
Can i eat citrus fruits during pregnancy?

Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C and also have a bright refreshing taste and a pronounced aroma that most people love. But not everyone knows for sure whether it is possible to eat these fruits for pregnant women. There are many rumors and myths around citrus fruits, not all of which are true.

Is it possible or not?

Almost all citrus fruits are considered healthy. Warm sweet tangerines, sour lemons, rich grapefruit, and oranges are a rich source of ascorbic acid and a mass of mineral salts necessary for the normal functioning of a woman's body and the development and growth of a baby. And in general, a complete ban on citrus fruits during pregnancy is a relic of the past. It was previously believed that eating foods of a high allergic status, which include citrus fruits, by a woman is undesirable while waiting for a baby, since food allergens in the diet increase the likelihood of developing allergies in a newborn after birth.

In recent years, the World Health Organization has revised its attitude towards the nutrition of pregnant women. Based on the research of scientists, new recommendations were drawn up, it is now believed that moderate consumption of allergenic foods, on the contrary, contributes to the formation of the normal allergic status of the child. In other words, by eating citrus fruits, a woman increases the likelihood that the child will not become allergic... But it is important to understand that only a small amount of these fruits will be safe and beneficial. Plus, not all citrus fruits are equally beneficial for pregnant women.

When choosing citrus fruits, the expectant mother should remember that The potential allergic hazard depends on the specific content of essential oils in a particular fruit. We will not burden you with unnecessary information about the chemical composition of individual citrus fruits, just say that tangerines are considered the most unsafe for women during pregnancy.

After small sweet fruits, you can put oranges and grapefruits... The safest among other fellow citrus fruits is considered lemon. therefore women are advised to prudently limit sweet oranges and tangerines during the first trimester of pregnancy.

But lemon and grapefruit, if the woman herself is not allergic to them, can be eaten in small portions throughout pregnancy.

What are the benefits of pregnancy?

Exotic fruits ripen mainly during the period when it is winter and vitamin deficiency in Russia. And if the pregnancy occurred precisely in the cold season, then where else, if not in citrus fruits, to get vitamins that are necessary for both the expectant mother and the baby. Ascorbic acid, which all citrus fruits are rich in, is useful for strengthening the immune system. The natural defense mechanisms of the body of the expectant mother from the first weeks of pregnancy are suppressed by progesterone, since this is important for the preservation of the fetus. But the woman herself becomes more vulnerable to viruses and bacteria, especially in the cold season. Eating sunny citrus fruits in moderation will help keep your natural defenses at bay.

Citrus fruits are not only a source of vitamin C, but also folic acid, which is important for the formation of the central nervous system of the fetus. It has been proven that the deficiency of this vitamin plays a significant role in the formation of malformations of the neural tube of the embryo. Oranges, tangerines and other citrus fruits contain vitamins A, E, K, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium salts. And such a set helps to reduce the risks of anemia, hypocalcemia. Vitamin K is involved in hematopoiesis, magnesium is important for maintaining the normal functioning of a woman's nervous system, due to which she feels a surge of good mood after eating citrus fruits.

These fruits are rich in fiber. It is almost indigestible and passes through the digestive tract unchanged, which contributes to mild mechanical irritation of the intestinal walls. Reasonable use of such products will be an excellent prevention of constipation. The iron in citrus fruits is easily digestible, so the use of such products is recommended for women who are at risk of developing anemia.

Essential oils, which give citrus fruits a characteristic odor, will help to survive toxicosis more easily in the early stages.because both the taste of these foods and the simple smell help to overcome the attacks of nausea. The abundance of organic acids improves appetite.

Just a few slices of orange or grapefruit will help relieve morning sickness, a woman can calmly have breakfast and feel good.

Potential harm and contraindications

Citrus fruits can be harmful if a woman has an individual burdened allergic history. This applies to all types of allergies. If the expectant mother does not belong to the category of allergy sufferers, then the recommended amount should not be violated. It should be understood that even a healthy lady who has not previously suffered from allergies may develop an inadequate immune response to the product if she eats it in kilograms. therefore it is worth adhering to the rule that recommends the expectant mother to eat no more than 1-2 fruits per day.

Other dangers of citrus fruits lie in their chemical composition and properties. Remember that these fruits are rich in organic acids, so expectant mothers who suffer from gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice, exacerbation of any pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreatitis should not be eaten. The use of sweet citrus fruits is not recommended for women with diabetes mellitus or its gestational form.

But sour citrus fruits, such as grapefruit and lemon, can be eaten by pregnant women with diabetes. taking into account the personal recommendations of the attending physician regarding the amount of the product. These recommendations depend directly on blood sugar levels and the effectiveness of corrective therapy.

Caution is required by the very fact that the product belongs to highly allergenic. Eating citrus fruits before pregnancy did not cause a negative reaction, this does not mean at all that after conception took place, everything will be the same. Therefore, eat fruits in the absence of other contraindications in small quantities and carefully monitor your condition and well-being - if it gets worse, citrus fruits will have to be abandoned during pregnancy.

How to use?

If a pregnant woman really wants citrus fruits, but there are concerns and doubts, you should consult with your doctor and ask him if these products are acceptable in your diet. If the doctor does not have significant motivated objections, then remember the precautions.

  • Start introducing citrus fruits into your diet from small portionsto watch for allergic reactions. If all is well, gradually increase the amount of fruit you eat to 1–2 pieces. per day.
  • The abundance of organic acids in any citrus fruit can cause tangible harm to the tooth enamel of a pregnant woman. Therefore, after a woman has eaten tangerine or grapefruit, rinse the mouth with clean water with the addition of a small amount of soda or table mineral water.

This will help reduce the acidity level in your mouth.

How to choose?

Choose the right fruit for a pregnant woman's table. remember, that oranges do not grow in Russia, and grapefruit is exotic for our climate. Therefore, you will have to buy imported fruits. When producers need to transport fruit over long distances, as well as the possibility of long-term storage, the product is treated with chemicals that will help it retain its visual appeal and freshness longer. Such fruits can be dangerous for a woman preparing to become a mother, as well as for her child.

Choose fruits that are brought from the USA, Mediterranean fruits and cool fruits grown in regions close to Russia, for example, in Abkhazia. These fruits are harvested fully ripe, while producers from more distant parts of the world, for example, Peru, harvest unripe fruits so that they can reach the end consumer on the other side of the world intact.

The color of the peel says little, but the size in this case matters. Choose small but heavy fruits for pregnant women. If the fruit doesn't smell, it definitely was harvested before it was ripe. Only ripe fruits give a delicate aroma. It is important to find out when the citrus fruits were harvested. The most useful are collected between November and January, and this information is available in the accompanying documents for the fruit shipment. A legal seller has such documents.

Helpful hints

It is worth paying attention to several recommendations from specialists.

  • Citrus fruits can be eaten both separately and as an additive to salads, to meat and fish. Some women love orange juice. In this case, it is better to do it yourself, at home, from fresh and ripe fruits. Store-bought juices are packed with preservatives and rich in sugar.
  • Remember that heat treatment almost completely destroys most of the vitamins in citrus fruits, so it is better to put a slice of lemon in tea when the tea has cooled down a little, and the tangerines in the compote are almost useless.
  • Citrus fruits go well with other fruits, so don't limit yourself to your imagination. If there are no contraindications, you can safely make fruit salads, indulge yourself by adding orange or tangerine to fruit mousses and fresh juices.
  • Citrus essential oils can be applied to your hand or handkerchief. Inhaling them will come in handy during an attack of nausea, wherever such an attack finds you. You can add a few drops of citrus oils or a decoction of the crusts to the bath, which will help relieve tension, stress, tone the body and give strength.
  • If a pregnant woman, in spite of all preventive measures, catches a cold and falls ill, citrus fruits will contribute to her speedy recovery.

They can be added to tea and eaten fresh in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimester.

For information on what is useful to eat during pregnancy, see the next video.

Watch the video: Benefits of Dry Fruits During Pregnancy. How much Dry Fruits to Eat During Pregnancy. Shared List (July 2024).