
Causes and consequences of moderate polyhydramnios during pregnancy

During its intrauterine development, the baby is in a liquid environment. This feature was invented by nature and is the most optimal for the growth of babies. In some cases, there is an increased formation of amniotic fluid. Doctors call this condition moderate polyhydramnios.

Why does it appear?

A healthy pregnancy is accompanied by the optimal formation of the required amount of amniotic fluid. There should not be too many or few of them. Such deviations from the norm contribute to the fact that pathologies begin to form in the expectant mother or her baby.

Amniotic fluid can also be called amniotic fluid. In a liquid medium, it is easier to dissolve all the necessary components that are vital for the baby to fully grow and develop. Also, in such conditions, it is much easier for the baby to make his first active movements.

Amniotic fluid is essential for multiple pregnancies. It allows you to create a "separate" space in the mother's tummy for each baby. This contributes to the fact that both children develop well enough and simply do not interfere with each other's growth.

The liquid medium is also a kind of hydraulic cushion. It protects the baby from external mechanical influences.

For the baby to develop well, the optimal temperature is maintained in the amniotic fluid. This allows all of the baby's organs to work in the required mode.

There are many reasons for an increased amount of amniotic fluid inside the mother's tummy, where the baby lives. Reviews of many women who have already become mothers indicate that this clinical condition was quite often recorded in them.

The most common reasons for the development of this pathology in expectant mothers are:

  • Past infections. Most often, various viral or bacterial infectious diseases are the culprits for the development of this condition. If a pregnant woman becomes ill in the early stages of pregnancy, then this situation is most dangerous. It is at this time that all fetal membranes begin to be laid.
  • Placental pathology. Doctors identify a lot of different conditions that are accompanied by the development of placental insufficiency. This pathology is extremely unfavorable, as it contributes to a violation of the growth and development of the baby. The placenta is the main organ of pregnancy through which the baby receives all the necessary components for its growth and development.
  • Rhesus-conflict state. In such a situation, the Rh factors of a pregnant woman and her baby are different. This situation significantly complicates pregnancy, especially repeated pregnancy.

There are other reasons as well:

  • Severe pathologies of the internal organs of a pregnant woman. Chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system, diabetes mellitus and thyroid gland diseases increase the risk of developing this pathology.
  • Actively forming fetal anomalies. A defect in the structure of the digestive system, congenital pathologies of the central nervous system often provoke the appearance of a large amount of amniotic fluid.
  • Certain chromosomal and gene diseases. They are characterized by the fact that some breakdowns occur in the baby's genetic apparatus. Such pathologies can be suspected during screenings carried out at different periods of pregnancy.
  • Various features of the structure and location of the reproductive organs in women. Expectant mothers with a saddle uterus are at increased risk.
  • Large fruit mass. Women who are carrying too large babies are also in the zone of increased risk for the development of this pathology.
  • Gestosis. This pathology significantly worsens the course of pregnancy. It is much more difficult when carrying several babies at the same time. In such a situation, more careful medical supervision of the expectant mother is required.

How is it determined?

It so happens that the diagnosis of polyhydramnios is made at the very beginning of pregnancy. However, doctors believe that after all, this pathology can be accurately determined after 16-17 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, the placenta is already sufficiently formed.

In most cases, an increased amount of amniotic fluid determined by ultrasound... This test allows you to estimate its volume quite accurately. It is worth noting that an experienced physician may suspect this pathology for "appearance".

For this, he uses special clinical signs. In this case, the pathology is determined during the clinical examination. The doctor notices that the belly of a pregnant woman becomes quite large and somewhat "tense". Having this condition, many mothers note that they feel "hot flashes" and some heaviness in the lower abdomen.

A strong edema of the uterus, which increases in size under the influence of a large amount of amniotic fluid, leads to the appearance in them of such a feeling. This contributes to the fact that the genital organ begins to "swell".

In some cases, a woman even begins to feel fluid overflow in the abdomen. Usually, this clinical sign manifests itself well at a later stage of pregnancy - at 32-36 weeks. Such a symptom appears, as a rule, when the position of the body changes.

The child's activity also allows one to indirectly suspect this condition. In order for the baby to move actively, he needs enough water space. If it becomes too much, then the conditions for the child become less comfortable. This leads to the fact that baby's activity changes. Mothers can notice a change in the motor activity of their babies already at 20-22 weeks of pregnancy.

If, during a routine clinical examination, the doctor suspects this condition, then he will definitely send the expectant mother to undergo additional diagnostics.

In such a situation, she undergoes a gynecological examination, as well as an ultrasound scan. At later stages of pregnancy, Doppler and CTG are also prescribed. These methods will assess how well the baby is feeling in the mother's tummy.

If the expectant mother was diagnosed with polyhydramnios only during an ultrasound examination, it is not always correct. The error rate, especially in early pregnancy, is quite high.

All ultrasound examinations must be commented on by the attending physicianwho observes a pregnant woman and knows the peculiarities of the course of her pregnancy. In such a situation, as a rule, a revision of the opinion is required.

If you suspect an incorrectly performed ultrasound scan, it is better to double-check it, but with another specialist.

What is dangerous for the fetus?

The severity of the arising violations can be different. With a moderate process, they are not as pronounced as with a pronounced one. For most women with this condition, the pregnancy ended quite well, and they gave birth to quite healthy babies.

but it is not worth diminishing the significance of this pathology. Still, it is a deviation from the norm. This means that the risk of developing adverse consequences for the baby still exists.

An increased amount of fluid is also a threat to the development of various defects in the structure of his internal organs in a child. This can happen if the constancy of the internal fluid medium changes. In this situation, its chemical composition changes. This leads to the fact that the baby simply does not receive all the necessary components for its development.

The appearance of a large amount of amniotic fluid at an early stage of pregnancy can lead to an extremely unfavorable situation - its "freezing". In this case, an urgent interruption is required.

Unfortunately, the further growth of the baby becomes impossible in most cases.

If polyhydramnios is actively manifested at 34-39 weeks of pregnancy, then it can lead to various disorders that will manifest themselves during childbirth. Such pathologies can manifest themselves as a weakening of labor.

In this case the possibility of natural childbirth is significantly reduced. The doctor is more likely to choose to have a caesarean section. Surgical obstetrics will help reduce the risk of various birth injuries and serious injuries as the baby passes through the mother's birth canal.

Women suffering from polyhydramnios during pregnancy are at high risk of overmaturity. In such a situation, an induced (artificially induced) delivery is often required.

This is necessary in order to save the baby and successfully complete the pregnancy.


The selection of treatment tactics is carried out in each specific situation. Her choice is largely influenced by the duration of pregnancy, the initial state of the mother and the presence of concomitant diseases of internal organs, as well as the level of development of the child.

The prognosis for a moderate process is usually favorable. To normalize the general condition, the doctor will definitely recommend the expectant mother to normalize the daily routine. To do this, she should fully rest.

The longer the gestation period, the longer the rest pauses should be. It is best to spread them evenly throughout the day. A night's sleep of at least 8-9 hours is a prerequisite for improving the general well-being of the expectant mother.

If a woman feels the need to sleep during the day, she should not deprive herself of this opportunity. Most likely, in this way, her body simply tells her that it needs time and strength to recover.

Diet is also important. If the expectant mother does not monitor her diet, then this can worsen her pregnancy. Remember that for the full development of the baby, a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements is required. You should not neglect the use of multivitamin complexes prescribed by your doctor.

For more information about the causes and consequences of polyhydramnios during pregnancy, see the following video.

Watch the video: Ultrasound Video showing Polyhydramnios and other fetal anomalies. (July 2024).