
Dark discharge during pregnancy

The appearance of a specific dark-colored discharge from the genital tract during pregnancy can alert every woman. The appearance of dark vaginal discharge can be a manifestation of the development of dangerous pathologies or be a variant of the norm. This article will tell you more about the appearance of dark discharge from the genital tract during pregnancy.

Causes of occurrence

In the normal course of pregnancy, vaginal discharge is fairly light in color. They can also be transparent. Much less often, vaginal discharge changes its color to a darker one. This usually happens at the very beginning of pregnancy.

Conventionally, all the causes of dark discharge can be divided into two large categories:

  • physiological;
  • pathological.

Physiological discharge occurs mainly in the first half of pregnancy. They are accompanied by less discoloration of the vaginal secretions. Their occurrence, as a rule, does not lead to a significant deterioration in the well-being of a pregnant woman.

Pathological discharge can develop both in the first and in the second half of pregnancy. Such discharge, as a rule, is characterized by the presence of a dark color, and is also accompanied by the occurrence of other adverse symptoms. It can be very difficult for a woman to determine the difference between physiological and pathological secretions on her own.

Norm options

Physiological "darkening" of the vaginal secretion may be a consequence of the active release of ovarian hormones after the fertilization of the egg by sperm. In this case, the appearance of light brown scanty discharge can be a "signal" for a woman that her condition has changed and she is already pregnant.

If, at the same time, a woman notes a delay in the arrival of menstruation, and she had unprotected intercourse, then she should go for a pregnancy test. It is likely that it will turn out to be positive.

Another special condition in which a woman may have light brown vaginal discharge is implantation. At this time, the fertilized egg is "implanted" into the uterine wall. During such fixation, a small amount of blood may be released.

At the same time, blood droplets mix with the vaginal secretion, changing its color. Usually, a woman notices such a colored discharge as spots on her underwear.

Implantation is a completely physiological event. As soon as it stops, the color of the vaginal discharge also changes - they become, as before, rather light or even transparent.

Another possible reason for the natural "darkening" of vaginal secretions is the development of a special element of pregnancy - the mucous plug. It normally appears in the female tract to protect the small embryo from various infections.

When a mucous plug forms, a large amount of thick mucus begins to form. Over time, it mixes with the desquamated epithelial cells of the genital tract, leading to the fact that the vaginal secretion takes on a different color. It often turns creamy or brownish in color.

Possible pathologies

The appearance of dark discharge can be conditionally divided according to the duration of pregnancy. In certain situations, dark discharge from the genital tract can begin at the very beginning of pregnancy and persist almost until the very birth.

In the early stages

The reasons that contribute to the appearance of dark and even black vaginal discharge in the very first months of pregnancy can be very diverse. Doctors identify several of the most common of them.

Ectopic pregnancy

This pathology is directly related to impaired implantation of a fertilized egg. With this pathology, the fertilized egg is fixed not to the wall of the uterus, but to its appendage - the fallopian tube. The course of tubal pregnancy is not provided for by nature, since the fallopian tube does not have the same structure of the muscular apparatus as the main reproductive female organ - the uterus.

As the fertilized egg grows, the fallopian tube stretches. At the same time, the hormonal background begins to change in the female body. All of these specific changes can lead to sudden rupture of the fallopian tube and massive bleeding.

Adverse symptoms characteristic of an ectopic pregnancy often appear at 6-8 weeks from the moment of conception. In this case, a woman may develop dark brown vaginal discharge, which, as a rule, is accompanied by the appearance of pain in the abdomen. At the same time, dark discharge can be either abundant or moderate.

Infectious diseases of the reproductive organs

These pathologies are currently encountered in gynecological practice quite often. Such diseases are caused by pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi or protozoa. Also, this group of diseases includes all infections that are sexually transmitted.

It is quite simple to identify an actively developing infection. Usually, a woman has dark (even "dirty") vaginal discharge, which may have a yellowish or greenish tint. Also, with these diseases, itching and even swelling of the genitals may develop.

To eliminate adverse symptoms, a specially selected treatment is required. During pregnancy, especially in its first half, it is necessary to resort to the appointment of antibacterial agents in order to correct the violations that have arisen.

You should not do this on your own; before prescribing any antibiotic, you should definitely consult your doctor.

At a later date

The appearance of dark discharge in the last stages of pregnancy can be a sign of the development of rather serious pathologies. So, for example, some kind of infection may appear. In this case, the woman's general condition worsens, the body temperature may rise, and redness or itching in the vagina may appear.

If such unfavorable symptoms occur, you should not hesitate to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist. The doctor will conduct a mandatory clinical examination, during which he can suggest the cause that led to the development of such adverse symptoms. If necessary, the doctor will select an individual therapy regimen.

The obstetrician-gynecologist will tell you more about vaginal discharge in the next video.

Watch the video: Is It Normal To Spot During Pregnancy? PeopleTV (July 2024).