CNA Insider (July 2024).