
Foods for pregnant women high in iron

The nutrition of the expectant mother while carrying the baby should be balanced. It should contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals necessary for a healthy pregnancy.

The role of iron in the body

Iron is one of the most important biological substances. It is necessary for both the expectant mother and her baby. During pregnancy, the daily requirement for iron increases. This is due to the fact that the female body at this time begins to "work" for two.

Approximately 80% of the ferrum is contained in hemoglobin. This form is called active. It is thanks to her that iron actively participates in the processes of hematopoiesis, as well as in the transfer of oxygen.

The body also contains an iron reserve. It is found in the liver and macrophages. This form is called inactive. The body uses this strategic reserve in the event of injury or blood loss. The role of this "reserve fund" is assigned about 20%.

How much iron do expectant mothers need?

Experts have established norms for the consumption of the ferrum. The average woman should get about 18 grams of this substance daily. Already from the second trimester of pregnancy, the need for iron begins to increase. This is due to the intensive growth of the baby in the mother's belly. Also, an active blood supply to the uterus leads to an increase in the need for this substance. Adequate oxygen and nutrients are required to keep your baby healthy.

In different periods of pregnancy, the body needs a different intake of ferrum. The need for iron at various times is shown in the table.

Iron products

Often in obstetric practice, there are pathologies associated with iron deficiency. They are usually found in expectant mothers carrying several babies at the same time. Also, iron deficiency in the blood develops in women with iron deficiency anemia.

A special therapeutic diet helps to increase the level of ferrum in the blood. Doctors include iron-rich foods in it. The expectant mother should consume them in sufficient quantities. The list of such products includes a large number of items.

Products containing iron should be included in a full-fledged diet of a pregnant woman, not only for therapeutic, but also for preventive purposes. Regular use of them will reduce the possible likelihood of developing iron deficiency conditions.

This useful substance is contained in large quantities in buckwheat, lentils, beets, walnuts. Many women have a great prescription iron supplement recipe for pregnancy. They mix pre-chopped walnuts with a little lemon or orange juice and add honey. This delicacy is an excellent alternative to industrially made sweets and chocolate.

If the expectant mother is allergic to bee products, then honey should be excluded from this recipe.

Another sweets option available for pregnant women looking to compensate for their iron deficiency is homemade candy... It's pretty simple to prepare them. For this, dried fruits and walnuts chopped with a meat grinder or blender are mixed in equal proportions. Such candies can be "rolled" in coconut flakes.

For making homemade sweets, nutritious dried fruits are suitable: dates, prunes, dried apricots. If the expectant mother suffers from diabetes mellitus or persistent hyperglycemia (increased blood sugar levels), then she should consult with her attending endocrinologist about the possibility of using these sweets.

Ferrum is also found in other nuts - in almonds and hazelnuts. Regular inclusion of such delicious foods in the diet will be an excellent prevention of the development of iron deficiency conditions during pregnancy. However, you should not overuse nuts. They are quite nutritious and high in calories.

Foods high in iron also include seaweed. In addition to ferrum, this healthy product also contains other vitamins and minerals that women need during pregnancy. The seaweed is quite well digested and does not make the stomach feel heavy.

A lot of iron is also found in animal products. It is present in large quantities in the liver and other offal, in red meats. Ferrum is found in veal, beef, lamb, turkey, pork and other products.

In order for the diet of the expectant mother to be complete, she should include a variety of foods containing iron in her menu. For example, you can include a minced turkey cutlet and buckwheat garnish in one meal. The next day, you can cook beef stroganoff with a vegetable side dish.

It is important to remember that you should not eat your liver frequently during pregnancy. In addition to ferrum, it contains a fairly large amount of vitamin A. Its excessive intake into the developing child's body can lead to various disorders in the process of its intrauterine development. Also, the liver is a kind of buffer or filter in the animal's body, so toxic substances can accumulate in it.

Iron is also found in fish, as well as in some other marine products. Including them in the diet helps not only to qualitatively diversify the menu of the expectant mother, but also to provide her body with the necessary vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids.

There is a lot of iron in various fruits. They are rich in apples, persimmons, pomegranates, apricots... However, with severe iron deficiency, eating fruit alone will not be enough. In order to fill the needs of the ferrum, the expectant mother needs to eat a lot of such fruits. In real life, this is almost impossible to do.

Ferrum is also found in vegetables that have a dark green color. Such products are an excellent addition to the daily diet of the expectant mother. It is recommended to eat broccoli, fennel, leafy greens.

Features of the diet

Women who are iron deficient during pregnancy it is important that this substance not only enters their body daily, but is also fully absorbed... This condition is necessary for the normalization of all biologically active processes in the body.

Products containing vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in their chemical composition help the absorption of iron. As a rule, this biologically active substance is found in large quantities in fruits, berries and some vegetables. Kiwis, citrus fruits and fruits harvested in season are high in vitamin C.

In addition to foods that affect the absorption of iron into the blood, there are those that make it difficult. These include, for example, coffee and milk. Regular consumption of cappuccino or latte can lead to problems with iron absorption.

It is better for expectant mothers suffering from iron deficiency anemia to exclude such drinks from their menu and replace them with more useful ones.

An excellent alternative would be berry fruit drinks or compotes made from dried fruits. They will help enrich the female body with all useful vitamins and minerals, and will also not interfere with the absorption of iron.

Many expectant mothers are wondering if they can normalize their blood iron levels simply by following a diet. It all depends on the specific situation, on the presence and degree of functional disorders. The pronounced iron deficiency, unfortunately, cannot be normalized with the help of one diet.

In this case, the doctor will prescribe special iron-containing preparations for the expectant mother. During such therapy, the doctor necessarily assesses the general condition of the female body, and also controls how well the missing element is compensated. The combination of diet and medication in most cases gives good therapeutic results.

For information on how to eat right during pregnancy, see the next video.

Watch the video: 1st Month of Healthy Pregnancy Diet - Which Foods To Eat And Avoid? (July 2024).