
"Piracetam" during pregnancy: instructions for use

"Piracetam" refers to drugs, the effect of which on the development of the fetus is poorly understood, so they try not to prescribe it to pregnant women. However, there are indications when such a remedy can be used in expectant mothers, but only as directed by a doctor.

Features of the drug

"Piracetam" is produced by many manufacturers, both abroad and in our country, in several dosage forms. The most common of these are round or elongated tablets, covered with a yellow or white dense shell. Another type of drug for oral administration are capsules, which have an elongated shape, red-black or white in color. You can buy such "Piracetam" in boxes, each of which contains 10 capsules in a blister.

Besides, the medication is also presented with an injection solution... This type of medicine is produced in the form of a clear liquid, poured in 5-10 ml in transparent ampoules. They are sold in 5-10 ampoules in one box and are used for injections into muscle tissue or into a vein.

Both types of drug work through one active compound, which is also called "piracetam". Its dosage in capsules is 200 and 400 mg per 1 piece, in tablets - from 200 to 1200 mg in each tablet, and in an injection solution - 200 mg per 1 milliliter.

The inactive substances in different forms of the drug and in different companies differ, so they should be specified on the packaging of the purchased product.

How does it work?

Piracetam has properties to stimulate the production of compounds that affect brain function. As a result of such stimulation, metabolic processes in the brain tissues are more active, and resistance to the influence of harmful factors increases. This determines the scope of application of the drug - it is prescribed mainly by neurologists when it is necessary to improve the functioning of the brain or help it recover from various diseases or injuries.

Thanks to the use of "Piracetam", neurons become less susceptible to toxins and hypoxia, and thinking, speech, intelligence and memory improve. In addition, under the influence of such a drug in the vessels of the brain, blood circulation accelerates and the risk of blood clots decreases.

Can it be used during pregnancy?

The period of bearing a child is listed among the contraindications for all forms of medication, but sometimes you cannot do without it. But when appointing "Piracetam" to a particular woman in a position, the doctor must carefully weigh all the pros and cons. If the benefits of such a medication exceed its possible harm, then the specialist will prescribe injections or a solid form, but will have to closely monitor the expectant mother during treatment.

Since "Piracetam" can be dangerous during gestation, they try to use it only in situations where there is a real threat to a woman's health... Long-term studies on the safety of the active substance of such a drug for the fetus have not yet been, and tests with animals have shown a high risk of developmental abnormalities, therefore in the 1st trimester they try to avoid it, prescribing it only at a later date.

However, in the 2nd or 3rd trimester, treatment with this medication is also treated with increased caution, since the active substance "Piracetam" is able to pass through the placental barrier. This means that when it circulates in the bloodstream of the expectant mother, a certain percentage of the active substance will also enter the baby's blood, therefore, it can affect the condition of the baby.

When is it prescribed for pregnant women?

"Piracetam" presents a group of prescription drugs, which limits its free use. Expectant mothers can only prescribe it for health reasons, when such treatment is justified by the woman's poor condition. The drug is used:

  • with violations of blood flow in the brain;
  • to prevent ischemic stroke at a high risk of developing it;
  • with neuroinfections that affect the tissue of the brain or its membranes;
  • with severe intoxication, in order to protect the nerve tissues from damage;
  • in diseases of the central nervous system, which are manifested by impaired behavior, memory or intelligence;
  • with traumatic brain injury;
  • with epilepsy;
  • with depression and other mental disorders;
  • with severe hypertension;
  • with drug or alcohol addiction;
  • for the treatment of neuroses;
  • with sickle cell anemia.

The drug can also be used for serious diagnoses that affect the condition of the fetus, for example, with acute hypoxia, detachment of a small area of ​​the placenta or dysfunctions. For these pathologies, the medication is usually prescribed late in pregnancy.

As for the early aging of the placenta, this indication is not the basis for the use of "Piracetam".

To eliminate this problem, there are many safer and more researched drugs that are preferred if they find poor microcirculation in the placental vessels.

Contraindications and side effects

In addition to the child's waiting period, Among the contraindications to taking "Piracetam" are diabetes mellitus, kidney pathology, bleeding, intolerance to drug components and some other pathologies... The drug can also cause side effects, including hand tremors, muscle weakness, anxiety, drowsiness, problems with the digestive tract, weight gain, and so on. When they appear, treatment is stopped and a suitable analogue is looked for.

Instructions for use

The way of taking "Piracetam" is determined by its dosage form. The drug in capsules or tablets should be swallowed with plenty of water. The treatment regimen in each case is selected individually. Quite often, therapy is started with increased dosages, and then the daily dose is gradually reduced. The course of admission is usually quite long and can be up to 6 months.

During pregnancy, the most popular form of "Piracetam" is injectable, since the remedy is used for serious indications, and injections and droppers allow you to get a quick effect and exclude a harmful effect on the digestive tract.

The medication is administered intravenously or intramuscularly from 1 to 4 times a day, and the dosage is determined depending on the pathology.

For intravenous injections, the injection solution is usually added to a solution of sodium chloride or glucose, after which the diluted medicine is dripped for a long time, monitoring the patient's condition.


You can see different reviews about the use of "Piracetam" during pregnancy. Expectant mothers confirm that, despite the contraindications, doctors often prescribe this medication while waiting for the baby, but, as a rule, there are always good reasons for this. Nevertheless, many doctors, like patients, question the effectiveness of "Piracetam", therefore, they prefer other medications.

Although such a medicine helps with certain pathologies, it appeared on the pharmacy market many years ago, and over the entire history of its use, many analogues have been developed that have a higher degree of safety. They are often more expensive, but the criterion of harmlessness to the fetus is a more powerful argument.

What to replace?

The analogues of "Piracetam" in terms of the active substance are "Lucetam", "Memotropil", "Nootropil" and other drugs. They can be used in pregnant women for the same indications, but only under medical supervision. Instead of these funds, the doctor may prescribe other medications for the expectant mother.

  • "Glycine". This tablet is used for sleep disorders, severe fatigue, anxiety disorders, high blood pressure, encephalopathy and many other problems. It is safe for the fetus and can be prescribed at any stage of pregnancy.
  • "Pantogam"... Such pills are prescribed for hereditary diseases of the central nervous system, brain trauma, epilepsy, neuroinfections and other pathologies. They are prohibited in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, and at a later date can be assigned to expectant mothers if indicated.
  • "Ceraxon"... This injectable drug is prescribed for ischemic stroke, traumatic brain injury, or serious brain disease. It is permissible to use it while waiting for the baby as directed by the doctor.
  • "Encephabol"... Such a suspension can be prescribed for cerebrovascular problems, impairment of memory and thought process. It is used with caution during pregnancy.

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