
"Zodak" during pregnancy: instructions for use

Pregnant women need to be careful when taking any medications, including those against allergies. If, before pregnancy, some kind of antihistamine effectively helped to get rid of allergic symptoms, then after a positive test, you cannot continue to take it thoughtlessly. This also applies to such a well-known medicine as "Zodak".

Features of the drug

At the present time "Zodak" is presented in pharmacies in two forms - liquid and solid. Liquid medicine is drops with a yellowish tinge or colorless, with a faint smell of acetic acid. They are sold in 20 ml vials, and each milliliter of solution contains 20 drops. The solid form of Zodak is an oblong white tablet that is sold in packs of 7 to 100.

The active substance of both types of the drug is cetirizine in the form of dihydrochloride... It is contained in one tablet and one milliliter of liquid medicine at a dosage of 10 mg.

Additionally, the solution contains propylene glycol, purified water, acetic acid, glycerol, saccharinate and other ingredients. Auxiliary components of the tablet preparation are povidone, lactose, magnesium stearate, talc, macrogol and other compounds.

When and why is it used?

The main reason for drinking Zodak in tablets or drops is different types of allergies. This problem worries many people and is often associated with a malfunction of the immune system. As a result, a person's sensitivity to substances increases, to which usually no negative reaction occurs. It could be food, pollen, pet hair, or medicine.

When an allergen substance enters the body, it provokes changes that result in itching, swelling, skin rashes, runny nose and other negative symptoms. It is from them that Zodak relieves, since this agent blocks receptors for histamine - a bioactive substance that provokes allergic symptoms.

Judging by the reviews, taking the medication quickly enough eliminates puffiness, redness and rashes... Medication reduces the permeability of small vessels, relieves bronchial spasm, has an antipruritic effect.

And if the action of the allergen has ceased, then a few days after the use of drops or tablets, the manifestations of the disease completely disappear.

The drug is one of the most potent antihistamines that not only stop the development of an allergic reaction, but can also prevent its occurrence. The main advantage of "Zodak" is its quick effect, after all, an improvement is noted within 30 minutes after ingestion.

The advantages of this medication also include lack of sedation, drowsiness and dizziness. In addition, the effect of "Zodak" does not depend on the diet, the cost of the drug is called affordable, and the duration of its action is up to 24 hours, so you can drink it only once a day.

The remedy is in demand in the treatment of urticaria, hay fever, mild bronchial asthma, angioedema and atopic dermatitis. It is prescribed for conjunctivitis and rhinitis, if they have an allergic nature.

"Zodak" can also be included in the treatment of laryngitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis and other diseases manifested by swelling of the respiratory tract.

Are expectant mothers prescribed?

The waiting period for the child is included in the list of contraindications for all forms of "Zodak", which can be seen by reading the instructions for both drops and tablets. The reason for this is the lack of research on the effect of the drug on the fetus. Therefore, in order not to risk, doctors try not to use Zodak in pregnant patients, preferring safer analogs.

An especially strict ban on taking drops or tablets is valid in the 1st trimester, when any external unfavorable factor can harm the embryo and disrupt the process of laying down its organs. In 2-3 trimesters, treatment with "Zodak" is possible only in extreme cases. A doctor can prescribe such a medication for health reasons if allergy symptoms threaten a woman's health, and the use of other drugs is impossible.

It is important to note that Zodak is an OTC drug, that is, anyone can buy it at a pharmacy.

But this does not mean at all that it is allowed to use it for self-medication, especially during pregnancy. With uncontrolled intake of this medication, serious consequences are possible, therefore, no pills or drops can be taken by your decision.

Contraindications and side effects

In addition to the prohibition while carrying a child, "Zodak" should also not be used in case of hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients of the medicine. The drug can harm patients with renal insufficiency, as well as with increased convulsive readiness and epilepsy. Even if there are no contraindications for its use, in some patients "Zodak" causes:

  • dry mouth;
  • angioedema or other immediate form of allergy;
  • dyspepsia symptoms;
  • rapid fatigue or drowsiness;
  • migraine;
  • dizziness;
  • sleep disorders.

In rare cases, taking pills or liquid form of the drug leads to tremors, fainting, decreased platelet count, increased heart rate, weight gain, loose stools, and other negative symptoms. That is why only a doctor can prescribe it for allergies, even if there are no serious diseases.

What to replace?

In addition to the usual "Zodak", in pharmacies you can also find "Zodak Express"... This is also an antiallergic drug in tablets, but its action is provided by levocetirizine. He has the same indications and a fairly quick therapeutic effect, however, during pregnancy, such a drug as "Zodak" is contraindicated.

There are also many analogues of "Zodak" in terms of the active substance ("Zirtek", "Parlazin", "Tsetrin", "Allertek", "Cetirizin Hexal", "Zinset" and others). All of them affect allergy symptoms in one way, they are used for the same diseases, and are available in solid and liquid forms. However, in the instructions for all such funds, it is noted that it is impossible to prescribe them while carrying a child.

Among the antihistamines approved for pregnant women can be called "Claritin". But this drug is prescribed to expectant mothers with caution. It is presented in tablets and syrup, and is used in the treatment of hay fever, urticaria, allergic dermatitis and inflammation of the conjunctiva.

Another anti-allergic agent used during pregnancy is "Fenistil". Such a medicine in drops is contraindicated in the first trimester, but can be used in 2-3 trimesters under the supervision of a specialist. It is prescribed not only for allergic diseases, but also for skin itching caused by other diseases, such as chickenpox.

You can also eliminate itching with forms for external use (emulsion, gel) - such "Fenistil" can be used even in the early stages, if the doctor sees the need for it. At the same time, the skin is processed to a limited extent, especially if it is inflamed or damaged.

Such popular antihistamines as "Tavegil", "Suprastinex", "Diazolin", "Elset" and "Erius" are prohibited during pregnancy. But even drugs that are allowed for expectant mothers are unacceptable to use on their own, if they are not approved by the doctor. There is no complete confidence in the safety of antihistamines for the unborn child, so such treatment must necessarily be under the supervision of a doctor.

If a pregnant woman has signs of allergy, one should not run to the pharmacy, but contact a competent allergist or immunologist who can choose the right therapy for her. If a woman is prone to allergies, a woman should limit the influence of allergens as much as possible, for example, get rid of feather pillows, change clothes often, remove dust, exclude synthetic detergents, have less contact with animals and try to adhere to a hypoallergenic diet.

Watch the video: Zodak - Success Ft Vishon u0026 Splash One Lyrics Video (July 2024).