
"Divigel" when planning pregnancy: instructions for use

For some women, attempts to conceive a baby are unsuccessful due to problems with the hormones that are responsible for fertilization. Such patients are prescribed special medications that help fill the missing hormonal compounds, as a result of which all processes in the female reproductive system are getting better... One of them is Divigel.

Features of the drug

The only dosage form of "Divigel", as can be understood from its name, is gel. It is intended for external use and is a colorless homogeneous mass packed in portioned sachets. Each such sachet contains 0.5 g or 1 g of gel, which corresponds to one dose of the drug.

The main ingredient of the drug is estradiol. This hormonal substance in the form of a hemihydrate is contained in one sachet in an amount of 0.5 or 1 mg. Purified water, trolamine, ethanol, propylene glycol and carbomers act as inactive compounds of the drug.

Divigel is sold in cardboard boxes of 28 sachets. Their cost is 600-750 rubles. There are also larger packages containing 91 sachets. The drug is a prescription drug, so before buying it from a pharmacy, you need to take a prescription from your doctor.

The shelf life of the gel is 3 years. If the date marked on the package has passed, the use of such a hormone is prohibited. It is recommended to store the medicine in a place hidden from moisture at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius.

During storage, the drug should be inaccessible to children.

How does it work?

The main ingredient of "Divigel" in terms of its structure and properties fully corresponds to estradiol, which normally should be formed in the female body in the ovaries. This hormonal compound activates specific receptors located in the uterus, mammary glands, vagina, brain and some other organs. It is this that is most important for the correct development of the female genital organs and the emergence of secondary sexual characteristics. In addition, it affects the following factors:

  • the growth of long bones and the condition of their cells, due to which the strength of the bone tissue is maintained;
  • the level of triglycerides and cholesterol (lowers it, preventing atherosclerosis);
  • synthesis of some proteins responsible for the transport of sex hormones, iron, thyroxine and corticosteroids;
  • blood clotting (causes an effect called procoagulant).

Under the action of estradiol, a woman regularly builds up and rejects the endometrium, and follicles grow in the ovaries and ovulation occurs in a timely manner. If the menstrual cycle is disturbed, then such a hormone helps to normalize it. For this reason Divigel is often prescribed for women who have cycle problems caused by a lack of estrogen. In addition, the drug is in demand during menopause.

Use when planning pregnancy

If a woman wants to get pregnant, then "Divigel" can be prescribed in the following cases when conception is problematic:

  • if natural estrogen is produced in the patient's body in insufficient quantities, which is confirmed by analyzes;
  • if a woman has underdeveloped genitals;
  • if polycystic ovary is diagnosed;
  • if the early menopause has begun.

In addition, Divigel is usually prescribed for women who are undergoing the IVF procedure, to provide the required thickness of the endometrium for the implantation of fertilized eggs. If the lining of the uterus is too thin, the embryo will not be able to gain a foothold in the uterus, leading to a miscarriage. If a woman participated in the IVF protocol, and after the procedure her estrogen level dropped, the doctor will prescribe "Divigel" so that the hormonal background will return to normal as soon as possible.


There are many restrictions for treatment with Divigel. First of all, the drug is prohibited for patients with hypersensitivity to any of the components of the gel. The drug is also not prescribed for:

  • a malignant tumor of the breast, if it has been identified, suspected or treated in the past;
  • cancerous tumors of the genital organs, which are classified as estrogen-dependent;
  • bleeding from the vagina, if its cause has not yet been clarified;
  • hyperplasia of the uterine mucosa;
  • a tendency to form blood clots in arteries or veins;
  • congenital increase in bilirubin;
  • tumor process in the liver;
  • cholestatic jaundice;
  • porphyria;
  • acute liver diseases.

Additionally, the manufacturer notes a fairly large number of pathologies when the use of "Divigel" requires caution... These include uterine fibroids, increased blood pressure, bronchial asthma, systemic lupus erythematosus, endometriosis, angiopathy, gallstones, chloasma, renal failure, and many other problems. If a woman has any serious diseases, the question of using the hormone is decided individually.

Contraindications for the use of "Divigel" include pregnancy. If, against the background of treatment with such a remedy, conception occurred and the test is positive, the drug should be immediately canceled.

Side effect

During treatment "Divigel" may appear "smearing" discharge, as well as bleeding from the vagina. In some women, the drug provokes an increase and soreness of the mammary glands. These side effects are usually short-lived and soon pass on their own.

In some patients, the use of the gel leads to an allergic reaction, weight gain, edema, drowsiness, depressive disorders, headaches, hot flashes, visual impairment, nausea and other negative symptoms.

Their occurrence requires additional medical advice.

Instructions for use

The medicine is applied once a day to the skin, which should be clean and dry. The treatment site is changed every day, lubricating the lower back, shoulder, abdomen, forearm, buttock or other area with the exception of the genitals, face and mammary glands. In addition, Divigel should not be used on irritated or damaged skin.

The dose prescribed by the doctor is smeared on an area that corresponds to one or two palms. After processing the selected area, you need to wait 2-3 minutes for the gel to dry a little. It is impossible to wash off the medicine within an hour after application. After treatment with the gel, hands should be thoroughly washed immediately.

The regimen and the duration of treatment are determined individually. "Divigel" can be used in cycles or for a long time. Most often, the medication is started with a dose of 1 g per day, but the initial dose may vary depending on the symptoms. After completing 2-3 cycles, the doctor will assess the clinical picture and change the daily dosage. It can be 0.5-1.5 mg of estradiol per day.

"Divigel" is often prescribed not alone, but in combination with drugs from the group of gestagens - progesterone drugs and their analogues ("Duphaston", "Utrozhestan"). They are prescribed in courses lasting 12-14 days, which helps to establish a normal menstrual cycle. If a woman becomes pregnant, gestagens are not canceled, but continue to be used to maintain pregnancy.

Cancellation of such medications is allowed no earlier than 12 weeks... In this case, the cancellation should not be abrupt, so the dose should be reduced gradually.

Some women are given estrogen simultaneously with "Klostilbegit", which is used to stimulate ovulation. If the patient is already taking any medications, they compatibility with Divigel is assessed before starting therapy... The use of the gel is capable of weakening the effects of antihypertensive drugs, anticoagulants, diuretics and some other groups of drugs.

If a woman accidentally missed the time of using the Divigel, the drug must be applied to the skin as soon as it is remembered... If the previous dose was applied later than 12 hours ago, then the treatment is skipped and the medication is applied according to the schedule (once a day).

You should try to use the gel regularly, as skipping doses can provoke "daub" or bleeding.


In most cases, women speak of Divigel as an effective remedy that helps to influence the hormonal background in the female body and increase the thickness of the endometrium. The lack of action occurs mainly with erroneous diagnoses or violations of the instructions for use. Doctors also classify "Divigel" as an effective drug, but they focus the attention of patients on the fact that it has many restrictions on its use, so self-medication is unacceptable.

The advantages of the drug include its method of administration (no need to swallow pills or injections) and convenient portioned packaging. Among the disadvantages of "Divigel" are usually mentioned its high cost and sticky consistency. Many women also refer to the disadvantages of medication as frequent adverse reactions, such as weight gain, dizziness, nausea, or chest discomfort.


If it becomes necessary to replace "Divigel" with a similar medicine, the doctor will select another medicine, which also includes estrogens.

  • The remedy "Klimara"... This is a special patch that is applied to the skin once a week, after which estradiol hemihydrate is slowly released from it.

  • The drug "Estrogel"... It is presented as a colorless gel containing estradiol at a dose of 0.6 mg per gram. The medicine is available in aluminum tubes with a dosing applicator or in plastic bottles that have a dosing pump.

  • The drug "Estrofem"... This remedy is represented by blue tablets, which are sold in plastic calendar disks. Each tablet contains 2 mg of estradiol.

  • The medicine "Proginova"... The action of such pills is provided by estradiol valerate at a dosage of 2 mg. The drug is drunk daily, one dragee in a cycle of 21 days, and then pause for 1 week.

All of these medications are effective hormonal agents that cannot be used on their own. Therefore, if a patient has side effects from Divigel or she cannot use this medication for another reason, only a doctor should select an analogue.

For information on how to apply the Divigel preparation correctly, see the next video.

Watch the video: PAS 2 - Part 5 (July 2024).