
Maxicold for children

For colds, flu and acute respiratory viral infections, drugs with several components are often prescribed, which immediately affect many of the symptoms of such diseases. One of them is Maxicold.

Various forms of this medicine are in demand in adults with fever, runny nose, and other unpleasant symptoms. But is it possible to give them to children, what active ingredients do they include, in what dose are they used and how do they affect the child's body?

Release form and composition

The following drugs are presented in the Maxikold line:

  • Suspension Maxikold for children. Such a preparation is a gray or gray-yellow viscous liquid with a strawberry or orange flavor. It is available in bottles of 100, 150 or 200 g. The active ingredient in this form of the drug is ibuprofen. Its dosage in 5 ml of syrup is 100 mg. Additionally, the medication includes maltitol, sodium citrate, xanthan camel, glycerol and other compounds.

  • Maxicold tablets. They are characterized by an oval shape and a filmy orange-pink shell. One pack contains from 2 to 24 tablets. Their composition includes three active components at once - paracetamol (500 mg in each tablet), phenylephrine in the form of hydrochloride (10 mg per tablet) and ascorbic acid (at a dose of 30 mg in one tablet). Among the auxiliary compounds of this drug are hyprolose, calcium hydrogen phosphate, talc and other substances.

  • Powder Maxicold. It is packaged in sachets, of which one box contains 5, 10 or 50 pieces. When mixed with water, this powder forms an orange, raspberry or lemon drink. The active ingredients of this form of Maxicold are identical to those in tablets. One 5 g sachet is a source of 750 mg of paracetamol and 60 mg of vitamin C, as well as 10 mg of phenylephrine. In addition to such substances, the powder contains sodium saccharin, lactose, starch and other components.
  • Spray Maxicold Lor. This medicine is produced in aluminum spray cans. Inside the balloon is a 0.2% solution of hexetidine, which is a colorless liquid with a menthol aroma. 100 ml of this solution contains 200 mg of the active ingredient. It is supplemented with eucalyptol, peppermint oil, ethanol, glycerin, levomenthol and several other substances.
  • Powder Maxicold Reno. Like the usual Maxicold in the form of a powder, such a drug is sold in portioned sachets, but packaged in 15 g. Each box contains 5-10 sachets, and after mixing with water, their contents produce a drink with lemon, raspberry or orange flavor. The active components of such a powder are also represented by phenylephrine (10 mg per bag), vitamin C (50 mg in 1 sachet) and paracetamol (325 mg per 1 sachet), but the fourth ingredient is added to them - pheniramine maleate at a dose of 20 mg ... Additionally, the medicine contains citric acid, calcium phosphate, sugar, ethyl cellulose and other compounds.

Operating principle

Ibuprofen, received by the child from the Maxicold suspension for children, inhibits the synthesis of substances that support the inflammatory reaction, cause hyperthermia and conduct pain impulses (prostaglandins).

The result of using such a medicine will be a decrease in temperature with fever, an analgesic effect and a decrease in the activity of inflammation.

The medicinal effects of Maxicold tablets or powder are provided by the ingredients of such forms. Thanks to phenylephrine, which acts on alpha-1 adrenergic receptors, the drug narrows the small vessels, as a result of which the hyperemia and swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa decreases, and it becomes easier to breathe through the nose.

Paracetamol in the composition of the drug fights fever and pain, and vitamin C increases resistance to infections and replenishes the body's needs for ascorbic acid.

Pheniramine in Rino blocks histamine receptors, which helps to reduce the manifestations of a cold and eliminate swelling in the nasal passages and sinuses.

Hexetidine in Maxicold Lor has antiseptic properties. Such a substance not only affects fungi and bacteria, but also envelops the mucous membrane, and also a little pain relief. It also has an effect on influenza viruses, RS viruses and herpes viruses.


Maxikold for children is prescribed:

  • As an antipyretic drugwhen the child has a fever due to flu, scarlet fever, vaccinations and other factors.
  • As a remedy for pain relief, which has moderate or low intensity (in the throat, in the ears, with bruises, in the teeth, etc.).

Maxicold in tablets and powder form (including Rino sachets) is prescribed as a symptomatic remedy for nasal congestion, sneezing, headaches, fever and other symptoms of acute respiratory infections.

Maxicold Lor is in demand:

  • With thrush in the oral cavity.
  • With tonsillitis.
  • With stomatitis (including aphthous).
  • With glossitis.
  • With pharyngitis.
  • With periodontal disease.
  • With gingivitis.
  • After surgery for the throat or mouth.
  • After injuries to the mouth or larynx.
  • To eliminate bad breath

At what age is it allowed?

In babies of the first years of life, only Maxicold can be used for children. This suspension is prescribed from 3 months of age. The spray can be used to treat children over 3 years old.

Tableted Maxikold is allowed from the age of 9, and powder forms (including the Rino drug) are prescribed to children 12 years of age and older due to increased dosages of active ingredients.


All forms of Maxicold should not be given in case of hypersensitivity to any ingredient of the prescribed medication, as well as in severe renal pathologies and serious liver diseases.

Baby suspension is not used for fructose intolerance, inflammatory or ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, heart failure, as well as for problems with blood coagulation. The medicine in this form is prescribed with caution for edema, bronchial asthma, autoimmune diseases, diabetes mellitus and many other diseases.

Maxicold tablets and powder in sachets should not be given for hyperthyroidism, heart disease, high blood pressure and angle-closure glaucoma. Spray Maksikold Lor is contraindicated in atrophic form of pharyngitis.

Side effects

While taking Maxicold inside, sometimes there are side effects such as abdominal discomfort, tachycardia, loose stools, a decrease in the number of blood cells, nausea, shortness of breath, kidney problems, skin rash and others. If they occur, you should immediately show the child to a doctor.

Treatment with Lor occasionally provokes a burning sensation or an allergic reaction.

If the medication is accidentally swallowed, it can cause nausea, and too long treatment leads to a violation of the sense of taste.

Instructions for use and dosage

  • The vial with the suspension for children must be shaken before use. Dose such Maxicold using a syringe or spoon attached to the bottle. At a time, the child is given from 5 to 10 mg of the active ingredient per 1 kg of his weight. Approximate dosages for children of different ages are noted in the annotation. The duration of treatment with a suspension at a high temperature should be no more than three days, and with pain - no longer than 5 days.

  • The tablet form is given either before meals, or one to two hours after meals. This medicine should be taken with plenty of water. A single dosage is usually 1 tablet. A child over 12 years old or weighing more than 40 kg can be given 2 tablets per dose. The interval of use of this form of Maxikold is at least 4 hours, and the frequency of use is no more than 4 times a day.
  • Powder Maxicold is mixed with hot water before taking. Crystals from one package are poured into a mug, mixed and, after waiting for dissolution, they drink the drink hot. The maximum dosage of such a medicine in childhood is 3 sachets per day. The medication is taken at intervals of 6 hours. To eliminate pain, both powder and tablets are taken only 1-5 days, and with fever - 1-3 days.
  • For a child over 6 years old, the affected areas of the pharynx or oral cavity are treated after meals with ENT spray twice a day for 5-7 days. The small patient must hold his breath while spraying. The dosage, frequency of treatment and duration of treatment for children 3-6 years old is prescribed by the doctor.
  • One packet of Maxicold Reno is dissolved in a glass of hot water and drunk hot... If required, add sugar to the drink. This remedy is most often recommended to drink before bed, but it can be taken during the day. Re-taking a sachet is allowed no earlier than 4 hours after the previous one, and in total 3 sachets can be taken per day. Treatment with such a drug for more than three days is not recommended.


An unnecessarily large dose of infant suspension provokes nausea, tinnitus, pain in the abdomen, headache, and other symptoms.

An overdose of Maxicold tablets / powder and Rino is dangerous for the liver and kidneys, and therefore requires immediate medical attention, even if the child's well-being is not disturbed.

In case of an overdose of the ENT spray, vomiting often occurs, so the medicine is not absorbed and does not have a toxic effect.

Interaction with other drugs

Maxicold for children is not advised to be combined with antacids, acetylsalicylic acid, methotrexate, corticosteroids and many other medicines. A complete list of them is present in the instructions for the suspension.

Maxicold in powder and tablets is not prescribed with barbiturates, sedatives, paracetamol preparations, beta-blockers, diuretics and other means, which are also noted in the annotation.

Terms of sale

Any of the drugs in the Maxicold line is freely sold in pharmacies, since all of these products are over-the-counter.

The price depends on the form of the medicine, for example, for a bottle of suspension for children you need to pay an average of 150-160 rubles, a spray costs about 200 rubles, and the average price of a package with 10 Reno sachets is 180 rubles.

Storage conditions and shelf life

It is recommended to keep any Maxicold at home at temperatures below 25 degrees Celsius in a dry place where sunlight does not get and small children cannot reach.

The shelf life of the tablet medicine is 1 year, and of all other forms of the drug - 2 years.


There are different reviews about the use of Maxikold in children. Suspension for children is mainly praised and noted for its high efficiency at elevated body temperature.

Many mothers consider the powder and tablet form a good symptomatic treatment for ARVI, but there are also reviews in which they complain about the lack of effect.

Parents call Maxicold Lor an effective remedy for sore throat and lesions of the oral mucosa. Such a medicine is praised for its pleasant taste, quick effect and affordable cost.


Other ibuprofen medications (for example, Nurofen or Ibufen) or paracetamol-based medications can replace Maxicold for children. Instead of ENT spray, you can use other antiseptics containing hexetidine, for example, Stomatidin or Hexoral.

Coldrex, Coldrex, Stopgripan, Rinzasip or another drug with the same effect and a similar composition can serve as a substitute for Maxikold multicomponent powders and tablets.

Video about painkillers and antipyretic drugs for children.

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